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<br />UF TRUS7'
<br />This COMME;.RCIAL REAL F;STATE DEEU OF TRUST. ("Security Inslrument") is made on Deeerr►ber G, 2U10
<br />by the grantor(s) HOUSIN(G PLUS, LI..C, a Nebraska Limited Liability C:ompany, whose address is �O SOX 139,
<br />GRANll ISLAND, NebraSka 68802-0000 ("Grantor"). The ti is Arend R. Baack; Attorney whose address
<br />is Y.O. Sox 790, Crand Island, Nebraska 68802 ("Trustee"). The beneficiary is .Home Federal Savings &
<br />Loan Associatiun of Grand Island whose address is 221 South Locust Street, Grand'Island, Nebraska 68801
<br />("Lender"), whicl� is organized and existing under the laws of the United States of America. Grantor in
<br />consideration of loans extended by Lender up to a maxix��um principal amount of Thirty-�ve 'I'laousand and
<br />00/l00 llollars ($35,000.00) ("Maximum Principal Indebtedness"), and for other valuable considerati�n, the
<br />receipt of which is acknowledged, irrevocably grants, conveys and assignti to '1'zustee, in trust, with power of sale,
<br />fhe following deseribed pcoperty located in the Coanty of Hall, State of Nebraska:
<br />Address: LOT SQ, LARUE TH1RD SUSDIVIS�ON, GRAND ISLAND, Nebraska 68803
<br />Legal Uescription: LOT FIH'1'Y (50), LARUE `I'HIRD SUBDIVISION, IN THE CITY OF G4�AND
<br />Together with all easements, appurtenances abutting streets and alleys, improvements, buildings, fixtures,
<br />tenements, hereditamenCs, equipmet�t, rents, income, profits and royalties, personal goods of whatever description
<br />and all qther rights and privileges including all xninerals, oil, gas, water (whettaer groundwater, subterrane,an or
<br />oth�rwise), water rights (whether riparian, appropriate or otherwise, and whether or nqt appux to the abovc-
<br />described real property), wells, well permits, ditches, ditch rights, reservoirs, reservoir ri�hts, reservoir .sites,
<br />storage rights, dams and water stock that may now, or at any time in the fuhire, .be located on and/or used izi
<br />connection with the above-described real property, payment awards, amounts r�ceived from eminent doinain,
<br />amouttts received from any and all insurance payments, and timber which may now or later be locatEd, situated, or
<br />affixed on and used in comlection tl�erewith (hareinatter called tl�e "Property").
<br />Rk:LATED DOCUMEN'I'S. 'I'he words "Related Documents" n�ean all promissory notes, security agreements,
<br />prior morlgages, prior deeds of trust, business I��an agreements, construction laan agreeme��ts, resolutions,
<br />guaranties, enviromnental agreements, 5ubordination agreements, assi�nments of leases and rents and aiiy other
<br />documents or agreements executed in connection with this Security lnstrument whether now or hereafter existing.
<br />The, Related Docuinents are hereby made a paxt of this Security Instrument by refecence .thereto, with the, �ame
<br />£orce and effect as if fully set forth herein.
<br />INDEB'I'FllN�SS. This Security Instrument secures the princip�l amount.sliciwn above as may be eyider�ced by a
<br />promissory nate or notes of even, prior or subsequent date hereto, including firture advances and every other
<br />indebtedness of any and every kind now or hereafter owing from Grantor to Ler�der, howsoever created or arising,
<br />wl�ether primary, secondary or contin�ent, together with any interest ar char�es pravided in �r arising �ut c?f such
<br />indebtedness, as well as ttae agreements and covenants of this Security Instruznent and all, RelaCed Docutnents
<br />(hereinafter all referred to as the "Ii�debtedness").
<br />FUTURE ADVANCES. To the extent per►nitted by law, this Security Ins[rumenC will secure future advancas �s if
<br />such advances were made ori the date of this Security Instrument regardless of the fact that from time to time there
<br />�nay be rio balance due under the note and regardless o£ wheth�r Lender iS cibli�ated t� make such future advances.
<br />CROSS COLLATERALIZATION. It is the expressed intent of Grantor to cross collateralize all of its
<br />Indebtedness and obligations to Lender, howsoever arising and whensoever incurred.
<br />WARRANTIES. Grantor, for itself, its heirs, personal representatives, successors, and assigns, r�presents,
<br />warrants, covenants and agrees with Lender, its successors and assigns, as follows:
<br />Performance of Obligations. Grantor promises to p�rfonn all terms, conditions, and covenants of this
<br />Security Instrument and Related Documents in accordance with the t�rins contain�d therein.
<br />Defense and Title to Praperty. At the time of execution and delivery of this instniment; Grantor'is lawfutly
<br />5eised pf the estate hereby conveyed and has the exclusive ri�ht to inortgage, gra►it, convey ancl assi�n the
<br />Property. Grantor coveiiants that the Piroperty is unencumbered and' free of all laens, except for encumbrances
<br />of record acceptable to Lender. F'urther, Grantor coveiaants tHat Grantor will warrant and defetid' generally
<br />�9 200A-2010 Compliancc Systcros, Inc. F947-8AC0 - 2010.05,365 ' � � � � � � � � .
<br />Commcrciai Rcal Estate Seeurity Instrurnent - I]I..4U07 Npge I of 5 www.cnmpliancesystems.cnm
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