<br />{C) "Lender" is CiciMartgage, Inc.
<br />Lender i$ a Corporatiou
<br />vrganized and existing under tlte Laws of Ncw Yark
<br />Lender's address is 1QUp Tec�pology Drive, 0' Fallnn, MO 633�8-2240
<br />(�?) "Trust�" is Firs# .4c�erican Titla Company
<br />{E) "MERS" is Marlgage Eleclronic Registraiior� Syskem�, I��, MERS is a separate carparation tha[ is
<br />�cting salely as a nnminee far Lender and L�nder's s�ccessars and assigns. MERS is the beneficiary
<br />under this Security Instrument. M�RS is organized and existing under the laws of Delaware, and has an
<br />address and telephone number of P.D. Box 2026, Flin�, Ml 985�1-2026, te�. (88$} fi79-IwiERS.
<br />(F) '"Note" means the pramissory nate signed by Borrower and dated. Tyecember I, 2010 ,
<br />The I�ote states thal Borrower owes Lender Qne Hundred Thirty Ntne Thausand Ninc Hundrod
<br />Daflars
<br />{U.S, $ 1�9,900.Op ) plas interest. Borrower has promised to pay this debt in regular Periadlc
<br />Payments and to pay the debt i�� full no� later than Deoember l, 2020 .
<br />(G) "Properiy" means the property that is deseribed belaw under the heading "Transfer of Rights in the
<br />Property. "
<br />(H) "Laan" means the debt evidenCed by the IYote, plus interest, any prepayment charges and late char�es
<br />due under the Note, and all sums due under this Securiiy Cnsiniment, plus interest.
<br />(I) "Riders" means all Riders ta this 5ecuttity Instrument that are executed hy Barrower. The fallowing
<br />Riders are tc� he execu�ed by Borrower (check bax as appl�cable]:
<br />� Ac�justable Raie Rider Gandominium Rider 0 5econd Home Ri�1cr
<br />�] Baltnnn Rid�r Planncd llnit D�velapment Rider � 1-4 �amity l��er
<br />[� VA Rider � Siweekly Payment Rider 0 Other(s� [specify]
<br />Schedule "A"
<br />(J) "Applieable Law" means aIl cantrolling applicah�le t'ederal, state and local statutes regulatians,
<br />ordinances aad adminis�rative rules and orders (lhat have the effect of Law) as well �� �ll appli�able �nal,
<br />non-appealahle judicial opinipns.
<br />(K} "Community A.gsociation Dues, Fe,ts, and As�sc�smcnta" mean:� all dues, fees, assessments and oth�r
<br />charges that are imposed on Barrower ar the Property by a condorniniur� assaciation, homeowners
<br />associativn or similar organizaiion.
<br />(L) "Electronic Funds Trsnsfcr" means any transfer of funds, o#her than a transactzon originated by
<br />checfc, draft, or similar paper instrument, which is initiated through an electronic terminal, telephonic
<br />instrument, computcr, vr mag�netic tape so as to arder, i�sln�ct, or authorize a�nanclal institulian t�r debit
<br />ar cr�d�t an ac�aunt. Such term includes, but is not lirnited to, paint-of-sale transfers, automated �eller
<br />machine transactinns, transfers initlated 6y telephone, wlre tra�sfers, and automaled clearinghau$e
<br />transfsrs. .
<br />(M) "Escrvw Items" means those items that are described in Secti�n 3.
<br />(I�t) " M�scellaneaus Proceeds° means any carnpensation, settlement, award of damages, or proce�ds paid
<br />by aay third party (ather than insurance proceeds paid under the c�verages des�cibed in 5ection 5) for. (i)
<br />dama�e to, ar �estruckion af, the Property; (ii) cond�mnation ar alher taking af all dr any part of the
<br />Prop�rty; (iii� conveyance in lieu of condemnation; nr (iv) m3srepresentations af, nr omissians as ta, the
<br />�alue a�d/ar conditian ❑f ihe Property.
<br />(d) "Mortgage Insuranc�" means insurance protecting Lender agalnst the nonpayment of, ar defanll vn,
<br />the l�oan.
<br />f}QI122267�33 C�t;�ortgage 3.2.42.Q� Y4
<br />N�3RA►5'!G4 • Single Family - FSnnie MadFreddie MaG UNIFqRM INuT'RUM�V'Y WIT���
<br />Q��-fia(Nq (os�a> Pq�e 2 0( 15 Inma�s: Fom1 3028 1/Q1
<br />