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<br /> y....���-�.:< ..+. - " - w '�. ._.se. - �- ----�
<br /> t
<br /> • ��— ������APPLf# 3fl1-60528Q42
<br /> +
<br /> 11.�.Gg1�$A1�i'I`�1�'�D�,�E1Ad 1�1VD���JPi`�`g`I01�S�OI.I�Y Ii���
<br /> NO�'ICE: 'I'�YIS LBJAN IS N�'� ASSU�A�LE �iI1'�IO�JT
<br /> 'I'I�I� APPFZOV�iL, O� TI� DEPA1tTNi��;T OF �lE'T�I�►NS _
<br /> .'. �I,Y � 1996 ,Ead is iac�garn3�!�to and shall be d�ned[9 2�nend 2nd supplement the
<br /> Mpr�gage,D�of Tcast ar Deed m S�ure Uebt(henin "Seauity Instrument") dated of even daic kaewith,
<br /> give�byr the imdersigned(hciein�`Baaawer")m�t Hoimw�a's Note w
<br /> �� a�� :
<br /> 8nd coveiing the Ptngetty de�catbed'w ths Secutity In�t�td 1nca2ed eL .
<br /> _ 4oa� rmrrc�s�r -
<br /> _- GP.AND ZSL�ND, Id1�3RA�3LiA fi8803
<br /> (Pcoperry Addmas)
<br /> VA GUARANTEED LOAN COVENANT: Ia addi�n fo the sovenaats and a�eeuients m�de in the Sec�iry
<br /> ' Iastrameat,H�rrower and Leuder faithel cove�ant and agr�e as follaw�
<br /> ;�° tf the�dtb2eda�ss secuted hereby be ga�secd or msu��a eercdei 15�He 3E.Uniced Stat�,s Cade.surb Tide snd .
<br /> RegWa3im�s issned thaeamder and in effea on the date lt�eaf s6all govesn the rights, dades�d tiabi"�CS' �f
<br /> • Ba�rawrr aad Leader Any pzovigioas of the Sec�uity L�sL�►t�other insuumeats executed in�aran wid�
<br /> '..�, said inQxbtedness whiah ace int�nsisteact with said Title os Regniations.mcluding,but aot limited m.1he pmvi�an
<br /> fnr paymeat of�y s�m oann�ctiinn witb Qm,paymenz,of the s�ed'mde6tedness and the�ttavi�an Wat ti�e
<br /> � L�der may a�ocel�ate paymemt of tt►e s�mdebtedness pu�.mawt tn Coven�t 17 of tha Saamty Insnvmeat,�e
<br /> tcereby ame�ded ot ner�ated to the ealtEnl ueressar�►to co�6sHm Such inctrnm�tu said Titis ar Regtilnrions.
<br /> LA1E CHAR(i&At Irndar's op��.Barmwea wU pay a••late c1�e,•ao8 exoeeding fuur per ce�wm(49b)of
<br /> ' the weadue pa}m�eut w�n paid mare thaz�6f'�(1�days atier the dne dafe ther�of tn cover the exaa eapense
<br /> i.�volv�in m2udting d�linquent paymeats,bnt sacb"tat�charge"shall not be payabla mrt mf���of�y
<br /> �mzdz to satisfy the�ct�biednes�s seaued hcaeby,ucz'ess susb yiooeeds.are soffici�t m tice�
<br /> �:;.:
<br /> �z�s agd all pmper cost4 a�d e�seQ►red hereby.
<br /> . � GUARANt'�:SAoald thz Deparuue�t of Veter�s Af[ai�fm1 or�fuss w issae itg guasaaty tn fnll ama�mt within
<br /> . r ,. 60 days fm��3x ds,tte t�aa tJ3's ioaa w6si4d normaAy 6ecume elig,�Is for s�ub guaranry committed upon by the
<br /> . IIe�n�t of Ve3�aan.�l.:,ifiau�s innc�thepm vis,ions o�f TitIs 3f�af the US.Ca�e "Vetaans Benefi�." the
<br /> , Muri�ee may dcctace d�:i�c'.r.;aisdaess derehy sec�red as aace das�pay�able�d�aay fazec2o�im�edianely�r
<br /> may ex�any otbr�eib��t�aevudPx or tace any other pmper actiam as by law pm�cided. .
<br />� ' 1RANSFEtt�DF'1gi8 PItOPffitTY:If all oz any part of t�e Prapaty ar any mteaest in it is snld or aadsfared,thi�
<br /> ,- taan m�y be doctared imme�distety dux agd payabie a�en�rsfer(•`�mptioa'�af the pmpc�tey�a�cving smch
<br /> • d�an m any Umnsferee (••a�mnez„). anless the aoccgt�bil�ty of d►e assvmption �d E�ansfcr of this turu is
<br /> �ablisited by tA:De,�une�i of Vetr�s Affaus ar its�uthorized agent puisaant W Secilon 3714 of(�apt�s 3T,
<br /> ' T§de 38.Umted St2t�Cod�
<br /> An a�rhariz�t�r�nsfee(••a�►pti�m,•)of the praperty st+all alsa 6e�¢ir�ea to addidnnal cav�uan:t�.and a�amenis . -
<br /> �` . . as setfa:thb�7a� .
<br /> � :i (a)�S S�J14�P!tbi3��L�.'Z�11iWG F�:A feeequal� tm ca�half of Ip�t(.50��of d�e impaid balanoe af dais
<br /> � �:�? taan ps o�ti�date o ��ri'rr of tho property shall bo paya�bte at the dme af oc�sfer tn the Qwrtgagee ar i�
<br /> : au�Oaized r,�^�t.�5 trusts�,:�nr tha�D ��neat of Veteram�Afl'aus.If��fa�7s w pay tfiis fee at the t�ne of
<br /> trtms4'ez.th�f.���k1 oanstiN�a a�a tlnna!debt to that a#re�dy sec�tz�by this ins��nmeat,sba116rar intrre.st at the
<br /> tate fz�ei��;�3.�,and,ai tha ogiion of ths mort,gagee of tt�e.iu�t�ne�hereby seca�ed m aoy��e
<br /> � � dsaoof.s�T3�=Ls�y du�and payable.'J1�is fee is aawmatacaIIy waived if the assmner is exempt aud�s tu�
<br /> • �vi��sc�"s:3U.S.C.3?�(c)..
<br /> � . @} et.s��tu:�.v?;',��+�A�OCESSIN(3 CHAR(iE: Upen ayFY,'c�on for �proval w a11aw a�sumptaoa �.ti ,
<br /> ;: tnmsfer c�u�1ri�i�c�„a:�r.+a°,ssing fa� ybx charged by ehe ma ot��s aucho�zod s�gent far deteamming t�e
<br /> , 't: � �t:s rJF t6�,:x:w~um� aad��bseqv�ntly revi�ing the ��'s ownership rocerds whea an apgrnved
<br /> �' �:. tiaosfd is��:'.�Til�unoaat of 4�is charge shull not exc�ed t�e tes�of the mauimum euablished by the
<br /> , °,,:�`• � D�n�►t oi Vttr.���tl�.�airs for a ta3n w whi�Q�Sectiot�3714 af C6aptrr 37.'fitle 38,Un�ed States Qude
<br /> appliES m ur�y c��n g:sscdbed by epplicubl�State law. .
<br /> � (e)AS�&""�RTON II�1DSI►'RVITY L1ABD�'i'Y:If this obtign�d is assumeQ th�the�ssnmer heiebY�Fi�
<br /> ,, w assu�ne r�A cff tt�e o f�atiaas of tho veter��mder tlus tenns af t��rummts�ng and aczauing thz taz�.
<br /> iacdttdin3 tt�cs oUflgatF�on of th�vetuan w in3�nify tlta 12e.paztmeat af Vetaaas Affaire to the�t of rsay cinlm
<br /> . i; pay,t�ti 8rising from th3 gubrunty or insurance of tha inde�tedn�ss cmatcd by this insuumeat
<br /> .. �
<br /> IIV Vli'11��S��EOF.Bonawea(c)6a�s exe,sated d�s V.A.Guar�teed Lo�an�Assiunption Poticy Ridrp.
<br /> ,
<br /> -- �ANIfiL B SCARROW -Baimtivcr KAY L OW -Bm�ower
<br /> " -Borrower -$�aawet
<br /> _ �•�,s�tneos� srBA �; !I N �
<br /> VUP YOATpA6�FOAM9•(800152t.7201 II��I��I��������I,��I�����:�����
<br /> ._�'..� � a a�a
<br /> .
<br /> , ..�..... �__..�._�_ ,�—. �_____,�.,..---------�--_ - . . ,. . .
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