`. _ - �� . ta ..—.._ . •}� ' • `�'�t'—.-=-�;-__rt=., �- - ' _,_,_.�.:- �,�.:....,-_.`.
<br /> `�F�—.
<br /> a ��� �`4'
<br /> 9� ����.
<br /> �.. 'i'QGETF�Et�'r£ITi ail)t2ce i,*lprovedneats n�w a�hea�itca eaected an the groperty.$.-�d ali��ents�agpurtenances.aad
<br /> 6xaar�s anw�hereaftra a pan of Qus p�nperty.All repl�aeats and Prtditions shall silso�oovea�ed by Uus 3ecuriry Insuumsm. `
<br /> �'>:� �.,_
<br /> �`— �oi ta:foregoing'ss re3aa+z�W in tI�is�ec�uiry Insaumeaa as tae��rro�saty., �:.
<br /> - �OitR4WE_.R C�VENAPi'i'S 4?��Sarmwer is L3wfillty sc.ised�f t!�c�tate hraeby conveyed and has the right to grant�ad �,;,.
<br /> convrey ttte Pra�+ end that t�c Propc�ty is unencumbered,exrepi for encumbrances of rerard. Borrowcr�w�anss an�will '�' -�
<br /> P t3+ �Y��,;
<br /> dafead geae�aSty iJ�e ttite tn t3ie Pc+a�c.-ry agEinst ail cl�ims and demands,subjact tn aa�earaunbrsnces of reoord. �:a_'.
<br /> THIS SECiJIiI1Y INSTRiJP�PiI'combin�s uniform covenants for natianal use sad nen-uniform wvwants with limiteti jF�-�=
<br /> vsristinns hy jiuisdictioa tn consiitut,z a�ifami s�cry ins�umeat covering real pmperty. °t`-''-
<br /> LJNIFORM COVLNADTIS.B�owea and I.eader coven�t an8 agree as folloar�
<br />:�.-=,;; 1.Faym�i af Print�pa!a,�d I�L�rest:Pre�ayac�t aad I�L2 Cttarges. Bos�owea shaIl prompuy pay when due the --_
<br /> ,^�; pri��cipal af and'mter.,st ass the d�st evid.e�ced by ihe Pi�e sud aay pse�sayme�i and laie charges d!���ce Noi�. �=�.
<br /> ;.:� �
<br /> ��.�
<br /> Z.Faads[or Tmces aacd IBSUazrs� Su7;ect to aFplicable lav� ar to a writo�n waiver by L.�dea, Pr,nmv�er shaII pay to �;��e-_
<br /> Lea�dea on the day maatSilY PaYa�eats are due uBdec�.''��Iate.�.t�e Pia•�is paic!in fia11,a su�("F��"`1}f.�!a}yeazIy taxes ��;�;'
<br /> - -�:• ,�.d a�s���*,+�wt�icA raay zmm.gr,a3ay over t�s 3e�e�•'�s��ent as a lien on t�e Pmgerty;(b))�d.�.itam��2d ga�erits �,-...-
<br /> �.� L�e
<br /> � � �a��-�r1t u�ts on e�e��if anY:f��3�7'haz�'3'oT�::.surance N°�um.�;(�Ye�3Y flQOu-�Prec�is�:.if .: ,.�
<br /> ���i �r,,—,�--�c-rf� ,rtm��r�anY sums Payable hy Soraower to I�ud,er,i��rdance wim the �5��
<br /> ---�.: ��:(e)Y�Y�`�_ '�-,
<br /> _��'',,h . pxovisions of pa:agrap6 i�. in lieo of�paym��aias�age insurance premiams.�hese iiems ara� "Fsca�ow Itr,ms." �_
<br /> -- Lemdea may,as any tirne.coltect and hD2d Funds in an amauni aot ta exceed die maxim�2mwmt a Iea�dar far a fe�deiaIIy related e�r-�:
<br /> mortpge laan may sequue fur 8anawer's escrow accnunt imder the federal Real Estaie Seu2eme�t Fracedaras Act of 1974 as _�-
<br /> . emem►i�A fmm time m tla:e.12 US.C.SECdan Z601 et aeq. ("RESPA").anless enather law tLai applie3 tn We Fr.mdv sets a le.sser
<br /> amo��, IP so.Lenda cna}►,at any time.ooibzct sad hnid Fnnds in ea amouat aat to eacad she lesser amounL L�der may
<br /> esnmuc tAe a�aunt af F1mds duc ao the buis of curreat da�and r�anabSe eslLnates oF exy�sdiaues of futwc�F.sc�aa Itc�s or x-°'`
<br /> otlkrwfw in a�wNf��pptlabSe taw.
<br /> 'Ctu+Fu�6s s1�U de�I�an inufwtion wM�so depostts sso Insurcd Dy a fcGaal eger�y.lastrument�lIty.ar en�ty(includiag - -
<br /> 1.ettQa�.!t L�eat4a is sueh en ^. �?i4n)o�In�tty Fcda�!Hotn�i.oati Hattic.Leed�rs sfl�ll spply the Funds W�ay tt�Fscmw <<:__,
<br /> Itcros.t�cndrx rtu►y nat char�e Ba�wu[ar holdiag sad applyi�g t6e fiunds.ana�Jy ana�yxing�l�c csaow accoua4 as vcrifYing _-
<br /> �hs�crow(tc,m��uakss L�dc�pays Bocrower inurest on We Funds aad appllcabk isw pertnits Lx�de�w make such a cAarge. ;--�--
<br /> Howavcr.lcndcx muy rcquira 8osrower ta pay a on�tirae char�e fo�an independent real eslat�tax reporau�g servtce used by --
<br /> l�der in connectlor with tAis 1nan.untcss applicabte law provides o�aarise.Unt�ss m�t is ma8e oz apDlic�bte itiw �•=_
<br /> . requt:cs interrst to be pa3d,leada ahall aot 6e roqair�d to pay Bmmwcr sul�Interest or eamiags on the Foa�s.Ban�ower and _._
<br /> . Leadcr may agrxe in wri6ng,Rowever,t8at i�terest shalt be paid on the Fands.Lra�dea sUall give to B�rowQ.wi�aut charge.au
<br /> annnal accannang of the Funds.shawing credirs aud detsfts�o the Fands aad tae purpose farr which each debit tn tt�e Fiu�ds��srs �*=°-`_
<br /> made.7he Funds are ptedged av additi�nal secur�y fo�alt snms sec�red by t�is S�arit�r�ns�mneat _
<br /> If the Fands hetd by Lender aaoeed thc amcHmts�rmitred to be held by applicabte law,Lendu sLait accauat to Bosrower for �.__
<br /> ,.�. die excess Fnnds m accardance witb t1;e raq�ecaca►ts off applicah2e taw.If 4he a�ount of dae Fuads helfl by Ler:dei 2t an�4'�e is
<br /> . not su�ciEnt to pay the£scaow Ite�s when d�l,et�der may so aotify Bomawea in wredng,and,im sttch casz�'oraau�et str�]P3Y
<br /> w Leader the amoimt necessary to maYe up the de�iaency.BoimweJ shall make ap the de�icieacsr��snorc than 1welve
<br /> . ��Y PaS►m�ts.atLer�dea's so2e divaeiton.
<br /> U�on payment is�falt Qf ait smms�ciaed by t�as Seciaity Ias�aenk Leader shall pr�jt refur.d��ouower any F�ufs �-
<br />,:-'.��. � he2d by Iraa�a.If,�pa��A�n,T.��der sLall acquire ai sed!tha P�aperty,Iendea,ls+r�ga�.acq�sidon os sate of the
<br /> ���''� Prapeny,�aU apply a�y Funds h.,ei�'�.�+y H�r tsi the dme of�risitian or saIe as a caed,3c�rLr���ns socured by ttnis - -
<br /> '':�. SOC�ity InstrqnSeaL .
<br /> . ` 3.Applictttion vQ�y��ts. �T�app���aw prqv�,�s ome�wise.atl paym�tc received b��andet�s
<br />,-;."�. ';�f; � 1 atu12,�"�...�U 6e applied:fust,to ar�.prepaymei►t sh�ge3 dta.�3es dse Not�seeond.to amouuts pays�tU�,undcr pat�,.,'^aph 2: -
<br />:::;;� .:s:,;, � t�ird.aa��:d�ZSt d�Sa�nh,tn Primd��and tast.w any tate�arges dae iu�der the Note. � � ..`"
<br />`�.' ' ,.. .0.1�'�asgea:Ltens. Boncowret s�i�pay all tenes.SSSessraeaLS.charges.�rses and Imyosifions attrsa�le.fo.t�s��?re�petty —
<br /> ,,,, , -,; ,;: .�..:;,,
<br /> •' ' w�cb may attam prlOriry avet this Seciuiry Iasamment,and kau,hold paym�ts 6r gtaund reats.if any.F�at�u shall pay the9e _.,
<br /> .� �t � � ob2igetians in the manner�rovided in pa�agrapb 2,ar if not paid in tt�at maaaer.Bomawer shall pay thes��ttz°�:ne directI*�to�e �-
<br /> ;;t � 'E'' pason owed pay.meat Batower s6a:2 prom�tiy fumish to Leader all noaoes of mnnuats w be paid�r th'ss�a=zgra�h. If �..�-:
<br /> ' Boimv�er maYes these payments dire�dt�.Borrower sha]1 promptly fiunish w L�ender recei�ts e���Ydta^xnig e�e payments•
<br /> ;,., ,;: .
<br /> ;-�;;�', Banowa shall PrompfiY dischaT�any Il�en whicl�has priorIty over this Sec�ity�n.,��t:u�fi�.cower.(a)agites in --
<br /> � :.y'��� �� wriacg m the paymeat of the oblig�n seaued by tf�e li�in a manne�acceptab2e w I.eader;(b)c�i..�ioo��:goaf faIth the 4ien -----
<br /> .� ,����;:,, :. hy. oa.�°ferads against enforcemant of the lien in, le�at Pracee�mSs wLicb in the lreuder's opmit�;��q�ate w prevent t4�e _
<br /> h
<br /> ..�. ,;f�,a� . —
<br /> .,;r�," .::,,}. _ �;_ �:.`�act of the 1ien;ae(c)sea.�ss from the hold�of We lien an agceemea�t sarisfactor8 ta Z.endet s�".�rdinadn��lieu to
<br /> `'�,�:;t� Qiis 5e��iy Ir�snvr�a►�IP L�endes�mines ttmt any pace of the Fmperty is subject to a F�n��eh c�ay��r�ver this
<br /> ;:"�1�+Y�Y`.�� � Sec�uity Insfivmea�Ecadrr may give Borrower a not'sce idenafying the lien.Sonower st�+]s�ti��cya�or taks one or more
<br /> '''�1;4'�t� oftheecrionasetfartRaboveaitAinlO
<br /> daya of the�ainB of natice.
<br /> '��+' Fonn 804�OI�O
<br /> `.'iP
<br /> ', .,a, �-6Y(N�to�+a�.o� vap�2ote . muitrs: _
<br /> �:•' • ---
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