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<br /> -�� � �.>��.: a>� . . . a'�ei!. -.KS.�L�A�dnoorxixi.a.�-
<br /> � �:, ;�F°`�' �q ::x,..r.•- --
<br /> j . .. ..-_ ._
<br /> .. `� ;ry,� �1. A,.�v }1; .l-/_-_.
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<br /> —;.��.��::'`.:_fe�'''utr,�9 y�
<br /> -+�a���{�;�,._�{;,� AC�OWLEDQBMENT OF DLED OF T�ST ____
<br /> ��_;��.�,��,� 103939
<br /> ----�.:��± T61U8TOR REAQ THIB BEFORB SH�N�NO: 9Z"r'
<br /> �_u�._- .}�.. A�,.�,-.
<br /> -����;,`���.,�.� Tru�Wr und�nd�th���h�doaummt th�t Tru�tor Is�bout to�x�aut�1��ONd of Tru�t and nol�mortp�p�and Ihd th�pow�r
<br /> ��, *' - � of ut�proWd�d for In th�D�ad of Truat providn wb�ntl�lly dlHennl rlpht�and obl�q�uont to Tru�to►Ih�n�mortp�p�In th�av�nt
<br /> �M1:.--�''� "• '�� of�d�t�ult or brMOh of oblip�tlon und�r th�Dwd ol T�uN,Inoludlnp,but not limit�d to,lhe L�nd�r'�rlphf to h�vo Iho Propnty sold �-_
<br /> :"�`'�%�'�`��'.'� by th�TruaM wlthout�ny IudIcU1 procMdinp•Trwtor npnpnt��nd wur��u thU thu oaknowNdp�mmt wu�x�auNd by
<br /> "�3��"" �� � � TruHor tdor�!he sxecutlon of M�DMd of Tru�L �—_„:,
<br /> 3�i�`�'�t��..'v e y,�'I;_�T `� �_ _
<br /> . �-'
<br /> t�.{;t;,,;:..<,,';�_�'`' Br1an L. [�le�yea Truotor
<br /> :.l�r�r�:�_.,�'� ��:t' ' `�.�IAA..i/l7L / 1�
<br /> . `;;;',~:��� , ", ',� Jul e Hayes Truetor —
<br /> ��= ���.��:'���t`'°�.�`;� '� p6B0 QF TRUBT WITH FUTURB ADVANCES
<br /> _�T�,._;�'.Y',:'_+.:.c:_- ' %
<br /> :-._� -;�:••;,; .-- .,. -
<br /> '� � �� THIB DEEO OF�TRU3r,is made as ot the 29Ch.__day of�pr;t ,19�,by end amonp
<br />_ � ' �� `�r. ' theTruetor,�i� �'• �� � Julie HaYes, Huabanc3 ar►e Wife _ ,
<br /> �_-- :y••� : . O Box 36. Wood River. [�tE 688A3
<br /> -i °i;r�,' � �"'"'"i1r�;�` _ whose maAfnp addreas ie .�s (hereln"Truetor;'whethe►one or mo�e),
<br /> _,;:�, •:a�:,;z �-��,�..r'; � _-_ -
<br /> ;:: t,:. .. rt�• �
<br />:.vt"'` :``'�'.':�' .r�t,,,�y;Y....• theTru�tee�
<br />"r.� j�,.'i��,.�". . •':A:rt!: .
<br /> �:�'�'"��� �`v , who�e mailfng address Is P• 0 �x 518, Sheltoll� NE 66876 (hereln"Truslee"),end
<br /> i'�,'.!f[�'+;+ ' �i • et�tc Aanie �
<br />- ,`,;5�` , , � the Beneficiary - _
<br /> ' ^ °I'"�'�,•� � � whose mallin�address is P• 0. Box 518� Shetlon. NE 68876 (herein"lender"►,
<br /> . • �„ ; -
<br /> •.,,.. .;�i!;;•,;,.,...
<br /> ' ' ''`�� `��� FOR VALUABLE CON3IDERATION,fncludiny l.ender's extenslon of credlt identllled hereln to BCian L. H8yg8 and
<br /> b� , )y v:•,:
<br /> ��' 1��:�,� . • �;;�In::3:�
<br /> :. �t�; ::'," . �,:yr�;•t;�. Juli@ HSyes (hereln"Borrower",whether one or more)and the trust herein created,
<br />,.,.'�:.,•� � a�;. ,, ;.•r.;��'.�'` the recelpt of which IB hereby acknowledged,Truator hereby irrevocably grants,translers, conveys and assigna to Trustee, IN
<br /> , ,., ,-m TRi1ST,WITH POWER OF SALE,t0►thg beneflt end aecurlty of Lender,under and subject to the terms and conditions he►einAfter ae1 ____
<br /> ' •.�'' �.%' forth,the�eal properly,deacrlbed es followo:
<br /> K. ,� _-
<br /> � � , The East �renty (20) Feet of Got Ni ne (9) and all of Lot Ten i 10), in Block Five (5)� �-� ��
<br /> ` � '��':�•�,.':;�.:. . in th� F'irat AclAition to the Village of Wood River► Hall CaunCy, Nebra+ska. -
<br /> . • i, � Topether wlth all bulldings, improvements,llxtures,streets,alleys,passefleways,easemenls,rights,privilepes and appurte• �-� -
<br />- ,, nancea located thereon or In anywlae pertafning thereto,and the renta,issues and proflts,reverslona end remelnders thereol,end .
<br /> . euch personal properly lhat Is ettached ro the improvements so as to co�atftute e Ifxture,Including,but not limited to,heating and � ��:
<br /> ` • • Coolinp equlpment;and toqelher wlih ihe homeateed or marftal interests,flany,which Interesta are hereby releaeed and weived;ell �`�'"',�- ,
<br /> . of which,Including replacements and additfons Ihereto,ie hereby declared to be a partof the real estate secured by the Ifen of thh _,��__
<br /> • �� Deed of Truct and all ol the loreyolnp beinq referred to hereln ae the"Property". �L',r•��-°
<br /> �l.r7t,l.-:: _
<br /> .�._ • , b
<br /> ° Thls Oeed of Trust shall eeCUr@(e)the payment of Ihe principal sum and Intereat evidenced by e promis�ory note o�Cledit ______ „
<br /> �.;;� . . ' � a�reement dated April 29, 1992 ,hAVing a matuny dete of �Y `�� 1995 , ��.y,-���-_
<br /> �;''_��:r.�,.
<br /> t ° � in the orlglnel princlpal amount ol S a? '�9 00 .and any and au modllfcat►ons,extensions and renewals •'�-'�°=.
<br /> ' thereof or thereto and any and all future advances and readvances to Borrower (or any of them il more lhan one) hereunder , �•�,„�..�
<br /> ;, L:�
<br /> � � pureuent to one or more promlasory notes or credit agreements(hereln called"Note"L(b1 the payment of other sums advanCed by .'�"-_�«-_;
<br /> ' . � lender to protect the securlty ol the Note;(c)the perlo►mance of all covennnts and agreements of Truator set forth herein;and(d)all �•--�
<br /> ° present and future Indebtedness and ob6geUons of Borrower(or any of them�f more Ihan one)lo Lender whethar direct indirect, ��^_
<br /> ebsolute or aontingant and whether arlsln b note,guarenty.overdraft or otharwlse.The Note.thfs Deed of Truat and any and all �'°�3�--
<br /> 9 y i 4..;,, .«..
<br /> other docuents that secure the IJote or otherwise exec uled fn connection therewNh.including w�thout Ilmitatlon guaranteee,eeCU►Iry �• --
<br /> ' epreements and eselgnments of leases and rents,shall be referred to herem as Ihe"Loan Inatruments". E���:`��'.n�
<br /> ---�-_ � Truaror covenants and agrees w�th Lender as 10l lows: �. ' ` .'"
<br /> . 1. Parm�nt o1 Ind�btNlnas.All indebtedness secured hereby shall be paid when due. � s
<br /> 2.TIII�.Trustor is the owner of the Property,has the nght and authonry to convey the Property,and warrants that the Ilen
<br /> created hereby�s a firat and prlor lien on the Property,ezcept lor I�ens and encumbrances set to►th by Trustor�n wnting and �
<br /> dellvered to Lender before execullon ol this Deed ol Trust.and the execution and del�very ol this Deed ot Truet does not v�olate any �
<br /> COntraCt or other Obllgetion to whiCh Trustor is sub�eCt
<br /> ' . 3. Ta[�s,Ats�um�nt�.To pay before delmquency aii taxes.speci8l assessmenls and all other cnarges aga�nst the Property
<br /> � now or hereafter levied. �
<br /> ; 4. tmuranel.To keep lhe Property insured again st demage by t�re.hozards mc luducf�v�lhm the term"extended Caverag@".and
<br /> such other hazards as Lender may reqwre.�n amowts and w�th comparnes acceplAnie to Lender.nnmmg LenCer as an eddd�onal
<br /> named insured,with loss payable to the Lender In case of loss under such policies.the Lender�s authonzed to ad�ust,collect and
<br /> compromise.all clalms thereunder a�d shall have the optwn ot apply�ng au�r part ot the msur�nce proc:eeda 1�)to any�ndebtedness
<br /> �eCUred hereby and fn such order as lender may det��m�ne.1��1 to Ihd Trustor to be used lor the repa��or restorat�on ot the Properry
<br /> or(iflllor any other purpose o�obiect sauslactory tu L�nde�w�thout aHect�ng the I�en ol th�s Deed of Trust for the fuu amount secured
<br /> hereby before such payment ever took place Any appl�cat�on of proceeds to �ndebtedness shall not extend or postpone Ihe due
<br /> . rians nl anv oavments under the Note.or cure any dB�ault thereunder ur hereunder
<br /> ' 5. Hserow.Upon wntten demand by Lender. Tru Sto�shall pay to Lender, in suCh manner as Lentler may aes�gnete.9umCie�t
<br /> suma to enable Lender to pay as tney beCOme due one or more of Ihe lollo�v�ng ���a11 taxes.assessments and othe�charges agamst
<br /> the PrOperty.pi)the prem�ums un Ihe p�operty msurance reqwred hereunder,and I��d the premwms on any mortgage�nsuranc@
<br /> requ�red by Lender.
<br /> 6. M�Int�n�nc�. R�p�ln ind Compllane�wlth Law�.Trustor shall keep Ihe Property in g0od Condrtion a�d repair, shell
<br /> promptly repalr, or replace any improvement which may be damaged or desUOyed. 5i 31t nOt COmmrt or permit eny weste Or
<br /> detenoraUon nl Ihe Properry.shall�iot remove.demc�i�sh or;ubst�nt�ally alter �ny pl the�mpr�vNments on Ihe PrOp@rty.9hell nOt
<br /> commft,�uHer or pe�mi!any 3Ct to be done in or upon the Properly in v�oletion of any law,ordinance.or regulation and shall pay and
<br /> promptly d�scharge at Trustor's cost nnd erpense al I I�ens.encumbrances and charges Iev�ed.�mposed ur nssessed against the
<br /> Property or nny paA thareol
<br /> Z Ensln�nt Dandn.Lender is hereby ass�qned all compensation,awards.damages and other pa�ments or rel�ef(heremaker
<br /> "Proceeds"1 in COnnectfon w�th condemnahon or otha�tak�ng u�the Property or part thereol,or Ior ronveyance�n heu of condemnn-
<br /> hOn.Lender ahell be entltled at�ts option to commenCe.appear�n and prOSacule�n�ts own name any act�on or proceedmgs,anc�
<br /> shall also be aM�tled to make any compromisa or settlement i�canno�tian w�th such takmg or demage In the event any portlon ot
<br /> N�C 3�6)�NO�prKUnur�i p�wn11�.1D N �
<br /> �1lNNa�n��lWnrlw��wuLWU•WS�r�.y�Mw•���....i„�.d- M�e.n�•
<br />