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<br /> �i � •;�``X�^�' 2. 9e11, tranefer and aonvey t� Leana.rd Fs.
<br /> '`�`�� � and B�tty L. Sahneider� hur,band and wifs� all of their right�
<br /> ��,,,,,��� title and inLeraet in and to�ell��eHaeurrentl�rsituated�on t�e
<br /> r�- �° fixturee ynd othnr pernonal - ror, ty Y -•-------
<br /> �,��. ;. ,•.,, , •�,,',.. 19need premisee. inc���adinn but not limited to the oabin eituated
<br /> :'��`�'`�'`'� thereon� being tihe imFrovemente ass��s:rd 6lractly by the �:�11
<br /> ���:° ' Oountp Aesee:.or to Rogar 0. Dankert, Hall County Aaeeaeor
<br /> .�..i7'�. . . J
<br /> .;,��.. �;�,,;....�Y;' No. 4nn22P874.
<br /> - ��,:r'�_..�:;.:,,��.. � ----
<br />-- :.'.��,,.4e�,;�.. .t Roger Q. Denlcert and Me.r'_lyn J. Denkert �cir.tl.y �nd _
<br /> _ . , .. , severally Qovenant wi th Laonard E. 3ohneider c�t.ct Betty L. _
<br /> '"� Schneidnr that tYsey:
<br /> - - �,.�..�•.. .°i i�- _
<br /> .� ::•• 5r ����'. 1 . Are the l�,wful ownere of the ners�nal �+roT�erty hereir. �
<br /> �.�._3:._�:�:.�:..,_,
<br /> " °"''' � •��;•, oonveyed and tne lawf�il lessoQs under the L�-sr ,1;re�m?nt her�in
<br /> ��'.���,:,r'�-- -..:.:��._ aseigned and that such propRrty Rn� I,ease ��reement are free from
<br /> - ,,: ;,�;� ::. � enoumbranceQ; �-�==
<br /> — .,� . . ..
<br /> - ��� , ;"�;,��,���. 2. Have le�ral power and lawful aeathority to conve;� t'�e
<br /> "Y�' . . .. '�•�� per�anal rro^erty sznd to assi�n the Le3se A�;res�e��; �nd
<br />°�:;;��� "t ' 3. Warrant and defend their laasehold intPrest in ;'1e real
<br /> n ,> ..�."�• � „ ;•
<br /> _ :. � � •�� ��� eQtate as dRfine� by the Lease A�reement and the title to the `
<br /> --'y', ' � �.; •,' personal �rorerty e��ainst tho lawful claims of a11 pe�sone except �:±~-
<br />.;;;;�; ��'R;, ••� � the claime of the Leseora� their suaoessora and asei��::�; undar the
<br /> .;;:$;;°� � � Lease Agreement resulting from and arisir,g fro�n H �jBft3A1.t �y
<br /> _��,: r��.�. u;;�.r.,4;�. Leonard E. Sahneider and Betty L. SchneiQer, hu�bsnd r�nd wife, ��
<br /> "..�= f.� r=::' -�; as assiQnee oi L'ne Lease Aaracmc�t, occ:rrr��o aF�?r t%ie ds�e w..
<br /> -
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<br /> � dckncwled�ed be f��2? ��n r�1 �}��r�o , • J ,
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