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<br /> _ . 16.Barrcaa�eer's Copy. Bonowea sLaIl be given one canfaru�e���+y�f tt�e i�Fc�az�d c.'�S�.wauity InsY�umEnt ---r
<br /> r'
<br /> � 1 9.'E Y���o f t�:F 1 r a�s� Q�e�e��s�!I n i e�B�n B n r r o�f e s. I f a ll o r a n y p a r t o f t h s P r o p�t y or an y interest in it�
<br /> - so2d or ar�lF�red(or if a ben e�'a l inte�est m BuTmwea is sald o�t�raasfeared and B�amwa�a is not a nanua!g�on)wi�tout -_ ' .
<br /> am
<br /> Ix.nder's prinr w ri tt a�c o n s e a�L a i d e r m a y,a t i t s op t i rn+.r e q u�r e im��S�a�pg y II+�e�tt iI1 full Of ell ss�ms stxti�te�by lhis SeCUrity . _
<br /> Instcumeai However,tIvs optinn shcill not be exe�sed by I�ndes�4 exercase is pro�uTo�d by fedeaal l�w as of the date of this
<br /> $ECIIIILS►TOSI11IIA8AL '�,i���:y
<br /> S
<br /> If Leader ex�cises this aptIon.Lea�der sfall give Hairowea notice of gscels�ation.'E9te norice shall pmvide a perfod of aot less _�.y;._.�:
<br /> ll
<br /> than 30 days from ths date the n�tic�is deliveted os m�ii�within which Hormwer must pay aU surtss securod by tius Socurlty -- _. _ .
<br /> Insuumen�If Barrowea faiLs t�pay t�ese,strm��i�Iai t0 the expira3ion of d3is peziod,Lender may invoYe any remed�es pamitted
<br /> P Y
<br />-- by this Sesurityr Ias�ment wttl�ut furt&er�tk�nr d�^�d on Baamwex.
<br /> 16.Borravver's[ttg6t tn Refhsfate Yf Boirowea meets certain conditions. Borror�er shall have the aght 1� tYave `�;�-°-'-�
<br />' enfore��n�t of this Secutity Lssuument discantinuzd o3 any ticne prior w the earlier of: (�) S days(ar sach other period av „�u�,-.
<br /> appHeabl$iaw may spec�'fy for ceinatatemeat)�€ose sai�of ihe Propeaey p�ssuant w any poveer of sale conteine�in tbLs 5ecunty ����d�::�:_
<br /> Iasttumcni;or(D)eniry of a judgment eafoncing th'ss Se�urIty Instrament lhose Exindarians are t�t Banower:(a)pays Lender all �,:�,�_-
<br /> - sums wAicb tlsew woutd be dae�tbis Secsuity Lus�umr�t and the Not�e as if ao acceteaalion had ocxuired:@)au�w anY ��;_�-::
<br /> defanit af any other covenauts or agtremeas�;(c)PaYs a!1 eipe�es i�+cutred in eaiforc�g this Secauity Instrum$at,including,but �,;-���.nr_-�
<br /> noi limited m.reasunab2e atmraeys'fees:and<d)�cas sucb astion as Leuder may reaso�bly reqaire m ass�tte ttsat the lien of ttus �.�---�
<br /> , ���•-:==_=_:
<br /> S�ty Inst�nunent, Leader's rights in the Propea�y ansl Amrowea s oblig,aticm tn pay tk� sums seanred by this Securit5+ -- _
<br /> ,. Ipstivmel�L sh�Sl t�n�¢e ua�h�nged. UpoD reincmr�mguL by Ha�wea. th?s Seamty Insdvment aad t9�e obligauons sec�red �,....-.,-
<br /> w Ba
<br /> hereby s6a11 temain fully effective as if ao accelesation h3d ocwned.Iiflweve�r,d�right tn reinsiate shall noi apply in the case of {�-;,1�::;:___:
<br /> accel�atiDA untI�pamgraph 17. �.
<br /> a ce
<br /> 19.Saie of Plote;�Cbaage of l.aan Servioer. 'Ria Nnte ar a garGal mterest in ihe Note (tn8ethca witb this Secarity ;;a_:-_-
<br /> s'i� Instrameat)muy be sold one or more d�es withont piiar natice to A�rowa.A sate a�ay resNt ia a change in the entiiy(1�own _ -
<br />;:',r,:,,.,� as the"I�aa Servwer")t�ai collects m�onthl p3ym�ts dus tmder t��Noie and this Secarity Insnumc,nt'lhere a/so may Ue aae or ----- -
<br /> mae chm�ge$of tSne Loan Seavicer�mreta�tn a sa!$�f tf�e NQ�.If there is a change of the Loaa Seavicer,Boaower w�l be � -�
<br /> , givea writt�n uotcce of the change in accardauce wiih pa�aph 24 above and a�:plieable law.'Ihe nosice we71 saate the��d �__-�-�.._
<br /> - � acRdress of the aew Laan.Sesvicer aa�the addcess oo wluch payments shou�l�e made.'I1ie nodce an'0 aL�o cauta'vu sny� -.------
<br /> - i��ar�_on iegaire�by ts�s�s�Cable law. - --
<br /> 256.�'t4oav 5���--.� Baaawer shall na8�ztse ar geaa� the ps-�cc. use, disposal, stntage,�r ce�ease af zny �.
<br /> �€a�rdons Sub�nces on or in the P�a�ty.Boanwer sbaU uflt d+a.eur altow anyone eLse w do,�►Y����8��Y —
<br /> �at is m vir•,��tinn of an�r EavuonmPantal Iaw.��g�eocdiag t��ces shaU not agpty m the pnsence.ose.Qs�e cfu e'�e
<br /> L�opeKy of smull qnanhues of Ha�ardous Subs�tuat aze ge�itY recoSnized to be apgmpriate w nmrm�J a��aIl c�es ��;_-,_
<br /> - �td w mau�t�nanae of the Prope�ty. •�,:•..—%.:-
<br /> Baimw�shall pmmPUY S�e Lender w�iuen srati�of any Brvespgation,claim,demmnd,lawsuit or ad�si acctiann by any --- j
<br /> gavemmenmt or regutatmy agency or piiwate party�+�Iving the�perty►and any Harardons Substance�r I6ass�vn�ae�ttaal!Law °—__—
<br /> of which 8acna�ver has acG�al Imowted�.�Barmwer leams,aY i�r�rif�ed bY�Y 8ove�nme,aral or negn�:�orai9,d�any
<br /> �-, mmoval ar other remediation ofanq�v1sm�'.,uas Snbstance affeamg the Praper[y�s ne�ssary,��sowe,r sn�;�.�m�`i�r.�e aD
<br /> necess,ary cemerHal acdons ue ae��•�B�v�snmen�i Laar. i —
<br /> As wed � t1US par�graph ZQ, Fla�aidons Su3�:�xes" ar�th6se subs�;�s�3e�'med as wxic oY t�'.���.s subsL�ne��a�+ —
<br /> Envuonmental Iaw aad 'tLe fallowutg su�stan� ;�aline, 3cemseue, o� �arrrmable or toxic petralda��mducts, urt�
<br /> pesaddes and.T�bicideS�1ats�e soiveuts,cnateri2`��ou�taming aSbesWs os fars�U�fiYde.and rad'saacdve�a.��:As�in
<br /> this�pb,�rD."Envimnmenial Iaw"means fed�ai laws and L��s of���cbinn where dee Pcoperru=��d�c���1P
<br /> �D�S3�Oij'1`IIl CIIV1I0f11A?dit2�pIOfECfI07l. � '��`
<br /> NON-Ul►Ii�ItM COVENANTS.Bomowea ar..��3ra.fiuther oove�t�agree as follows: ,
<br /> 21.Aca�d:t�lEnn;Ptemc.�s.Le�der s6RI1 ge��i�`.,ae to Borrower priar�a acoeleratton foDowing�ks�r+�rer'g 6reach ot
<br /> , any covenAat�er agreement in tlnis Securitg Csx�u�ment (but not prior to aoce�t�on under I�SgaP� 17 ant2ss t,`."`��"—
<br /> ,��.•. apDjtcable istm�p�vWes otherwise).'�ilce rrr;��lmll sper3fy:���t�fe dePuatt:(b)tbe a�tton reqnired to c�rrz We ddaWt.(c)
<br /> � a daQe,aat detu�tE�n 30 d�s tmm c�re ct�ue c�avtice is giefiur tie Barrower.6y w�ic4i¢it�defanit�a�st 6e cared3 a�(�
<br /> �, tDs�3 taBurs�o cmre t�e defaWt oa mr 6dare the d�:spec3f�az t6e na�e enay resuTt i�n aoceientton af 3rie sumv seeured .--
<br /> � by t63s S�rli��instr�s�ant aad sa1�e ot t�r Fr�tt�.The nflUce ah�f�inform Borrower oQ tiY�ef�6t to reL�state --- --
<br /> aft�rr aaa�nn ead tbe rtgdt to Dr3ng e comr m�on to Ass�rt tbe���Lnsnce ot e dePanIt or�.s�t6er dtfeose ot _ __
<br /> ' Bo�rrawer to ac�+eferatioa and sate.U tha detauit iv aat�u�cd�am ar betore the date spe�3f'�!in t�e mr��,Lender,at i� �'
<br /> optiote,�A9��imffic�dfate pay�mt fn taD of�fl suim��a+�by tt�fs S�ity Instr�ment witbaat fi�v demand --- __. -
<br /> �nd maq innot�tbe pawcr of sak and any otGar c-,�rtedies pera3iited by applicabte d�w.Lender stiaIl�6s entitied to Colkd -�-�T�
<br /> , aD eapea,as inunrre0 ia pmsuing the remedie��tarR:�e�d'ut f3�s par�ge�a�h Zl,inclading,but¢a4 ffim#7ts➢fo,eeasonabte
<br /> atMraeys'fets and c�ts of titia evidenae
<br /> r U tbo�ocaar o?s�Ie ts iavo��l,'i5rastce s�2iS�a�r��m:i�ae ot defanit in each county in w�'�f suy p�r�r5C the --
<br />�%�" .�I PropeHy Is Ene�ted and sbali maU copks a!sa,rfi cr�dce ia t�arxnt�er pr�k�d by aD��mlx Iac�¢�Eiotea�er a*�4o the �.�v:�:�,:
<br /> ;;:^�:�� otber pers�n P�rscribed by syptica6le law�r 4is�2 time eequired py�p�!'sc�bie law•'Prastee sLsD�pnDik ca't€re oi �`••;4�`:";�;
<br /> s�{e to t�a p�ons aud i�tbe n�annv pres�n'ba�k�appTicu�Ie taw 7Yustce,�ritLaat dem�tf on Bo�,�er,slwD seD t6e
<br /> ,; �;� Ptopeaiy at pabi�s a¢atQon to the 69ghest bidder¢3 iPie tFnne uat!plue aa�nnder t6e terms desigt��i�tftz am�o!s�te �'�-'°``�"
<br /> � Fo�m aoza srso
<br /> ��Y(P01�)@3tz).o� Papssole mitta;r. .- --- � .-'
<br /> 793-5 =-..-.__—
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