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<br /> ,�;;`�. :�.�'. .: KNOW ALb MEN BY THES6 PRESENTSt ••
<br /> - ="�?:A,. , .---�" Tf{AT WNEREAS. part o� the indebtedneae secured by the Truet Iked ._r.._
<br /> �.
<br /> �.4r���y���((�,.,�y.i.. . ,`°_ � executed by ne...., .,a n ..a n�n,,.,o o_ ta�11 er to
<br /> '!i�'I.il A:�'�1.�.l.•�i,/. _ ' n n
<br /> _ �-•���-----��.��:�.•; Union Bank and Truat Campanv ae Truatee for the benefit of
<br /> :•.
<br /> - � �'�°'�`� � Union Bank and Truet Canpany � the Beneficiery named therein.
<br /> '__ . . .:�'.ri-
<br /> '_ 'n.'A .� .
<br />-__�_ '••�•;_'„�;,' ; :; „ dated Julv 23. 1990 and recorded in the office of tha Regioter of
<br /> -=,9..�:F- a�,p .i• H8�1 Count ,r�t k* page *te **�
<br /> -�:.��� •'���.__.,_ _ Deeda of y� Nebreske. in Hook .
<br /> �!`���s' • �• � Instrument No. 9��.,_, 10G191 � has been paid� and aeid Beneficiary hae re-
<br />'�-:�. `�`' '" �� �•;�. queoted in wciting that thie Deed of Partial Reconv�ysnce be exQCUtod end
<br /> �.�+� ;���•.' .�` delivered ae conffrmed by its endorsement belowi
<br /> 4 .,`:'.••,=.�': �—_---
<br /> �= � `_�� �'-,.J NOW� THEREE'ORE� in conaideration of auch peyment and 1� accordence ______
<br /> , . , __
<br /> �oo,,�
<br /> � �. . with the request of tfie Benef lciary named therein� the undereigned ae ____ _
<br /> � • � . Trustee doea by theae presenta grant� remiae� releese, and reconvey to
<br /> - . •� .• th� porron or peroon� ontiClod th�reto all tho intar��t �nd eetste derived -
<br /> ' '. ,. to aeid Truetee by or through said Truet Deed in the following desccibed � ��'--
<br /> �, - ��;.;:;� , premiaes but o�ly as to such premiaeas =--°�-
<br /> ,,,,s��;.';.: Lot Five (5), in bockman Firet Subdivieion� described aa a tract of land �
<br /> �•�^'%T"� comprising a part of the Southwest Quarter (SH}) of Che 5outhweSt ljuarter -- ----
<br /> :;., ,.;. .. .
<br /> � " :;;;j°;y ' (SW}) if Section Eleven (11), Township Ten (LO). Range Eleven (11). Weat
<br /> � . _�'':'" of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nabraska.
<br /> ..��'� .
<br /> � , .
<br /> �ii:;:t
<br /> i . �=`-`:.:
<br /> + ' ` It being the intent that the land herQby conveyed 6e discharged from seid � ��
<br /> " Deed of Truat and that the rest of the land deacribed therein remain as �-=---
<br /> . �:;•,,., �,t�.�_
<br /> •�,,;!;.� heretofore.
<br /> ,�� Together with all buildinga. fixturea� improvenente end app�rtenances
<br /> �,�,
<br /> �-• -
<br /> „ . . belonging to such premiees. �:�-_
<br /> c.-_-=--
<br /> ,„ �J*:Aa;"�:.
<br /> �• � DATEDs �y 6, 1992 . � ���v��:�
<br /> • . Truatee Kent R. Daws VP Manager �"�SiA;�,
<br /> ' ;;;�. ;' '.:�:,,•
<br /> �.'� '� . The Benef iciary does hereby request that thia Deed of Partial .;;�%�:
<br /> � r•a:
<br /> Reconveyance be executed and delivered. �
<br /> . '_'—"_'_'^~• t
<br /> . -,
<br /> �
<br /> :;"- ,�����•.
<br /> , Bene iciery Kent Et. Daws VP/Manager �
<br /> �
<br /> , :;.
<br /> • ; .. ,
<br /> . . ,;�, .
<br /> ' STATE OF NEBRASKA ) ' �';`,
<br /> , . ) ss: ,
<br /> _ ^ _ �N�Umv nc � ..
<br /> i
<br /> The foregoing instrument was ack uwledged before me on the ��
<br /> . day of � ' 1 , hy ►�f �.�tz(,��� ,
<br /> Trustee. � �
<br /> ��Al�TAAII,�M�Ifib � �L, i ti v�y
<br /> o�w�tBeMM Notery Public
<br /> Mr Comm Eip Mu.IS,18l1
<br /> �
<br /> I
<br /> . , I _ —�
<br />