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<br /> ��)�prrpwK Nol pN�M�d,Exl�nslon ot Ih�llm�for p�ynhnt or modllicapon of amo►tlz�tlqn ol ehe�um�s�curod b�r thl�
<br /> ?���''��'� �Nd ol Truot pr�nUd by L�nd�r to any wccoaor In Inter��t ol9orrow�r th�ll nat oper�t�to r�l�,U�ey m�nrnr,the Ii�bllity
<br /> "�"�—�.--�_ .�� olth�orlpin�I 8orrow�r�nd 8orrow�r's�uacenor�In Intantt.Lsnder�hell not be requlred to commonoe procaedinp�a�dn�t
<br /> �.�1:.J�.• suah wccasor ar rduN to�xbnd Gm�tor paym�nt or oth�rwb�modity amaAi�udon o1 th��um�ucurad by tl�i�L1Md o1 Trust
<br /> �` "'' by�eaeon of eny d�mends meds by the origlnsl BorrowK and Borrow�r'��iuCCeteors In intere�t ��
<br /> .;�. �'.E� (b)undn'�Pow�n.Without allectln' 1he Il�blllty ol eny oth�r par�on Ilabte for 11►a paymsnt a1 anr oblipotion horain
<br /> ���S`� , - . m�ntlon�d,and withaut a1f�aUnp Ihs Ilen oi oh�r�e of thls Drwd of Tru�t upon any portion qf ths PropeAy not th�n or thar�tofon
<br /> =�� ,���LL`�' relsasmd a�wcurly lor the lull a�nount of�II unppld oblipations,Lender may,lrpm Uma to time and wfthaut notlae(q nlea�s any
<br /> i`��.d�X'..",,;:
<br /> ���,_�.�,v; perwn w Il�bla.pi)extend ths m�luriry or elter�ny af the terms ot eny euah obHpapons,(III)�rant vthar Mdulpenc�,(Iv)raleap
<br /> '--=�.�s�w. or�econvay,or cause to be relessed or reconveyed at a�y tims at Lender'�opUon Any parcel,pprtipn pr all of the Properry,
<br /> �N'"='�`�'�'��"'"'�'' (v)teka or rela�ae any othor or addltlonal seeuriy for any obllpaUon hereln menlloned,or(vq mNkR.aomposiQons or othor
<br /> ;�w�ip'`-L''.�{��"'f '� arrangam�nta with dabtors m relallon thareto.
<br /> _��`�.: r;;;,,::. (a)Forburana�b�L�nd�r Not�Ml�ive.Any torbaarance by Lender In exercf�fnp Any riphl ar remady hereundar,or
<br /> � � �•�'�°'�� othenvlas aNarded by appUoable law, ahall not be a walver of pr preclude the exeralts ol poy euah,right or remedy.The
<br /> �:��.�.
<br /> z-�t7�t7 S�. proourement of inauranoe or ihe paymant of taKes or other Ilom or charges hy l.onder�h�ll nat ba a wAlver of l.endor'�riQ t to �
<br /> M4�Li1.Y.: _
<br /> '•s;,��;-�•„��;�,,-.; . accelerate the mpturlty ot the Indebtednass securaq by mis Ueed at Truat
<br /> - �_;�„�;,;',;,;:,,,:_� (d)Suae�uon and Awlpn�8oundl Jolnt and 8w�al I.i�bllfh:CaPilonr•The aovenante a�d,egreemente herein con-
<br /> y '�"" • teined ehall bind,and the riphta hereu�der shall inure to,the respective auccesaore and ass�gps of Lender and Trustor.All
<br /> .1{„r:1.?h.,i+�:^�:;l;''�' �.
<br /> h , �. , covenants and egreemenW of Trustor shell be Jofnt and aev�ral.Tha ceptlons and headinga oi the perapraphs ot thfs Deed of
<br /> x�n'?':�'j.�
<br /> � �,�'�J,•_T,,.. :: ._ Trust ere for convenience only and are not to be used to int�rpret ar detina the provisipna he�eo.
<br /> ..�"a>�.;�:;_�.+,:.. (e)R�quat lor Nodca.The parties her�by request thal a copy af any natl�o of deiaull:hareunder end a copy of any noUca �
<br /> ���•�°°•'•����� of eAle hareunder be maHed to eanh party to this Deed o�T�uat at iha addresa aet lorth above in the menner prescribed by
<br /> '.�'�. � �, ' appllaable law.Except for any other natfua requlred under appllaabl�law to be giv�eo in another manner,any noUce provlded
<br /> _,:,�� .. . '"_ . tor in thla Deed of Truet ahall be glven by mafling auah notice by cehifipd mall addrassed ta the other peNiee,at the addreas aet
<br /> ...� ,,,�:�::; fprih above.Any notice provided for in thla Dead of Trust ehall ba eHpCtiv�a upa�malling in the menner dealgnated hereln.II
<br /> .:�;:.'��„ �•��q�'. � Truslar le mare than one peraon,notlae sent to the address aet iorth a6ov�•ahall�be notice to all such p eraona.
<br /> �. :,,�,.,,;, (q In�p�otlon.Lendei may make or cauae to be made reasonable enl�las upon end Inapectlona of the Property.provided
<br /> . •�' tha�Lender shell give Tru4tor notfoe prior to any suoh Inepeclfon apaolying,reaaoneble cAUae therelor r�lAted to Lender'�
<br />.�r�'. � ,. '�;I:�.. intereet In the Property.
<br /> ' :��, �� :' '�' �`� (q) R�oonv�y�na�.Upon payment ol all sums secursd by thlapeed af Trust.Lender ahall requeat Trustee to reconvey the - -
<br /> '���(� . -'.:.�:;: ��, Pr o p e A y a n d a h a l l s u r r e n d e r t h i e D e e d ot T�uet and all notes evidenaing indebtedneas aecured by this Oeed of Truat to Truatee. —
<br /> �-:_.Yi�.. . :,,:�`.'. —
<br /> .•�s•••.• • 7rustee ahall reconvey the Property without warranry and wlthout charye to the person or penons leyally entltled thereto.
<br /> ','y.
<br />:��,;�� ` � � ` Truotor ahHll pay all�aoste of recordation,If any.
<br /> -� �_-�.�i',�t�d[.�1�%Sli:-� ment af the Note.Troaror hereby pranb
<br />:1��:+ `- =��;�::�,-�s-�•:�r;. (h) �KSaaai Prop�rry;S�uNty Ayraem�nt.As addltfooal securlt��for the�y -_-
<br /> r` ;��,,�� ; ,,��.�.,:•, —
<br /> �.,•,� • ;•�(�;,;;;;;,, . . Lender under the Nabraska Unilorm Commerdal Code a seaudty intereat In atl lixturea,equipment,and other peraonal property
<br /> °�""�,.�•�'� used In conneation with the ree{estate or Improvementa located thereon,and not otherwise declared or deemed to be a part of
<br /> �1�'"�, . —�-
<br /> . • ;�,r��� U►e real eatate seoured hereby.T�le Instrument shall be consirued as a Security Agreement under said Code,and the Lender
<br /> '�'�; • 8hall heve all the riqhte and remadles of a secur�d party under eaid Code in edditlon to the rlghte and remedles created under
<br /> � � and accorded the lender pursuant to thle Deed af Trush,provVded thet Lender's righte and remedles under thle paragraph ahall �;_=
<br /> be cumuletive with,and in no way e Umitation on,Lender'e riyhts and remediea under eny other eecuriry ayreement olpned by --
<br /> b � Borrower or Trustor.
<br /> . (I) U�ns�nd Encumbranc��.Trustor hereby werrants and represents that there la no delault under the provisions of eny _
<br /> ••� ' mortgeqe,deed of truat,lease or purchese contract descrlbing all or any pert of the Property,or other contrec�Instrument or �_..
<br /> - �� • egreement constftutlng a Ilen or encumbrance agafnat all o�any part ol the Property(collectively,"Liens"),existing ae ot the —
<br /> " ' �� ; ,., date ol thls Deed ol Trust,end that any and all exiating Uens remain unmodiffed except as dlscloaed to Lender in Trustor'a __
<br /> written dlecloaure ot Ilena end encumbrences provided for hereln. Trustor shell tlmely pe�form all 01 Trustor'e obliqatfona, �
<br /> �"'�� •• �' covenente.�epresentatfons and warrantles under eny end all exlsiting and future Liens,ahall promptly forward to Lender copiea ��'
<br /> ' ; "° . ' of all notiaes of deteult sent in connectlon with any and all exiating or future Lfena,and shall not wilhout Lender'e prlor writtan _
<br /> � coneent In eny menner modiry the provielona of or allow any luture advancea under any existing or tuture Lfens, �__
<br /> � •• • � �) Applfoadon of P�ym�nta.Unless otherwfse requ�red by low,sums pafd to Lender hereunder,including without Ifmltation ��°-
<br /> . � �. � � payments of princlqal and fnterest.lnsurance proceeds,condemnatfon proceeds and rents and proffta,shall be applled by L�:
<br /> � � Lender to the am�unts due and owing from Trustor ar,d Borrower fn such order as Lender in Its sole discredon deema desfrable.
<br /> y.;: . � (k) SwKSbtllly.If any provlsion ot this Deed ol Trust conillcts wfth applf�able law or Is declared Invalfd or otherwlse � '
<br /> unenforCeable,euCh contllct or fnvalidlry shall not affect the other provfsons of thfs Deed of Truat or the Noto whlch can be ��
<br />- � � " " glven eNect without the coMlicUny provision,and to this end the provislons ol thls Deed of Trust and the Note ere declered to be r�•�
<br />- � eevereblo.
<br /> :"'.�-.� o
<br /> • �� ere the�pehson(s),thoee terms as1 sed In hfs Daeed ol Trust�shall be mterchangeable.d when the Trustor and Borrower f- �.
<br /> • ;1 . (m) QovKnlnp Law.7hls Deed of Trust sholl be governad by the lews ol the State ot Nebreska. L,��
<br /> : � � Truetor hes executed this Deed ot Trust as of the date wntten abov��y— -- `
<br /> �• ��e� �
<br /> �
<br /> Brian L. Hayes Trul s�or '
<br /> �_ N� � �
<br /> �
<br /> '� ' Juli H$yes 7rustor ;
<br /> , � � �
<br /> ; ,
<br /> , •�
<br /> , ..... .....:�..�.:.:..,.
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