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201009Q91 <br />acceleration has occurned, reinstate as pmvide� in Section 19, by causing the action ar proceeding to be <br />dismissed with a nilir�g that, in Le,ader's judgment, precludes forfeiture of the Property or other material <br />iunpairment of Lender's int�est in tha Property or riglxts under this Se�curity I�ent. The praceeds of <br />anq award ar clau�q for damages thac are attributabie W the it�pai�nt of Lender's interest in the Property <br />are hereby assigned and shall be paid to Lender. <br />All Miscellat�us Prnceeds that are nat applied to resinration ar repair of tk�e Propeaty shall be <br />applicd in thc order provided for in Sectinn 2. <br />12. Horrower Not ltdea,�ed; Forbearaunce By Lender Not a Waiver. Excension of the time for <br />paymcnt or modification of amortization of the sums secut�ed by this Security Instivrne�n,x grante� by �nde�. <br />to Borrow�r or any Suocessor in Interest of Borrowcr shall not aperate to release the liability of Borrower <br />or any Succc�ors in Interest of Borrowcr. I.ender shall not be rvquired to commence proceedings agai�pst <br />any Successor in Interest of Borrnwer or to refuse to extend time for payment or atherwise modif�+ <br />amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any det�tand made by the original <br />�orrower or any Successors in Interest of Borrower. Any forbearance by I.ender �in exc�rcising any right or <br />re�edy including, without limitation, Lender's acceptance of payments fi�qm third persons, entitics or <br />S�S.�ars in Interest of Bnrrower or in axnounts less than the a�unt then due, shatl twC be a waiver of or <br />preclude the exercise of any right or r�edy. <br />13. doint and Sev�al Liab�ity; Co-signers; Sucoessors and As�igns Bound. Borrower cavenants <br />and agx�es that Bornower's obligations and Iiabiliry shall bc jaiat and several. However, any Borrower who <br />co-signs this Security InsrivmPait but daes not e,7cecute the Note (a "co-signer"): (a) is co-signing this <br />5ecurity lnst�vment only to xnortgage, grant and convey the co-signer's interest in the Properiy under the <br />C�rms of this Se�urity Instrum�nt; @) is c�t pe�rsonally obligated to pay the sums secuned by this Security <br />Instrument; and (c) agrees that L,�nder ancl any other Borrawer ag7ee to extend, mndi�y, forbear nr <br />make any accnmmodations witix regard to the tem�s af this Se,curity rnst�t or the Note withaut the <br />co-si ner's consent. <br />�ubject to the prorrisions of Sectian 18, atry Succ�ssor in Interest of Harrower who assumes <br />Borrovver's obligations under thia Security Ynstn�ent in writing, and is approved by Lendcr, shall, obtain <br />all of �orrower's righis and benefits under this Se�urity Instruunent. Bonrower staall not t�e rele�ased from <br />Bormwer's obligations and liability undef this Security Instnunent unlcss I.ender agrees ta such x�elease in <br />writing. The covenants a� agraemex►ts of tlus Security Ins�t shall bind (except as pror�idad in <br />Section 20) and bene�t the successors and assigns of �der, <br />14. Loan Cha�ges l.�der rnay aharge Borrower fees far servic�s perfornaed in connectinn with <br />Horrower's dcfault, for the purpose af prntecting L.cnder's interest in the Property a�nd rights umder this <br />Secu�ity Instrutnent, it�cluding, but not limited Co, attorneys' fees, property i�specCion and valuation fees. <br />In regard to any okher fee.s, the abs�ce of eapress authoriry in this Security Instniment to c,harge a specific <br />fee ta Borm�wer shall not bc onnstru�d a� a pmhibition on the charging of suah fee. Lender may not c6arge <br />fees that are expressly �rolubite� by thia Se�urity Instnunant ar by Applicable I.,aw. <br />If the Laan is subje�t to a law whiah sets rnazimurn loan chargos, �nd ihat law is finally interpreted so <br />chat the inter�sst or other loan charges colle�ted or to be collected in conneai�n with the T.,oan exc�ed the <br />permitted limits, then: (a) any such loan charge shall be reducxd hy the amount nece�sary to reduce the <br />c�arge co the p�mittea 1i�,ic; a�a �� any sums alreaay �o1��a fr�m Honower whiGn e.�tceea�ct permiccea <br />limits will be retunded to Horrowcr. Lendcr may choosc W make tlus rcfund by rcducing the principal <br />owed undar ttae Note or by nnaking a direct paymcnt to Bornowcr. If a refutad redtrces principal, Yhe <br />reduction will be tmated as a partial pt�.paym�trt without anY prepaYment chauge (Whether nr not a <br />PrepaYment c�arge �s provided far u�der thc Note). Bormwer's aa�ptance of any such refund made by <br />di�'ect paYment to Borrower will conatituto a waiver of any right of sctian Horrower might have arising out <br />of such avercharge. <br />15. Nodoe�. All notices given by Borrow�r or L�nder in conne�tion with this SeGUrity Inshvment <br />nnust be in writing. Any narioe to Borrower in cannection with this Svcurity InsCrument s�all bc dcem�i to <br />have be�n given w Bornovver when mailed by fi�tst class mail or when actually delivered to Eorrower's <br />notice address if se�nt by other mean�s. Notice to any one Horrower shall canstitut�: twtice to all 8orrowers <br />unless Applicable �prasaly requires otherwis�. TLe notice address shall be th� Property Addr�s <br />unless Borraw�r has dBSignazed a substitute notice address by notice to Lender. Borrower shall prorr�ptly <br />notify Lender of Horrower's c,hange of addreas. If Lender specifies a proc:edure for reporting Borrower's <br />change of address, then Borrower shall only report a c�ange of address through that apeci�ied pracedure. <br />NEBRASKA - Single Family - Fanr� Meo/Fr�d�e Me�c UNIFQRM INSTRUMENT <br />�-61NE11081.11 , Pepa 10 vt t6 in�ue�:� F�rm Sp�g 7/01 <br />