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<br /> ' - _ .�
<br /> t y. . Sf�:�,� r fS� sy �xh� , ,. �_ rs L {- �i�4t
<br /> . ,����,',:Y.:b�tc:�tSL�4..�C.:•..it�d3��.'�'1'` .i�-� .s...:�..r.,.... `r ._ ..�.t.:,. °u (.
<br /> t ,i ��..��.
<br /> • ' APPL#� 301-60&32013 "
<br />,4.:` . - •. �.?� .
<br /> - g� t0�'t� .
<br /> ��.�� v.�..��,�.�.�~s��,��.���r��a������.acx�s� ..
<br />� _ i�10TICE�. '��S I,�p�� IS N�T ASS�3�LE �'I'HOL1T j::`.:�
<br /> THE ������, �� ��E DEP�T�I�'I' OF �E��I�1S �i:�.
<br /> �EI) AGEI�TT. ��-,.-::
<br /> ��AII�S ��..�� �U"�`TI� .
<br /> . .�,,
<br />-__-;� ZSR`H � �
<br /> _ _ TF�S VA GUAfiAA�F�►LiO�tuti A�ASSiT1�IT�YV POLICY RIDE�is�a�t�is Y of ;,.;:
<br /> � — a7[JLY � 299fi ,$IId I5 IIIC07pOTEte(1 IIliO 8nd S�t811�B6 dERt�ed tD 8ffild 81td S11�IEiREIIt fh8 ��•;'.•
<br /> " 1Vlartgage.D�af T�n�sR ar��ead.�•9eciuE Debg(4erein "Sec�aicy Instsu�enc")dared flf evea datc hea►.ywith, ' ,s�:,,:
<br /> �. „ �'.•__
<br /> givaa by the andmragna�{t�mau►. Htmnwea )to sec�e�a�owds N�tfl �v b'`
<br /> � �zr,at�r �n� sAVxHOS � r�ou�v � „�� «'"_ .
<br /> ere� � ,
<br /> � , 3IIfi COYC[!A j�Q11A�tO�t}f�III 1h6 SCCQFti��EIIb 8It[�jCS3fCd ffi �;-
<br /> - 913 SOUTS IAC°fSS`f' F',`°'-
<br />..�..� �� GRAND ISLAE�� �aAACRA 68801 �;';::Y-
<br />, ,. ��`' _ (Pcopcuy Addms) --. ,
<br /> i-; ,. V.A.GUARANIEED L(?AN f:OV�NANT:In taddition Yoas foiloweuantr and agi���e�e Seauity -_
<br /> I.eud�fmther oavr�:att �.'
<br /> L�strument,Boirower aad �� '"
<br /> � If t6e mdebtedness secated T�eby b�gn�d or ins�ued ander Tiite 38.United 5tat�s�s�Tnle aud �_�:Y-
<br /> Regulatio�s issued thereamd�aad in effes�rt�the date haeof sha31 govera the ri,g�m, duties�Er�of .Y.�
<br /> . . Boaaw�and Lender.Any provi��of tl�e S�ilY Insuameat or otiter msuflments�d in a�nn wit�b .•
<br /> . w
<br /> �� said indelstedn:sa which are mrm-�:crent wirh said Trtte ar Regnlati�s.incUtding.tu�t eca�ited ou,i�e Fzovisia� �''� :
<br /> ' ��.'= fo�paymeut of sny sam in ca�n witb�siegaymeat af the secared i��tc��the�mvi.�ion thai dte _..�.-
<br /> ���`�� Lendes may acceleiate pay��ss�r�e secared mdebtrMess pmsuaat w Cavenant 17 of s�SecaartS►Ins�t,�cc �-
<br /> hezeby ameuded er c��rd e�tf��at neaess�y to confosra s�cch in.^M�ro t�said Tit1e ar Regala�at►s. �_
<br /> ,.. �--
<br /> ..' �. LAZE CHAR(iE.?�i�'�"r�t:�i0n.HaYrowei w71 pay a••late cha�a,•�t exc�d�t8 fo�p�0��1(4�S'o?�
<br /> ' tbE aveidne�ay�etti tvhes���re than f��n(1�days a£ter the d�e dats thera¢�lw cova th�e�a e�ease � �_ .
<br /> dn
<br /> iavolved ia haadWg del'mQa,��ments.b�svch"late cha:ge„shaII nc�t be�ya�Te�of�sepcoo�ds of�sy
<br /> �� � sa2e made to sadsfy the In�sa�red herehy.iuilesc s u c h g r o c e a d s act s u E�a s�c t;to d'�s e a� r�e t h e�d r� �
<br /> • . � s�ured hr�eb . C'.�-=_-:v
<br /> mdebtedu�ss$nd all pmp¢r casts enFr�ses Y . --
<br /> � . GUARANTY:Shav1�the De�artment of V�tta�s A#�a�s fail ar refi�se w is�ae im gaaz�t.'�fn fc?��at wiWin !`; �
<br /> � 60 days fmm the date that this Lnan wauSd.ira�aIIy b�come el's g i bSe far so��i�mmiued upon by the :�!�•,,;:.
<br /> ;. "'` Deparunent of Vet�s Affairs imder thep 'ans of�Iftie �t� of the US. Ca� "'���eraa9�Eae�'its." tits .—
<br /> ' Mortgdgee may aeciane t�e mdebredness he�eby�secarea at�aue.ana payabla e�a r�,,t�ecws�imnaed'iately str ,,..;..
<br /> m
<br /> `;'�;�� may exav�se any othe�r nghis�ecenndea or taYe any otl�r ps�p�er aciion as by law�mvici�x3!- . '"' .:
<br /> a,,,.:
<br />.. � s�:�;�.
<br /> . T[t�4NSFEi2 OY�THE PRO�'FdtTY:If aII or aaypazt of the Ptuperiy ar�11�nst�sil�ai is mtd ar�.tbis � .±-
<br />,,` .� Ioaa may 6e decla�d immeel�a�ly doo aad payab2e apan aaasfer(`�a��n'7'afc�it:e piag�ty ser.aring sacL �,-.-
<br /> ' la3a m any t�ansf'eree ("a�"). �n1�s the aco�ab�ity► of the a�amPt�muei:t�nfaz of tbis 1� is
<br /> �.tisbed by ebe D�t L�A°er�as Affaus es its amhwized ageat piusn�.�nt�a stmsar¢a 3714 mf t�aptes 37,
<br /> � Tata 3�.iJnite�f States Code. � --
<br /> An aWharized traasfer(••as.svmptian")of the pr�yerty shall elso be subject w additianal cavw�ntn�td a�ts ___
<br /> .. as set fonh beSaw:
<br /> �r°
<br /> (a)ASSUN�7TON Fi1NDlNG FEB:A feee�l w auu�half of 1p�at(5096)a€�a�paid b�we of tbf�• . � _:._
<br /> ..' Man as of the dare af aansfer of ttee pmpeity sfi�11 be�yable at tfie ti�te of t���o We matg,agea a it�. ' --
<br /> '�� �• :. authorhed ageat,as trustee for the�t of Ye�aas Affairs.If the�fa�s tu pay 8�fee ai the t�ne of � `�;:
<br /> . tiansfet,the fee st�II coastimte aa addidot�l JeSt tu that atteady same0 tay+&is��shafl bqr int�d�est at the . ..',��.:.-
<br /> ���ti . �ate haein providcd.aia�.at tLe optian of the mottgagce of�he,iadebt�daes+l6erebY sEaued�soy o�aea �_—
<br /> . � tht�uf.sha11 be due aad payable.�s fee is�tnmat�caUy waived if tbe asssun�r is exeaipt under dse
<br /> prov�s of 38 U.S.C��.372 (c). ��
<br /> � (p) ASSUI►'�TION PROCESSIN¢_Qj.ARC3E: [lpoe.a�plicat�on for ap�pcotiral w eBow �mptiaa snd —
<br /> � ' ' � t18iLSfQ Of tlZLS'—ItJdtl.0 pmccssing fee may 13�c g b�►themoat�g0E�i18 8a1ti0l1'ZDd 8$mt f0[Qt16c.�1Ii13D$$iE �=''"
<br /> ' � ' aroditwonhir►ess oY the a��td sadsequeatty tevutiag the Qolde,r's owat�stiip reconis whe���aved �=
<br /> ��..�..�
<br /> �;it���;,� Uansfer Is camp2eted.7be atnaunt of thi9 cri�ge stnli aat ea�o�:d the Ir,sser of tLe masimum es�b' y�e f., T°;
<br />:�?��y;�• ' pagarmicat of Vaetans Affairs fos s ioan oo w�icS Section 3714 of Cl�apte�37,Titlie 38.Unimd States Code, —�
<br />;'�'�;;t�" . ayplies oraTry maximum presc�fbed by applscable Shate 1aw. '' ,
<br /> �.� (c)ASS[fi!S'�'�TON IIWB11MiITY LIABIIdTY:If this oblig�tbn is u�:�mwf.thcn Ihe aswmer haebyag�s �
<br /> �� cfl assu[ne all af the oblig,a�ans o the veteran imdQr the t�ms o[the itir.:ur,,mia�►is c[ea�tag and sawfng the LogY, ��'.'
<br /> tit
<br />`;;:;�` � • in�a�ding the obUgatlan of the vetrran to indenu�ify the Uept.utmcnt of�fi�s Affair��o the exteat of any cf:,inc -°--
<br /> .«..�r;,,..: a
<br /> , .
<br /> �:pysr�t arisinB fmm the gummuq or insurano�of tha iade�tcd�nrsg caeated by d�insmustcng ���-"
<br />:w,'"fi�t���j•�: -
<br />,�HL��.,.
<br />:::d,�•,;. � IN WTINESS Vf+�IF.�OF.Eairuwer(s)hns eresutad ihis V.A.l3uomnUaed Lo��A,�amgtion Po�Rid� --
<br /> ;�.�; �.
<br /> ��=:
<br />..��{liiY�;' � � � --.
<br />'.��
<br /> • EpWIN D STILLINGBR -Bormwer -8arsoxer
<br /> � . �'
<br /> � PA7RICIA JEAN ILLINGER •E r -soira�vet "`-
<br />� • �- -- .we.. e . �e � v� c �.. ,_'
<br /> �-588(oaosf bIQ4 I���,�����Il��ll����t1�������1111 -_--
<br />, - . �V11�Ndi1TOA3E FOqN9•(96D)521.7291 ...
<br /> i .
<br /> r' .
<br />� F•, ���r . . '�.^"r^_i^ c ;,i r-^� , �7_^�."*'�^.^�^_^7+-^--- .
<br /> � . . ,� . � . .. . ��� . , . . . . ..
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<br />