. .
<br /> ..
<br /> -. (_• i, �. ' . ' ' ' _' R... _. _ _'.y:-,-"� �. 'i� ` - ,'.
<br /> 1�' � .1� -��'Y•n w�n'n+v -li�i�..`.:-
<br /> _�:_
<br /> .�G �T
<br /> � 7.EmLvnt Damairt.Lendar Es heraCy esslgned cll compensflt[on,ewards,dama�es and ott�ar�ymentn or rn:laf,€i�as¢[nafter•Proceeds°;a o `�R_.
<br /> tn ennnectian vriM condemnsUon or othxr tektng of the Froperty or part thareaf,or for comroyznce In Ilou of oorUmr.natian.Lender sieaA
<br /> . �s_,
<br /> tal�en or damaged,tender shafi have U►a optfon in its sota End sbsoluta discretton,to appt�ail sua�Frocas�u,aftlrr daductin�tAurefram � :
<br /> . a1i COSIe and t97�ensey ineu(red by ii it1 ectuteefWn!+!�±�!�L�:�Cnzw,upon sny tnda6t�sd;:�t ssc.tttvd'a�sns3(�e�+�t in auGS tn-det e� —_
<br /> Lender may datermine,ar to aDpty eL sucfi�7a�e�s.after sueh dadu�ona,ta Utia r�stora2�an at tho Fropo�n�vOCr.au�:eaaGitfona ss
<br /> Lendar may detartntne.Any spprestlan of P�oceeds to indebtedne�ahaii rtot aztend ai pcst�Qna tho duo data a�ur.y payments uaEor �
<br /> tlfe Nate,ar cure any defauit tfiereunder or hertwnder.My unapptied funds sha11 bo p�ta Trustor.
<br /> 8.P�r[asetdica by i�ndsr.UDon tho ocaerteneo o!an Evont of Oafauft Aereundae. or H anY acz tu tahan� cr tegrJ psnceerting
<br /> commens�i whiei�materia�y aHeCts Lendefa Interest(n the Pmperty.LenQar may Fn iLS nms disuetton,but�vitharct�Ilgatton to do ao. ` ,
<br /> arMi wifhout noiica to or demat►tt upon.Trtrstor and withou�t retoas:ng TNOtor from any o66�iatlon,do an�oai x�►kf�i'nistar has sgre^d ' �.
<br /> but QaJo to do and may aiso do any othpt act It deems netesssTy to protect the security t�qra�t.Tnutitar ahall.immaQtAtery upan dtmand
<br /> themtor by landar.pay to Lender a1f eosts an�expensss ineurrad as�d surr�expenQad dy Lendu in eonna�Jan.�+sbth the caYerdse hy (�
<br /> Lender ot the faregoing.rlghts,togeiher with tnterest tMareon at tho JaMaEt reta provGde�B in�s hsno,whi�h•sh.�#i be adde�to tRa � �.,,
<br /> -- [nQ�ie�e�E..�heie+sy.i.ender�.sU nai�nc�u eny f�hIGty bscaa�as af enyttilna a c��r?s+crr nsn�to da hmpundss�. i -s•.
<br /> c
<br /> 8.Nm�dous Md�ri�ta.Trustor sfiail keep the Property(n eompGance with e11 epp�COL�e�aws.ordinttnaen snQ�rnguiations mlaUng to �.�'
<br />, �.,•,,,
<br /> tndusbial hygisne or envEconmentaf protedion tooltactiveiy re4ertnd te�erein as'Envima�.�ssartta!laxrs'i.T�mucwr.t�£+u11 kee�the Property � -�
<br /> ' t�fmm a0 su6stances deemed to be h�rdous ar to�c under sny Envim�meRral!am^�(ca�ecUveiy rt3tmrad vi•[varetn as'tla�dous
<br /> ara t
<br /> Mauriatv).Trusoor P�ereby warrartts anD cepresents to Lender tRat ttsero 2re no Hazx�c�i+dtsto�l on nr undar,�e Proputy.Tru..cter � �
<br /> }�•; AersEy aQrees ta�emnify and hotd h�mtess L.ender. ita dheciartt.oiPicere,emDto7¢a8 an�d egente.and en�r��uccesots to tendds � �--:.
<br /> intasst.ftom end ep�nst eny and sU dalms,dameges.[o53e1 end Hi�btTrtiea erisfig im cortc�¢ctioa with tbo pt48st".ce.�tse,dtsposal or �'z_.
<br /> tranapart of any Hamrdnus Materiafa on,under,from ar ahout tise Propeny.THE FO�ONVC3 W/3RAA14'6'iGS Ai'8C��EPAES�ITAT[OPiS, � (
<br /> AND TRIfSTOR'S�BLIQATIQHS PURSUAI�'T T�Tii�FOAC-t'st)iFiG iND8kA5fIV.St1�S11 Silfd�rlVE RECGnN�YR114..-�-irr OF TH(S OEEp OF + ��
<br /> . TRUST.
<br /> , 10.A�siynra�nt af Et�nta.Tw^tor hereby assigns to Landet,and grartts Lend6r a scru�'siy intemst in,a1i pa�sent,futare artd after -
<br /> rl�tg isttts,istues artd ptoftts of tna Praparty;pmvided ffiat Truster stie0,u�i ttsn caxu�sart�ca of en Evani of.C6lfauft hereunder.have � '
<br /> ths�igM w co�ect and�etein sucA rortt3,issues and pmfits as tftey 6ecome dae srtd pa{ab!a. llpon iho tiapunence oQ sn Event of �
<br /> � Dafauti,Lettder may.eiMer in person or by agem,with or e�ithaut firinging aey acKan or pzocee�finfl,ar.by a:�eiver�pointea by e �'�_
<br /> oourt and wtthout cegard So tne adequacy of its security, enter upart.and take posseas[o�of tha Property,or enqt�gart thereaf,in ita oYVn
<br /> n�rta or in the n�re of the Trusiee.and do eny acts wh;ch it deeme nacessareE.aa d�is to preservo tlt�.cra[ue,mark6tabi6tff or g:•:°
<br /> tetttab�ity of the Propetty,or any part thereaf or intarest therein,or to increasa thn�trtcomo tAarofram ar pmtnctftt��security Aereof and, � °_'�
<br /> with or wfMout tatting possessfon of the Roperty,sue fer or athe�wisa eo8ect tha tani9,Lssurs and pmfEW Uuuqql inch�dtng ihose paat _ �- .-
<br /> , dud and.UR�,by aotifyhig tenartta to make paymento to L�der. 1.enQer maY BADtV*e�nis,issuas and pmfttu,:7rrss costs sr�d e�p�aes . �-
<br /> uf apcclejiL�and coQaction Indud'mg attomays'tees,to arry ind�t�sft:aas secured hn�y,trfl o�such oNar an laqi�ftr may detarrrrina The s••
<br /> �arittpr iJ+�on and taktng poss�on of the Propaaty, the co1(G�iJrsrx of such r�CS.tssuta sr►d Pmffio. and tti�aDD6cetian•U:6i;�Uf�
<br /> afai�aaRf,ahai!not cure or waive erty detautt or notice of QaSea[r i:ereunder or inttuGdaYO eny act donn in roEpp.��to su�s({i�or K --
<br /> - pursu�it to such notice of defautt and,notwhhamnding ths eorninuance in possesaiaa�af Me Propartg ar thg c�tfectlon,receipt and
<br />_ app6catbn ot rents, iswe9 or proTit�, Trustee m�d Lcteder shell 6e entitled w enet+etae every rfght pravider,�?tr,.F•in aTry o9 the Losn �,F
<br /> � ��?�� tnstrumants o►by taw upon ocarrertCo of eny Cams(:o!Dafauit,tnciuding withpaGiimltat30n tha rfght to�rcer�,sra the powar:f ssle.
<br /> �; Wrthsr.tendars rights and remedic�:un�tEr cPtis pa[agraph sheR bo eumulative witto;snA in no way a 11ni►tatlotiea�. Lendet'u ef�ta and �.
<br /> remedies undu any assJgrtment of teaa�s a-►d r�e cawrded against the Proper9y;Lertdar,Trostes and tho��ver shaA Wr�Iahlp to
<br /> acwurtt onty tor tihose ra►ts act�alfy�ceirad. .
<br /> •.•� 11.�.vatto ot�fauit.The foRowir�g shatl ccnavTUi�an EveM of OefauR underrtAFs Oaed of Tnu�T: � --
<br /> '��S' (�Faiture to pay any insYaQmartt of principd�i�3.�eE�y a�er:.une ssaue�Ps�n�y t��s dsss; ��
<br /> (d)A brearJ�of or dMauft under any pmvkion wntafied(n Me Nate,thin.Dead of Tn�st,anV af tha Latn instru�esrts,or any ��
<br /> oth��R�..a�eumbranca upon tfie Proparty; _
<br /> .Ip�i dF urtif ot c:.ecuHon or etteehment or a�y slmifs� pruats�ahall �e enDtt�d egatn�Y Yrustor which ahi�dl become�tRsir'r.n tfia
<br /> .� Pm(i�)�i1r any Qa�;pn thereof or irtterest tAsrefi: ' ; �" -
<br /> � ' `•: (43 7Aere shalf l�to�f{ed hy or a8tinst Trustor or 8orrower en ectlon under�ny pr�ent or futura fad�nd:s�2u or,qthsr s�c,(aw {,�.
<br /> . r. or rogulatian reigtlrr(��fl bantuuptey, insotvency or oihtu r�fet far Qe4tora;or�tAerm shafl h�apyoimad aay tcu�tte, recelver ar `-��
<br /> 13qu80ator of Truatm''or Bnrtawer or oi aB ar any part of the Praperty,or ihe reut�s,Issuea o�profitp tflc�oof.f[r'Tnast¢r or Bortousr¢r �''-`
<br /> + ahap make any genera!asslpncr�a►t for tho ben�t of cred"rtore; � �'"�
<br /> ' _ ; (�)Ths sals,tra�tsf�,te�e,assignment,convay�ce or furthor encum6ranao a?aff or any_�txt-,of or m� intermt In the Property,
<br /> •. i eith�r voTuntulty or�voluntarily,wlthout tl�e ex�ress written eonsont of Landar;Ororidad th4t'f'tux.ur ehs.��a parmitted to execute —
<br /> e flws of the Roperty that daea not ea opiion to purchaaa end tha ten�o!wfitch doea nai er.�eed�qr.�ycar; , ►'
<br /> �� ' (f1 IWsndonmeM of ttie Pir e •
<br /> • (�)if Taator[s aat e viQ suance, a�te,traasiar,asttpnrtuon¢; co�voyanca or enaundi'ts�u,� o!rt�¢ca�.h�n{if a • �• �
<br /> . oo�ponat►��a totd of t end outatendinp atoctc,ov�UF o pa�nnoisAtp).a towl�o7�: . p/a '� j,we�ent o! -�' ",
<br /> . Qarfi_or�1i{A'•rtb�.or a ed an�a totai of���. peraane�of t8e IlmhtA ti�idt�cq any tx �ar•xosk�
<br /> , rtpbts dut3rna the Qeriad tAta OcFA of Trust r ns e lien on tho Pr ,a�ori:y: �: -___-_
<br /> . 72."Qiwn�s;AeaAe�Son Qyoei Wfa�t.tn the event ot�y Evoiti ot DsfauTtl�tin6er may,wfthout noUea bxeepi es raqviretl by tew. �
<br /> dectare aU inQabtednees secured haroby to be due and peyebfa end tho same a2�t�i1 tAareu,�on bocomo duo:��2 p�r�,ta without�r►y �
<br /> preaanvnent,demand,ptotett or notice o!any Wnd.Thareatter Londat moy: ��
<br /> � (�Demartd that Truetee exarctsa tha POVYER OF SALE 8rented hereln, and Tn.�oteo aha11 thoreahm:•rauIIO TruatoYa tnterest —
<br /> .tn the Ptnperty to be aotd end ths pmueds to be dimibuted,aOln the manner pro•ridad In 4he(Y�bronka Tcu�at Qeeds Ast; -
<br /> � • . (bI 6cerctro anV end eSl rights proWdod for tn erry o!the laan tnawmunes ar by t�w.upoR oauurranco.of any Event o!
<br /> flef�ittt ane :
<br />� ���� (s)Commenou�i�1 actton to toraclo�e tt►to Qrtred o! Trust aa a mortsage, �;poin!a roceivw,ar caoast�.�auy antorca eny ot�a � --
<br /> � covensrus herenf.'�. " � —
<br /> � No r�meQy herein cor,�erred upon or reserved to TrtuZee or Lender i9 intendad to�b�oxcNotvo o!arry.vthe�•i¢r.-,ady herein,in ths Loen �,.
<br /> tnsttumaistk��or by(�w provkfed or patmftyed,but eacA ahWi be cumulertive,ahaA bs tn�eddiUon to eva�y otharremedy given hereunder,in
<br /> th�Locrr,l�umeata or now or hotwdla�extSHng at law or In 4quiry or by statute.end cnay bc�.oxatet�D cahamen2ty,Indap�ncGsmty or
<br /> 4ucce�<iy. :
<br /> 13.TnaRN.The Tcustes ma►+res�f at��tlmo•without caute,and L�ndet nt�,�at any 4ime artd wFthau�ce�css appoTnt e wccestor �---
<br /> � ' .or eubttituta Truste�.Truztee shail rrot 6e IiaMa to.any pany,tnduding whhout Ittsrin�:an Lender,Boaower,Yruatnr or eny purehaear of
<br /> �
<br /> ' tM Rroperty, tor any toa or danage unlea�du¢tar ruck(a�a ot wiRlul miseon��c;r�nd s�aD not 6o ro�lilrn�ca talce sny actton U �"
<br /> connecNon with the entorcartteM ot Srif�IZeed ot Tr�cst untes�indemnffied,(n wdting,Crv n1 cpaxtr.a�mytme�tn;�or expensea whkh may �'
<br /> ' b�wociatW theaew(th.tn addiito�f Ttustee may beeomo a purchasor at any sate eF�t:o Fta�xany(jurti�a]�or undar the powu of sab —_
<br /> � Qrcntcd AerEin�;postpone the sate o4 T�Sf or eny pottlon oT the Propaty,a�orovktao r�v r�r,,,,;�..�n�*ye Qr�„e�y a�a whote,or in seperate �
<br /> , proeta or lota et Trustee'a discretion.
<br /> 14.FM��n0 Erp�nry.in the event Tastoe seAa tftie Propartyr by exercisa of nnwre�ot sato,Tru�2es aP�af�l�ba mrif tted to eppPd any sa$ ' �
<br /> proceeda tkst to psyment of all casts and expmises of enercising power oi edn,EtmLvdlifg a1i TrusteePs ta�t,nnd Lender's and Trustea'e ��
<br /> •` ettomeyl�tee9,ectually Incuned to axtaa�t pamitted by apyL'ea�io law.In tho uv¢nt Bdtrovrer or Teus2o�emorslses any dgfit proviQed by
<br /> , Isw to eurs an Event of�efau}t,Lertdes�n:SI bo cntft(:�to roeovct from Trunar alt sams artd o�rpontv3 aatu�Iy IncuRed as a resutt of �""
<br /> Tnntor�defsutt,fncludkt�without limttation eti Truatee'a end ettomey'a taes,to tha esctant pmmiitad by+$upficebie law. �W
<br /> u
<br /> • 16.Futun Advancos.Upon reAuest of Borrowet,Lend^t may,at ite option,make udditlonr�snd tuturu advances and readvance9 to E:-y
<br /> Borrows.Such�dvances and roedvanee�,witA irtterest thereon,shatt be secured Dy zl�ts Dr.�d o1 T�u„�.�tt no time sha0 the pHncipat
<br /> amount of the indsEteQnas seourod by this Qaad ot Trusi,not inc3uding sums advancod to protect tha sria.-rit1�?this O¢ad of Tnrst, �.��
<br /> axeeed the oNginat principal emount ctated herein,or A sq.oo ,wt+tohwev iu graater. _
<br /> _. �' _
<br /> nrscsasao ameaysarnay o..�aev.e�s =
<br /> ' t 1989!L.-tla,y B�S af Caranmp Tnat and Savtn�Atsoriryn,Unev�e,tt�ala �
<br />. ' - „ . . ' - . . . . .�".-__. . . .. .i . - . � .
<br /> . . . , , y � .. . �
<br /> ' � � . � ., , . . f�' r� . ' � . .
<br /> • . .. - . , . .� ... , .. . _ . _ . � . '�J,t ��' . •c , . .. . . . �. .._.. ..
<br />