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201�09093 <br />pt�erniums, if any, or any sums payable by Borrower to Lender in lieu of the payment of Mortgage <br />Insurance p�erniums in accprdance �with the provisions af Section 10. 'Thesse items are call�d "Escrpw <br />Iteins." At origination or az any time during the t�rm of the Loan, L�dex nnay resq�uire that Cornmunity <br />As.saciation Dues, Fe+es, and Ass�cs, if any, be escrawed by Borrawer, and such dues, fces and <br />assessnaents s�all be an Escrovcr Item. Barcower shall promptly furnish to Lat�der all notices of a�unts to <br />be paid under this Se�tinn. Barrow�r shall pay I.ender the Funds for E$crow Itca�s unless I.ender vvaives <br />Borrower's obligation to pay the Funds for any or all Escrow Items. L�nder may waive Borrowcr's <br />obligation to pay to L�cnder Fnnds for any or all Escrnw �tetns at any time. Any sucd� waiver snay only be <br />in writing. I�a th� event of such waiver, Hornovc+er shall paY dircctiy, wh�n and whsre payablc, the amowats <br />duc for any Escmw Items for which paynnent of Funds has been waived by Lender and, if L�nder require.s� <br />shall furnish to Lender re�eipts evidenciaag such payment vviithin su�h tune period as I�Cr may requi�re. <br />Borrower's obligation to xnake such payrnents and to prnvi�de rec�ipts ahall for all purposes be dee�ne,�i to <br />be a covenant and a�re�men,t contained in this Security Instrtr�ent, as the phrase "cove�ant and a�mcnt" <br />is used in Sectirna 9. Yf Barrower is obligated W pay Escrow Item� directly, Pursuant to a waiver, aad <br />Bozxower fails W pay the amouni due for an F.scrow Item, �er may exearcise its rights under Section 9 <br />and pay such amount and Bornower shall then be obligated under Section 9 to repay to L.e�der any such <br />amount. Len�ier may revoke the waiver as to any or all Escmw Items at any tame by a notice given in <br />accardance with Section 15 and, upon suGh revocarion, Borxawer shall pay to I.end�r all Funds, and in <br />such a�ounts, that are the� required under tlus Section 3. <br />I,ender m�ay, at any time, collect and hold Fww�ids in an an�unt (a) sufficient to permit Lender ta apply <br />the Funds at the time specified ut�der RESPA, and (b) not Co sxceed tixe nnaximum amount a lendcr can <br />requirc under RESPA. L�ender s}�all estinnate the am�ount of Funds due on the basis of current data and <br />reasonable estinnat�es of ex�ndit�u�es of future Escmw Iteans ar otherwise in 8ocordance with Applical�le <br />Law. <br />The Funds shall be held in an institution whose de�posits are insured by a feciernl a$encY, <br />in.�tn�naentality, or en�ity (i�ncludita� I,�dex, if L,ender is a�a institution whose deposits are so insured) or �in <br />any Federal HomGe Laan Bank. Le�tder shall apply tl� Funds to pay the Fscrow Items na latcr t�han the time <br />specified under RESPA. L.ender xball �t charge Borrawer for holding and applying the Funds, annually <br />analYzinB the escrow account, or veritying the Escmw Items, unless Ixalder pays Barrower interest on the <br />Funds and Applicable Law permits L�der W make surh a charge. Unle+ss an agr�t is made in vvriting <br />or Applicable re�uires interest w be paid on the Funds, L.end�r shall �t be raquired to pay Borrawer <br />any intez�st or earinings on the �'unds. Borrower and X,,�nder can agree i�n writing, however, that interest <br />shall be paid on the Funds. L,ender ahall give to Baxrower, without charge, an aunual accounting of ttie <br />Funds as required by RESPA. <br />If tbere is a surplus of �ds held in esc�row, as de5ned under RE5PA, Y,ender sha11 account to <br />Borrower for t� eatcess fiu�ds in acarrdanoe with RESPA. If there is a shortago of Funds b�eld in escrow, <br />as dc5ned tmder RESPA, L�ender shall notify &�zrower as required by RESPA, a�d Borro�wer s�hall pay ta <br />L,ender the amount necessary to make up the shortage in �ordance with RFSPA, but in no m�ore than. 12 <br />rnonthlY paYm�ts. If there is a defip�ncy of �timds held ia e�crow� as dcfix�ed under RFSPA, L,ender shall <br />rnodty Hornower as required by RESPA, and Borrower shall paq w I.e�d�r the aim�aunt necessary to make <br />up the deficiency in acxordance with RESPA, but in no mo� than �2 montblY PaY��• <br />Upon payment in full of a,ll sums secured by tbis Security Insttvup�ent, L�cnder shall pra�rtpdy refiuid <br />to Borrawer any Funds hcld by Lender. <br />4. Ch�rges; Lieas. Boarrow�r �hall pay all taxes, ass�ts, charges, , fines, aud impositians <br />attributuble to the Property which can attain priority over this Secu�itY Tnstru�nt, leasehold payme�ts or <br />ground rents on the Propcxry, if any, and Community Associacion Du�, Fves, and Asssessments, if any. To <br />the sxtent that these items are Esc�[�ow Items, Borrower shall pay them in the manner provided in Sectiom 3. <br />� RASKA - Single Family - Fannie Mae/Freddio Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMFM <br />-6(N�1 roe� i►• ' r�. e m �s inn�: Farm 8028 1/01 <br />� , /•', .. <br />, <br />�. <br />