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<br /> '°�"'°�,; � ASSI(iNtiN.NT OB TRUST DEED
<br /> _:,,�...,,��;���
<br /> KNOW ALL 1[RN BY THES� PRESSNTS� That Tho Overland National Hank o£ Grand Ialand� ��-n
<br /> `�`'''' ` a corporation� eho party of tho firot part. in conoidoration of tha ouo ofForty_ thouoand
<br /> .r_--�-
<br /> .�_._._:..«,..
<br /> r���!���`T '•. oavan hundred fifty and no/100---__�____________�____Dollare, to it in hand paid y --
<br /> ��" ` "��. � _a Cor oration. th4 party of tha
<br /> �� • Firot Commerce Mortgage Company _ P
<br /> ,�;
<br /> �,..,�.-,;�„s��j�;-;:. ��cond pxrt, rac�ipt wh�r�of i.o hor�by acknovladged. haa grantod. aooigned �n
<br /> '� �i�,-�-- `��•��-• tranefarrad and� by thQe� prQeanta doea grant. aeaign and transfer unto ite euccaasore
<br /> --
<br /> .�,���.�"�,._. ...,_.
<br /> �nd ��aigna. a certain Tsuot Daad wherain the eaid Tha Ov�rland National Bank o ra
<br /> �Y°"�'�����" Island is Bonof iciary. James A Meletar and Tracv R Ric e Sinstle Person�,
<br /> - �:�T�_�-
<br /> �+���-�.,p;,:'_ . is Truator� and National Bank of Commarce Truet and Savinge Aaeociation is rustee, _
<br /> ��"'�"�"' � vhich Tcuet Daad vas datad tha 6th day of Mav__ , 19_�2 . and recorded the
<br /> ,A'�;�i,-�� A�-��`- 6th day of Mav � 19,�_. 8e Document No. _ of tha MORTGAGE
<br />�;^ r
<br /> A--y-�-:•'r:.l.r-
<br />�'�°�"—==-- Racorde of Hall County� Nebraska and all its right, tit a and interos o
<br />�—�...:. . - --• --
<br />��•�.iRT ''.�,t�� � tha property therain daecribed, as followe. to-wit: Lote Ona (1) and �io (2), 6a vaa
<br />�`� �;;1:'t��i.•.,;_�j.� . SQCOnd Su�d#vi�ion, Fiall Couaty. Nebraska. �
<br />���:;� -� ,,.. , � � �� m
<br /> ir�ri�wi_'_ � •�' f'y � � 3 � � _�..
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<br />:��� ;. � � � -' �3 . `° �
<br />��� . . � �� � � -
<br />�°''' `�� � Togethar with the promiesory note therein described, and the money due or to
<br />�,:.: . , �
<br /> ' '�• `� become due thereunder, including interest thereon� subject only to the provisiono � �
<br />��.. .- ,�.,�rU,.;:,._ .
<br />;�` r. � " _� ' 3 of o4id Trust 1�eed therein contained. �
<br /> �� IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The Overland National Sank of Graad Inland, a corporation. G
<br /> - � haa caused this Aasignment of Trust Deed to be executed by its President . .�
<br /> and atteated by ita Sr Vice Prasident/Cashier . and its corporate eaal to ba
<br /> ' heraunto affixed this 6th day of l+lay • 19 92 •
<br /> . .,
<br /> ' � The Overland Nutional Bank of Grand Island.
<br /> " a corpo ion
<br /> , � �f �
<br /> , . . ' BY s O�'�?f !1 1'1�ar�i�
<br /> . ' : � . � , � -
<br />"°' .. I .� Attest:�1...�J1�v�.! X[.M.+---J L�T�
<br /> ,.
<br />�� '' ..""„ ,, STATE OF dEBttASKA ) �
<br />: . . )SS
<br />�•., COUNTY OF �L )
<br />:�._. �.�._
<br />�F� � On thia 6th day of May � 19 92 , before me a notaxy public duly a•"
<br /> commieaioaed and qualified in and for snid county and atate. personally came the above ��
<br /> . Robert A. Morris ' '
<br /> � ' and David D. 5wanaon of The Overland National Bank of
<br /> . • Grand Ieland� who are peraonally known to me to be the identical persona whoae names ;+
<br /> ` are affixed to the above Assignment of Truat Deed �s the President
<br /> and Sr. Vice President/Cashier of said corporat3on and they acknowledge the
<br /> inatrument to be their voluntary act and deed and the vo luntary act and deed of eaid �
<br /> � corporation.
<br />' � WITNESS my hgnd and official seal at Grand Island, Nebrnska , in seid
<br /> . � county� ehe date eforesaid.
<br /> .� \ \ �m J���
<br /> Notnry Public
<br /> MY CO1�tISSION EXPIRES: 7 � ���
<br /> / ��i1�M�
<br /> ItI�TURN T0: ���
<br /> . G.I. Abetract
<br />� ,.
<br /> �
<br /> � '
<br /> �
<br /> ,
<br />