___..._�,. , . ..,.,...- .s.. ... � ,..._,y.... �-.�_......._.... —� r. _--
<br /> . , . . . ....., ., . s,. ,.. ..
<br /> r...,......... - r .___.�._.._.. .� . --
<br /> -�__ -- "a.-1,a� .=f o�_
<br />. :t'� .... � "t_ ,`��'_,.
<br /> .�{����. /� . �'r` --
<br /> 1. ?aymeatm. Bonowar apreaa to make FiA paymente on Ux� securad d¢At when dua. Unta:a Basro��e��nd�a�gr���t e�so. tfny � ---.. ,_� �
<br /> Ux
<br /> paymu�tc Lendxr recetvos Uvm Banowor ar for Banawar's beaafrt wiii De appiEed fust ta any nmounts Borrowar owes on the seeuted debt �, ,
<br /> aactttsive o!interest or pr(nelpal,second to tnterest,end then to�insipai•M partial ptepaYment of tha sestued debt oceura far rtny rer�rson,lt Yll{I • .< ., . '
<br /> nat reduee or excuss anY sthedu�d D�rt��3geared dobt is_p�l¢In fujL � . .. � ' ---
<br /> " .�- 2.Cta[ms Ag�in:i T�n.€orravr.••r rrii!p9y e11 te�es.�seeGtln��itr"�nd,`+��"tblf @fidtees�t►ibutabte to the ptoAenSl vuhan due and wUl defend Utto � , ,_4•,.
<br /> to Uie properNeg alnsi any ciaims wtuch rvou'.d irr�,pal�fri9 ca msy requko 8at►otver t,asslgn ony►ighte.clai;xs or _ �__
<br /> dafentes whtch Hartowar may havo a0alrust pardes who su�pty iaEor or metaris►s to improve or maintein the property. ?
<br /> �
<br /> `` 3.trutnai►ao.Borrowor wiU keeD�e D�DA�Y insu�ed nnder terma azceptebte to Lender at Bartower's eupense and for Lender's benafit.All • ��
<br /> � ias�uarfce potieies ehall tnchsde a atenderd mortgaga Nouse in favor of Lender.Lender wiii be nameA es Iona payee a aa the insured on any sueh __
<br /> ins�aance poiicy.Any insurance proceeda mey 6e appliad,within LerKiEr's disaeaon,to eithc+r the restcra8on or rapair of the damaged proporty • • � . -
<br /> � or to tro sacumd doDL N Lender requires mortpago irisuranee,Bsrrower agrE68 W meirrtsin such irr,uranee ter as lang as Lender requiras. �' —
<br /> .� t 4.Fra�rty.Borrowsr will keep tho propflrty in good condit[on and make at1 repairs reasonabiy necessary• , .' �. .. '
<br /> . ---'f .' � • , '"'
<br /> 6,Et�enaes.Borrowar a�rees w pay a!I lsndar's expenses,including reasonabte attomeys'fees,if Bonowe►breaks any covenants in this dee8 , 4,� �.
<br /> ot trust or in amr obfigaUOn secured by thSs dscd of trust.Borrower vnll pay thsss amounts to tender as pravided irs Covartant 9 af lhls dsed of _-, __-- __-
<br /> T j��,�e'". .._.
<br /> .• VUSY. . � ' ,ti, . � . -t�.
<br /> 6_Ptriar See�utty trttvasts.Un'ess Borrovrer firat obtains l.ende►'s wrii[en consent, 9ortowar will not make ar perm9t any cfiartgas w any prior ,_ �� �� � , —
<br /> - seeur+iy irtterests.BosroNe►ris71 P�rform a1�of Barrowe�s obtigations und2r arry prior ertortgage, deed of tnist ar other secumy agreemerti, , �: •. ,; �
<br /> i:r.Y�.xli�Borrawers wvenanta to make psym�r►ts wh;n dua. .. ,, ;•;�-�;:,��'>
<br /> . . :, _ `f.;,�,... .
<br /> _ �. t._,.�.�<.
<br /> 7_.£�s[�r•rr.,r�o!Rtrats tr�PraFta.Bo�rower a:si�ns&�Lassr tha rems and profitE of tha propertyr.UnSes3 Barrosnss�ni:4.�sder have agreed r:���::.; � .�;:.:�:.:..,. . .�:"�
<br /> . �oxtsa.-ar_ce im wi�rg. Bosraw�er rtuzy co4eci e:��:�r+c�'s'r.s as tong as Borrower is not m defaulL If E�rrov-es sS�7au'tts,+.t-=1er,t,�'utsc's 'i < s�{E
<br /> �s
<br /> ' � ` �cst,sr a 7?er�¢ap�aurted reeeiver ma�t�{��.=.,nraior,�MS siumae;2����perty and eoCaet ffie rert�.t.tt.m{�.onr.i�s•�a39:�iCraa.>e�FU:Ii� ��'�ki �.'F��/�������C�r ��
<br /> :�f FiR;ti�ed first:+�ctzs costs ot rnanagir.9 s.a t7�a�ir.: ih�ludin� �Y d�s ats3 aiLOmeys'fees.comm�nr am�:s'zg�.��Yi�� L�r��c,�y ..
<br /> �tt�Gr-��aymems on tt�a saa,�6s,.�:��_^e.y�n.mr.n��.��, s1 k .,�,7 �±�- -°
<br /> ;7�F� nacessa►Y related exPsases_'C[�'err�.�g a^+sa..�tt c!-^a�r+nr.•t�a� -'r'c�1 tr'z�' '`J ,
<br /> _?�,k�ti i r� ( .'
<br /> S.Lsas�hotdr��:�1Tan�tt�CL.aG¢��f�B�rawer a�.;�to compy v�itA the Rmvisians�any taase if ff�Qeed of trust is on <; � : r ,i �.
<br /> �;�;:p;. a leasehoid.1�tAia deed o7�vaT is o-e a u�i:�a cxindom::icsm or a pfarmd unit devetopmsrtt,Borrower will perform ail of Borrowefe duties " ,� �� � _
<br /> • �mder the covanar�ts,bY-laws,or�u%atfares af ffis condominiusr+or pfann�d unft davelopmsrrc. °�":x�;': �,yZ,��r_� g-
<br /> � � g,p�f�y a}Lsnd�r L�Parto�m tu Borrow�r. If Borrower iafis to parMrm arry of Bonowefe duties�mdar thia deed of trust, lsndsr may '�'•''�ei�r�..,=�:�-
<br /> ' ' perform the d�tiss ar causa ttr�m to 6e pertormed.Lender may atgn�orrowee'a efame er CaY efir emaunt if neceseary for pertormance.If eny �;j=-�—�_----�--
<br /> � eansVUCtlon on theproperty ia dlawrtinced or mt carrIad on in a reasonaDle manner,Lendor maV Qo whatever ia nocessrJY to proteet Lende�'s .._,,,�,�'�'�:
<br /> securtty interest in Me pro�rsrty.Yhts may tnduQo completing the eonsuuaton. -
<br /> Lendefs faiture w Dertarm wiU not preciuda Lendsr hom exereistng any of fu other riphts undsr tM I�w m thl�deed of trust. _ _ _____
<br /> . -�-�.. - _..
<br /> - Ar►v artwimts p�(d 6y Lu�Qer t�ProtACt Len6er'�cacurity interest will 6��earetl Dy thla dend of ttust Such�mout�q w01 ba du�on d�m�nd
<br /> and witl bear Imetest ftom the date o1 i�t►e peymaM until Qatd in fuU nt Mo intcreat roto In offact an th�coeuted Qo�t. ��'��
<br /> 10. OsfWt�nd Atc�Hra4)an It Bonowar falls to mak�any paymant when Que a brpks any cov�n�nt4 unQu thia d��d of truft or any � •�•;;;�-,
<br /> • obti�eUon sscurad by tNa Qeod of trust or any prior moKQoQa ar dead o}wst, LenQer m�y acut�rn�th�m�twlty of tM a�aund d�bt and . - ,
<br /> darsrand tmmediate paymeM end may invako Ma power of aato and any othor romodto�Ocnmlttad bV eDD»�bte law. •�`+,=�; � ����
<br /> ` /1,R�st 4w f�tettc�of Wtat4.tt b Mreby requested that coD�es o?tfia naScas of def�uft�nQ��te Ee aant ta Qach p�raan wRo is o paRy ;�;`:�
<br /> ' husto,�t ths addresa ot each such percon,a�ast rorth har�tn. ` '�
<br /> .�...�.;;�,� , --
<br /> 12,Raww af 8w,if the lender Mwkes ths power of eate,tho Truate��hafl flrat record(n the office o9 ths repiater of daeda of eacfi county
<br /> whereln tAe trust propeny a some put or parcel thereof ia sitt�atad e notice o!defautt com�lninp the mformation requ'red by I�w.Ths Trustae '"` ' �° �'
<br /> shait atso mail eopWs of thv aatice of Qafauh to the Sorromer,to oaeh perton who 1s a party f�ereto,and to othet percona es pre�eribed by " �' ,�,;"_-.=
<br /> Ys..�
<br /> � �•� apyficaEta taw.Not tesY t?un one mor�U�after the Tnutae raoords the noUce o! defauSt or two momha i}the uuat propariy ts not In any �{�xs�.�?�..�
<br /> ineoryaated Gty or vitisg�xM ta used 1n fartning operations caniaA an b/the trustar,tfl�frustee shali Qive pubGc nodee of n(e tn the peraons �jF+!;,:;��;';::
<br /> y and in t�rcro�x►er P�ssui�d b�f a�li�bta Isx.Trutt�,wi�'�auc II�rA on Bo�►ower,ehaA sell tfia propertv et pubifo suctian to ths Atghest .. .t,j`,�•�_,,_.
<br /> btdder.(t requGed by the Farm Momestead Protection Aet.Trustee shatl offer the pmperty in two separote aafea ea required lsy eppiiubie fsw. �"�`�� '��__.--
<br /> Trt�atss may poatpone sate o!a(1 u atry psrcol of the property by public announcement at tha time and place at any pravlously scheduled ea1a. -� ,�,.;:�'�`�� ."F"`
<br /> LetiQer or its designee may pv�etis�a the property at any sElo.
<br /> !
<br /> �t,j - r�,-�
<br /> U�an reeeipt o1paym errt o!ttts p¢iee bi0,Trustes shall defiver w thm purchaser Trustoe's deed eonvey�ng th�e property.Tka rocitiata eontafned in '`'`� ��-
<br /> � Tnxitea's daed aha11 Le prcta facto ovtd3enos o!tho vutfi o9 tna statom3rrts coMafned therein.Trustee shaN appty the p�'aceeCs of the saN in ths - �
<br /> f0!f6YClttg O:L9i: la1 to afl o�r►aes of ths saJe, inetuJir�g, but not timited to, re:sa:��le Tructee's fees, reaso�+sf�'o attomey's fees and �"
<br /> � � ri�temoat f¢es:(D�to aU sums sawrnd bY th!s daed o:ir�t.and Ic)the balart�.iE a^r;.to the persons tega�Iy er.�is i�x sacefva it ; �t.—r;
<br /> �r.,;.; - . _A�`�i+'�...�.
<br /> '`�,;, , 13.For�a.At Len1e�'a opt3on,thta dssd af trust may be toroe:ovxa lr.,e1r�c�,a-r�9r�p�c.ide by���t�'a taw tor fi�siosure ag�ncrtyagas ��t•, ,�;.:>.; , ��
<br /> on ceaf D+'aD��A'. t �, ��`����;i�;�,
<br /> •.,� t�,_:..
<br /> ;4,hewe�t.Ler�r r..�p eMcr the proparty to insyect i�iE Lender eives Borrov�rcx���+�beforeha�n0.'iTte noUee must statn L"����clabte r ����'�
<br /> cause Cor Lxc3Ger's tz���o�t�,+:. •c"'��:
<br /> ,.��K. :�„
<br /> s��°'f�?�'t<��,
<br /> 16.ConBt+mn�a&'sn.San:'ns+am assi ans to Lender theproce¢�9a�any eward or clatm tor dama3e�s wnnected wltfi s c�a'.wta�:.stlon cc ccS�ar takiny �,,,.� ���•�;,,;
<br /> e¢�
<br /> of�or ar�ry{w�t of tAeCraperty.Such proceede wi{16e ay,yrr�J as pravidad in Covenant 1.Thla esatpnmeM is aubteat 1�+2�e term.css�2sry prior :.�+� . ��"::�>�.
<br /> .,w..�..L,.,,.:
<br /> aeciair3�p'a�vert. -- --•--.-
<br /> - . "'•,�-,,:;.
<br /> !8.Watv�r.8y sxercising any remeEv ivait�hte to Lender,�xnder does not givs up arry rigMs to later use an othee c�a�nsdy.Hy not exereirirp ��_J�4_�_- -
<br /> any�omedy upan earrowe►'s defauit,LenQor daes not wsi��a.eny�igh!to tater wnstder the evem a default(f it KaDpecrc+e,�ain. ,_;,;;y,�.
<br /> � 19..Wtnt�nd S�v�nl Li�y�y; C�s: Suee�swrs mrdl As�fyns Bamd.All duHe� unde►thts dresd of trus! �ijoim and sevenl.Any v o� v_
<br /> ' ' Barrower who co�sipns this deed ot vust but daes rtot o�-si9n the�r�dorivin� debt insuumanttsl C�es so omy a t�ar�t end convey thart -
<br />-"li° � '+ Bortower'e irtterest in the prope►ty to the Tn�stee under the terma of Mia dead o trust.ln aEdiUon.aatl. �Borrowar e,;:ees that t'nv C anQer snd �-���p�?f�`—'
<br />•_,...•,.:._ -------
<br /> "`�.. any other Banower u n d�r t h b dea d o f U u s t may e x t�n d.m o diiv o r m a k e a n y o t h e r c h a ng e s i n t h e Z a+�r a o!t h i a Q e e d o f m�t c r.�i��e e e c u r e d
<br /> � deb4 witho:R that Bartower's content and without ruteasin8 that�ortowar irom the terms of this dee0�.M uust. �
<br /> Tho duttes and benefita of thls deed of bust shail bind and benefit the successors and�s of lend2r an0 Bonowas. t�"` �� � �', �-
<br /> �.1R�n�:i�.R�.�jeQi%�'��Sr�`����
<br /> • 18.No9r�.UNess otherv�ke requirad by law,arry naUce to Bortower shafl be given b�atcur+eri � h����''
<br /> ng it ar by maUinp 14 by c6RFied ma:l a?+�rse�t� ' �+-
<br /> Berroww at tt»p�addrsss a any�othar eddre�s tAat Borrowet has gtv�e►to ler.',�sr.Borrower wiil give�ny noUc�to Land�r�,r�,=,i�sd -+���'r`��=�°
<br /> meii to I�ers au on page 1 of ttus deed of tnst,or to azry oiher eadress which Londer has deaigneted.Any ather notice ra t:mRJ►nr ahati
<br />� � Oa ssnt to lartder'a aQ3raas ea stated on pa�a 1 ot this deed of trust. °
<br /> My entice cf►ail Do dnmad to hsve been plven to Barro��or LenGe►when y►ven in tho menna�stoted ahova. —_----- —
<br /> mi=
<br /> 1i1,Tnrt�t+i o!ttr Prop�t�+a a B�Aelal Mt�nst�,d�uv Fto�owsr. N all or arry part o!the propetN or arry iMmost in it is sold or trensfened _'">►�!>.=�
<br /> wttfloui Ler.der'�ploe writtsn conserA, Landar may asmand immedlata payment of the securod debt. Lender may etso Aemand immedisie �
<br /> demand p3ytt:entein the ebove�rtuations H rt ia8�ohiti�ted by ederal law a9 ot tha daeo of tAls Qeed ot vusta.�afe:te0.However, Lender may not _ r'—
<br /> ��,.
<br /> 20 R�canveyane�.When tM o6fiyatton aecureA by thls deed oi trust has been pald and I.gnder has no turthor obfigation to make aQvanees ° ��"'-
<br /> unda►the instrumertis or a�reeme�securod by thls deed o!trust,the Trustea shatl upon written roquest by the Lender,recorney ths trust �.�.•;- �-•l.,- ;.'�',�
<br />• , oDiig�lnYon so stisfled6Bo�rrowei�sha4!pay any recordatlonecoate.er'a successor in intarest the truat daed and the nate or othar evidanco of tho +.•
<br /> �:...
<br /> . :y�::..aa-�..k„r _ �--
<br /> 21. Succa�a Tnistw. Lender, at LendeYe o�Uon, msy remove Trustee and appoint a cuccessor truatea by first, malting a copy af the
<br /> " substituUan of Vustee ea requlted by eppUeabte aw,and than,by filinQ the suCstitutlon of uustee to►recard in the offlce o1 the rogister of deeds - -.: �
<br /> • of each couMy in wtilch the trust property,or some part thereof,is a�tuatod.The successor truatoo,withaut convoyanco of the property,shatl '� �`
<br /> . .. . sueceed to all the power,duUea,autharityr and tWe of the Trustoe named in the deed of Vust and of any successor trusteo. • ,��_�*j,-_°i' � ___
<br /> �, .. `s'�!"�c:.`d-'�'.-!'n" _° -_-
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