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<br /> � 4. ��. �o�d pn�p�bet�H�rd Inwrance•Borrower sFtall inaure All improvcmcntx�m the Pn�ny, whc�hcr now in
<br /> eaistence ar subccqucntly erectod, pgainst any huu�rda,casiwitiea. ond rnn�ingcncicx,inclwling fire,tor which l.endcr rcquirca
<br /> --- insurnnre. Thig insurunce shull be mainwined in the umounts urxl for�he peri�d+. �hirt l.emicr rcyuir«. &�rruwcr +hull alsn
<br /> — in�ure all impmvern�ms an thc Propcny,whethtr nuw in exi.rlence�►r�uMseyucmly crertcJ, ugaintil luxx by Ik�lti to�hc cxtent
<br /> �"� reyuiraf by tl�e Secretory. All inrura�ce shall be rturiai with rumpanies uppruvnl by I.�nder. The insurunce�xdirics unJ uny
<br /> __�y�P:,� rcnewals shall be held by Lender wd ahall includc losa puyublc clauces in favor of,unJ in a form+u�ceptable In.lxnde�.
<br /> �-- -- --=�� � �
<br /> In the event of Inu. Borrowcr shull givc l.ender immediWc n�►ticc by ms�il. L.cndcr muy mukc pr�x�f ol'Imx if nc►t madc
<br /> -------.—,,,,� promptly by &irrower. F�ch inxurnnce company roncernal is hereby uutharired Uncl directcJ �o make puyment fi�r.r•uch lasx
<br /> directly to t.ender,in�teud oi to tiarrowcr wxl to Lender joindy. All �►r any pan of thc in�urunce pr�we��l�.muy be applied by
<br /> .,.�.�-��=r',� [.ender, at its optian,eithcr lul to the redurtion uf the indebtednctis wxlcr�he Nutc and thi�Security Instrumenl, fia+t to any
<br /> :.��,�k•�
<br /> `'"� delinquent amounls upplied in the nNer in paragruph 3, und then to p�epuymem uf principal,or(b)to the restorutian or rcpair
<br /> ..r a�4i.ui.:;��'�Y�...
<br /> �;__,____._,....__ .k:,� of the dartwged Property. Any application of the proceeds to the principal sh�ll not exteiul or p►upone the due date of thc
<br /> ,,, -- - manthly payments which nre refeRed to in parugruph 2,or chAngc the amount uf tiuch paymenty. Any excess insurancc paxcedc
<br /> � _-7,�,'� _t_;���� aver un nmount required to pay all outstanding indebledness undcr the Note c�nd this Securl�y Inslniment shall be paid ta the � _
<br /> n„^^Y ,.., entity Ic�olly etrtitled thcreto.
<br /> '-;!�;�,�: . - ,
<br /> '�°��': In the event of fareclasure of this Sec�riry Instrument or other transfer of title to the Property that extinguishes the
<br /> ,'�- '�� indebtedness,atl righl,title and interest of Bnrrawer in and to insurnnce policies in farce shull patis to the purrhs�ser.
<br /> _ - ___:�::.� __ .
<br /> a—�no�,.-
<br /> - - �— �:R S. Occupwney, I'r�servAtion. 1Nafntennnce and Protection uf thr Pruperty; Borrower's Loan Application; d.s_
<br /> ��"; t` I.easeholds. Burrower shall accupy. estublish,and uae the Propeny as BoROwer's principal residence within sixty duys ufter _
<br />�>�:.�:::;t � _—
<br /> _�::�f:• '�'�;, ��� . the execution of this Securiry Instrument unJ shall continue to oc�:upy the Propeny sis R�mower's prinripal retiidence for ut least __
<br /> , �•��V,,� • R -- _
<br /> •".-ti'�':'�r �'�':;; one year after the dute af accupancy, unless the 5ecretary determines this requirement will cause undue hardship for Borrower, -
<br />;;��, ..�•_�``' `y"�' "`'.. or unless extenuating circumrtances exist which are beyond Borrawer's cantrol. &►rcower shall notify Lenders of any
<br /> �,tt°��'�5r �
<br /> .� extenuating circumstunces. Burrower shull not commit wnste or destroy,dams�ge or substantially change the Property or ow
<br /> � ;,. r. .��! -
<br /> �` � �� r�� �'� �� �he Property to deteriarate, m.asonable wear und tear excepted. Lender may inspect the Property if the Propetty is vacant or �j'
<br />__—°:.Fi�j'li;�r..�.t!:j�.4. °-_�`''''
<br /> — abandoned or the loan is in default. Lender mny tuke reasannble actian to pmtect unJ preserve such vacam �ir ubundoned �;u.
<br /> � �'���`''•S�', Property.Bormwer shall also be in defuult if Borrnwer,during the loan applicudon process,gave materiully fulse or inuccurate —
<br /> ,��! .i:,.'',. �. �� .�'� �G�:�:
<br /> � � �';• informatian or statements ta l.ender (or faileci to provide l.ender with uny material infbrn�ationl in connection with the laan }_
<br />{ �k`-�'-�'i"�''"`��'�� eiideneed b� ttse Note. includln l+ut n��t limited tn. representations concerning Barrower's accupancy of the Property ns A �i
<br /> _��.„;�v:,a�,�,M:a.,�t;..� 3 g•
<br /> .�„ - principal residence. If this Security [nstrument ix on a leasehald, Borrower slwll comply with the provisiom of the lea.ce. If
<br /> - � Barmwer ecquires fee title to the Property,the leasehald and fee title shall nat be merged unless L.ender ogrees tu the merger in r�:
<br /> �a..
<br /> "? . ..:..7.w •,i writing. �:-
<br /> • „ ;: .�,
<br />- .�;i;�:��:�, �,e�
<br />��;� •�"}5;! 6. Charges to Borrnwer and Protection oP l.ender's Ri�hts in the Praperty. Borrower shall pay ull govcrnmen!al ar
<br />_ ' : municipal charges, fineti and impositions that ure no� included in paragraph 2.Borrower shall pay these obligutinns un time ��..,_
<br /> directly ta the entity which is owed the payment, Ii'failure to pay w•ould adversely aitect Lender's interest in the Property,upon —�
<br />`�j ,: a�, . : I.ender's request Borrower shall pmmptly fumish to I.ender receipts evidencing these payments.
<br /> i��� g�•.,x.:'; ,
<br /> - ' . If Borrowcr fuils to muke lhex paymentti nr the puymentx reyuircJ by puragruph 2,or fvils tii perfarni uny other covenants ��:
<br /> ;-a:;: �• and ogreements contuined in tlds Securiry Instrument,or�here i.u legal prcxeeJing that may xignifiran�ly ufFc�c�Lender's righ�s —'
<br /> -- � ' , in the Propeny lsuch as u prc�eeeding in bunkruptry�.for condemnation or tu�nforce luws o�regulutions), then l.cnder may Jn '�
<br />- ^, und pu y whatever is neces�n ry to protect the valur of the ProEx:ny and L.cndcr'ti riFhts in the PropeRy, including puyment of
<br /> ,..,'`� ,,.�, � ,.. �•;
<br /> - , texes,hnzard insurancc�nd other i�ems mentioned in paragmph 2. .
<br /> - _:. � ��_
<br /> "'�'`'� ,��.•-.• '. Any amounl�disburtied by L.enJer undcr thi�paragraph.hall Ixcomc un;niditiimal Jcht ��f&�rrowcr and tx��ecurcd by ���`
<br />,_';4., , d;u.',
<br /> ° �• . •';.�?�t ,,: •� this Security Imtrumcnt. The�e anounts shall beatr intcre+�from the Jute ot'disbursement,ut U� Nate rate,und ut the option of �.
<br />`��"' �k <''• Lender,shall be immediately due nnd puyAblc.
<br /> �,;: .,
<br /> �':;.,�• • • , 7. Condemnallon. The pnkeeJs of uny •rwurd ar cluim for Juma�!c., dircrt ur �unscyurntiul, in uinncctian with uny �
<br />- � condenmution or othcr taking of uny pan of the Pruperty.or ti►r convcyanrc in plurc��I'condenmulion.�rn c�reby u+signcd :u�d �.
<br /> � . •• shall bc puid w I.ender to the extcnt��f thc full amount uf�hc inJchtcJncs�thut remain,unp•riJ widcr t hc N�ue un d t his S ecurity �
<br /> �
<br /> ,; Instrumcm. l.enJer shall apply such pmcc�eJs a�thc rcduc�i�m�if dk inJrhaYlnc�. under thr Natc unJ thi�Security Imtrument. �
<br /> " firrl to uny Jelinyucnt amount+ upplirJ in thc orJcr pro�•idcd in paragraph �. and thcn lu prcpuymcnt �if principal. Any i
<br /> . �. • applicutiun uf the pnxccJs �o thc prin�ipal ,hall nut �x�end�ir p�itiryxmr thc du� datr �,f thc m�mthly payment�. w�hirh are �
<br /> '�.� . ��4HINE1 ��.��� ,„��� ; � .
<br /> � p��;:y�. .
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