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MNoMa�►�o�a ProrMlo�w. <br /> _ p) �now�No1 pNw�d.Exun�loe ot tha time fo�psymanl ar modilicadon o1 amoN�Uor,oi th��ums Mcurod by fhis <br /> "� � ���.�sarR=� Crsd of Trust prenbd by Lend�r w any sucussor in Interat ot Bonowor shall not aparNa to releaw,In any manner,the IIabIINy <br /> ;�� "y;�;j��;�`�' olth�o�lpinal 8o�rowtr and BorrOw�r's successors in intere�4 lendsr thall not be requlred to tommtnce procesd�npl��p�inat <br /> ' . such wcc�ssor or rNus�to�xt�nd dm�for payrtNnt or athsrwlao modity amoAlzatlon of tha�ums wcursd 6y 1hb ONd of Trwt <br /> ����`�'�'' by rason ot eny demends made by the oripinal Borrower�nd 8or�ows►'s aucce�sorf In Int�resL <br /> :�.',�._ _•� _-.-,..,. <br /> � <<Y�= (p) �K•�PoNKa.Without�ttachny the IlabNiry o(ony olherµ�r4on Iiable br the payrnent of any abligeUOn hsrNn L . .-.. <br /> � - � menUon�d,And without alleoqrtp ths Ben or aharqe ol thls Daed ol Truft upon any portton o1 ths Property not then or thsrMOla� <br /> �`�sm!��:�,:2�...:'. <br /> --±!��.kz��;�:;;j,: released as security for the lull amount of�II unpaid oblipedons,Lender may,lrom Ume to tlme and without naUCe(i)rsle�w�ny <br /> - rD.;�;��<< `' pe►son so Ifabte,pq extend thp m�turity or elter any ol the te�ms ol any ouah obllp�dons,plq QrAnt other indulpences,(Iv)r�lea�s <br /> ��,�;;,,x*„�_�.;� ;' or►econvey,or cause to be rats�aed or reconveyed at any tfrne et Lender's option any parcel,portlan or ell of the PropeA�r, <br /> - ��==-=�--• (v)take or release any other or addidonal secu�iry for any obHyation hereln monponad,or(vq make aompo�ltions or otMr <br /> r��r�;-;-.1- , enanpemenq with debton m relatlon Ihereto. <br /> -�--- :��.•• � 't��'�- . �- (o) Forbssranc�by L�nda Not�.W�hr�r.Any forbeerance by Lender In exercialnp any ripht or�emedy hereundsr,or <br /> ����"-�'�'��r�',�� ;'�"" �' otherwise aHorded by appllaabla lew,ahall not ba a walver ot or preclude the exerclse o1 any auch rlpht or �emedy.The <br /> _ _-'"�`!'""��'--=:-' procurement of inauranae or the paymeM ol taxea or other Ilene or cherges hy Lender shall not be a w�iver ot Lender's ripht to <br /> _- -�•�.,M,s,,,,,;. --- -- <br /> �°���� accelerate the meturity ot the indebtedness secured by th�a Deed oi Trusl. <br /> —�?S?��e;t+::::;i�� . �`� nY P <br /> .y.. . � (d) SuecNaas and Aul�n�Bound;Jolnt and S�v�ral l.l�bll ;Ca dons.The covenunta and agreementa here n con- <br /> •`-,3''{'�.,�„�..r���„ .�„ talned shall bind,end tha rlpht�hereunder sheu inure to,tha raepeative successors end a�efgns of Lender and Trutbr.All <br /> ;�„�.;_ -���; .z.� covenanit and apreementti of Trustor ehall be jolnt end aeverel.The aapdone and headlnps ot the parapnpht of Ihis Daod of <br /> .;��;°,�g�.���^,;��. Tru�t are for convenlance only end ere not w be uaed to inlerpret or deflne the provlebns hereot. <br /> - •� - •� �� (ey R�qwtt fa NoQee�.The partiea hereby requeat that a copy o1 any noUce of delBUlt hereunder and a copy ot eny nodce <br /> - ';,,;�;_t...�,..�• '` of sale hereunder be mafled to each party to thls Deed of Truat et the addreas eet toAh ebove In the manner prescribed by _ <br /> � �� -� apqlicable lew.Except for any other notice required under appllcable law to be given In another manner,eny noUce provided <br />�`]4_ ��%'•?.•:�,`��'' for In thia Qeed o1 Truat ahall be ylven by mailfng such not�e by ceRilled mafl eddressed to the other pa�tles,at the eddress�st _ <br /> ��' '" . , lorlh above.Any noUce provided for in this Deed ot Trust ahall be eMective upon meiling In the manner designeted hereln.If _ <br /> -�_� �"" ' Truftor la more then one person,notice eent to the eddress set lohh abova shall be nodce to eU suCh pereons. <br /> '^:c� ,. (Q In�p�eqon.Lender may make or ceuee to ba made reaeonable entrles upon and inapectlons of the Property,provided �,u�v <br />:,T.-�;� :� '� thet Lender s ha l l p ive Trua tor noNce prior to an y euch inspectlon specllyfnp reaaoneble ceuse therator related to Lendw's <br />_`;�'�� . .�,,, ,,:' interest in the P�operty. �;�.�.`-:;"�'"�- <br /> ` �} �'�b " (q) p�conv�yanc�.Upon peyment of ell sums aecured by thls Deed ot Trust,lender ahell request Truatee to raconvey the � <br /> x=.� ��` ,i,s ti�, .:,r•�,, ; Property and shaH surrender ihls Deed of Truat end all notes avidencinp indebtedneas aecurerl by thls DAed o1 Truat to Trustae. �� - <br /> %n'%��t�srr•;'' Truet9e ahall reconve the Pro erty without werranty and without cha�ye to the.per�on a pereona lepally ent�led thoreto. �;�; <br /> • ��:.;, �� ,; Y P � � <br /> . �. Truator thall pay all coats ot recordaUon,il any. �?�� <br /> _ +� t = � - ��_ ��p!p�p�y;S�cu�it�r AgrNm�nA As addHlonel security 1or Ihe paymant of the Note, Trusior hereby yrante ��, „, <br /> �;,. , - .- .,� �'b <br /> � � lender under the Nebraeke Uniform Commercfal Code e secu rlly Interest In all fixtures,equ�pmen�and other personai jxop�riy M <br /> • �,i••.�� .• used fn conneatlon with the real eslate or improvemenls located thereon,and nat otherwise declered or deemed to be a part of ,�� <br /> • �`;• the real ealate secured hereby.Thla instrument shell be construed as a Security Agreement under said Code,and the Lender �y±' �f <br /> .•� �� ,!.� ahall have all the tiyhts and remedles ol a secured party undar sald Code In addition to the rights and remedles created under -�^�-.� <br /> ��� and eccorded the Lender pursuent to this Deed ot Truat:provi ded that l.ender's righta and remedles unddr thla paragraph shall ��� <br />-- • � be cumuletive wilh,and M no wey a Ilmitetlon on,Lender's rfgMs and remedles under any other securiry eqreement obned by ���__. <br /> ° �'� ' Borrower or Trustor. �' �� <br /> • , �� . (q LNn��nd Encumbra�c�s.7ruator hereby warrante and repreaente that there is no default under the provlaione of any ����;;�pf:::,, <br /> � . martyape,deed o(trust,lease or purchase contract descrlWng all or any pert of the Property,or other contrec4 inetrument or �;;�;�;�t <br /> - .h . epfeemen t cona t i tu t i n g a I l e n o r e n a u m E r a n c e a g a l n e t all or an y pan of the Property(colloctively,"Llene"),existfnp es ot ihe �—_ <br /> ' dete of thla Oeed of Trust,end thet any and all ezisting Uens remafn unmadified except es diecloaed to Lender in Trustor's �y� <br /> wrUlen dlsclosure of Ilens and encumbrances provlded br herein.Truator shall llmely pe►form all of Trustor'e obligations, o ,,.Q,,.� <br /> � C o v e n a n t s,r e p r e s e n t a t f o n a a n d w a r r a n U e s under an y end all exisiting end future Llens,shell promptly lorward to Lender coples r,:i �,-,-•. <br /> , -� � b �� of all noNces of delault sent in connection with any and nll exfsting or luture Lfens,and ahell not wfthout Lender's pr ior wr i tten ^5,r.:�!;>_ <br />- • Con4ent In any menner modify the provisfona ot or allow any tuture advances under any exlating or future Uena. �;i,;,F�-, <br />' Q) Applic�Hon o1 Psym�nb.Unless otherwise required by law,sums paid to Lender hereunder.lncluding whhout IlmifeUon ..,,:-; .- <br /> � 4 payments o1 principal a�d iMerest,inaurance proceeds,condemnatlon proceeda and rents and protits,ahell be applfed by �,A.:.,.._ <br />- `� Lender to the emounts due and owing trom Trustor and Borrower In such order as Lender in its sole diecrepon deema desirable. ,• _ T. <br />�'�•. (k) Sw�raWllty. H any provlslon ot this Deed o1 Trust conllfcta with applfcable law or Is declared Invalld or otherwise �___" <br /> � unenforceeble,such confllct or fnvalldlty ehall not atlect Ihe othe�provlsons ol thls�eed of Trust oi the Note whlCh can be •,+'��� <br /> �.-,__ ;�,. <br /> �. yiven eMect wlthout the contllctfng provision,end to thls end the provfslons of this Deed of Trust and the Note ere declared to be �,.,:,,_'_ __ <br /> . ., ' . . •• eeverable. �-, �y: <br />_ •�.�, , � , :_ . (q T�►m�.The terma"Trustor"and"Borrower"ahall fncl ude both singuler and plural,and when the Trustor end Borrower R <br /> ,;; .- �,�" �� �;,;!" are the same person(s),those terms as used In lhls Deed of Trust shall be�Merchangeable. �,�.._- <br /> :;i,.•i�, , `�.!i,��: ' '� �."�.•�� (m) Gowrnlny Law.Thls Deed ol T►uat ahall be governed by the lawa ot t�of Nebra9ke. � � .i,�T�t;�:�., <br /> .�,,..v ,.�,; i::r(5�.: ;, <br /> ; .•�,y.�,,, , Trualor has executed thl9 Deed oi Trust ea ot the date wdtten a ve. \ � �,; <br /> �'` �� • v�• Truator i,;�•/. <br /> ,'��. r —�` ` Trueto ' � <br /> :��. <br /> , �� �: <br /> _ ., f; . <br /> .. � � � <br /> �. j�: <br /> �:1 ��.t•. . i� t <br /> ' . � ��.,. .t ��..w ,, .�,e•� , ' <br /> .�-�r.� •:v+,l�� �.•T.�'.+�• <br />_.d . . . . ._-.___ <br /> ' � <br /> La I � <br />