<br />(c) "I,enaer Xs wszLS �ARC�o ai�, N.A.
<br />Lender i8 a �TIO�TA� �1$SOCtATION
<br />organize� a� existin$ undeT the laws Of TSS UNTT� �TAT�B
<br />Lendu�r's address is �.o. sax 11701, NB�ARx, N� 0"�1o147n1
<br />I,ender is the beneficiary under this Security Instn�ent.
<br />(�) "T�g�n jg �pBI+I.B FIIRQO B'IN2►NCI]1L NATL HNA
<br />C�O SPSC. 8ffi$V. � PO $QX 31557r BII+�TN(�38• 1A�7,' 5910'1 .
<br />(E) "Note�� r�eans the prnrnissory not� signed by Borrower and dated Nov�� 3 0,� a � o .
<br />The Note staC�s tku�t $orrower owes L,ender B�STX FIV� '�.'HOIIBAND STR BUNDR� N�f
<br />T�RSS A�D OQ/100 �ll�
<br />([J.$. $*****65 r 693. QO ��]11S lillteTCSt Borrower has promise�d to pay tlus dsbt in regular Periodic
<br />Payments and to pay cha debt in full not later than D�c�a�R 01, a n� o .
<br />(1� "Pi'Opel�y" 1AplCel7s the pxClperty thFtt il8 dCSCrib�d b�lOW uIIder thC hP,edill$ "TxB�qSfer oF Rights iri Che
<br />(G.)�"I.oann means thc debt evidenced by ttxe Note, plus interest, anY P�Y� �'ges and late c�arges
<br />due uncier thc Note, and all sunas due under this Security Tnstivment, plus interest.
<br />(� "Riid�s" meaiqs all Riders to this SecuriCy Instrunnent that are executted by Hottdw�' �ne �o1r��
<br />Riders are to be execcuted by Horrower [check box as applicable]:
<br />� Adjustable Rate Rider 0 Candaminium Rider Second Hotne Rider
<br />Balloon Ric� 0 Planaaed Unit Developmez�t Rid�r 1-4 Farnily Rider
<br />� VA Rider 0 Siweekly Pay�nt Rider Ut�er(s) [��Yl
<br />(n "Applicable Law" meaws all oontrolling applicable federal, state and local statutes, regulatians,
<br />ordinance$ and adrninistr�tive ntles and ordets (tlaat have the effect of law) as well as all applicable final,
<br />non-appealablc judicial opinions.
<br />(� "Community Aasodation Dues, Fees, aad As�sme�nts" means all dues. fces, assessments and other
<br />charges that are imposed on �orrower or the PropBrty by a condominium association, ho�eawners
<br />association or similar organizatian.
<br />(I� "Electrouic Fpuds �Sfesr" mea�s any iransfet of fuYtds, other Chan a�ion originate� by
<br />checlr, draft, ar similar paper ia�trument, vvhich is initiated through an electronic termintil, telephonic
<br />icastrum�ut, compnter, or magnetic tape so as to order, inat�ruct, ar authorir.e a�u�ancial instituCion to debit
<br />or credit an account. Such te[m includes, but is not limit�ed to, point-of sale transfers, autamated teller
<br />miachine transactians, traz�.sfcrs initiated by telephane, wire transfe�'s, and autonnated clearinghause
<br />transfers.
<br />(L) "F.scrov�' Ite�ns" means those iteans that are described in Sec�oan 3.
<br />(1VI) "Mi�ellan�eous Proceeds" mean.� any compensation, �ettle�nent, award of d,alnages, or proc�ds p�id
<br />by any third party (other than insurance pr�cceds paid under the coverages described in Sec�ion S) far: (i)
<br />damage to, vr desnvctirrn of, the Property; (ii) candemnation or ather taking of all or any part of the
<br />Property; (iii) conveyanc� in lieu of co�emnarion; or (iv) misre�presentations af� or omissions as to, the
<br />value and/or condition of the Property.
<br />(1V) "Mortgage Ynsurance" mesrns insurance protecxing Len�der against the ncmpayme�t of, ar defaWt an,
<br />the Loan.
<br />NF9RASKA - Singie Family - �annia Ma�/Freddie Me� UNIFORM INSTRUMEMT
<br />��INE) �oe��� , � x o� �6 ��w: Farm 9028 7/01
<br />��
<br />