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<br /> Pasa�csaes �
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<br />. . �. • ;,�.'.+�*:cutRlCV LV+IL.IAP.'ES �_
<br /> ; .� . . ._,- • �
<br /> THIS DEFD 6R��'�RU$7'(°S�;�")is made a�.BI3L� ��, 199b .Tlte hvstor is
<br /> . �,
<br /> GABY A MARTIN AND C��' `�. �•^s IN, �.i¢5�1�14��r��J AIT� -
<br /> L
<br /> ' .f .
<br /> 4 f •
<br /> �.L (�BOltOW@T").�IC tI11SIC81S . . _
<br /> ("'Trustee").The 6e.�e8ciazy is . . �
<br /> ,• � 1�iJRTdEST BANK NESRAvRA, NATTONAL ASSOCIATIQ� • • .� ': '
<br /> , � which is arganizod anc!exisdng under ahe laws of THB III3ITED STATES OF AMERICA �r','�.�,Nhose
<br /> �#: � address is 202 WEST THIRD STRBET, GxAND ISLAND, NEBRASH4, 6SSOI � �� �:� �;;. .
<br /> � ; . � ("Lender")•Somar�res o�L�dar N.:F�in�i'�lfs�m of
<br /> ;� . . , ;
<br />• t` TWENTY-TWO TII.f�i��AND DOLLA$S AND NO CENTS �+��+��� Dollar3�(U:S.$����,;f�•ap.�Q�� ). _
<br /> ' ' ThiS detit is evi+deQr� �y Sarrower's note dated the same date as this Security�nt('Ncr�"),wtu���rvi�fa� �
<br />' mentbiy pay�ents,ws�s the full debt,if not pa�d earlier,due a�d payab2e on O T/12/2001 � •
<br /> ' ' � This Sea�rity Inswacent secures.to Lrender:(a)ths r�payme�t of the debt evidenced by�e Nn:e.wish iniere�aad all reuewals, �
<br /> �x.: ��nslons and u�odif�catioag of the Note: (b)tfi�e gayment of all other sums, wit�ie�sta�s�, adva�oed auider paragafsh?to ' -
<br /> ' . Qmieci the seauity of this Seruriry Insvament; and(c)th�performance of Borrowes's oove�en2s ar�d agr��ents. For this
<br /> putgose,Botrower irrevoca6ly grants a�conveys to Tnutee.in trus�witb power af•oate.th°folloaing described praperty
<br /> '. � tocatod in HALL Cou�pry:Nd�tasica:
<br /> � .i r. .
<br /> ,��; , . .
<br /> �•� � � THIS DEED Ok� TSUST SECURBS Abl OPEN 8ND 1tEVOLVI27t3��L32iL� OF CS8IDYT: -
<br /> � �viuch�firi�4he acldm�s of 1115 S EDSL;G�AI�A. I SLAND [sa�+.�l.
<br /> ,. ! � Nebr,�4n:� 6S8Q�1► � (°6�r�s�hj Addr�s"):
<br /> ' _ �` •EZi�Ca6eI �_ . . _—
<br /> � :'� � 1�OG�TtiER WITEi all thcs improvemtat��aaw or hertafter en�ed on"the proFRrtY,att�a11 easememt�.ayp�utenuices.and '
<br /> � , futures aow or hereaftcr a psut.of the property. AIl �epiacements and additi4mm shall siso be covetCd 6y this Security .
<br /> `� Iastrumpnt.All.of the faregoing irs referred to in this Securlry Lastrum�nt as the°Pra�,*rty.•
<br /> ' BdRROW�R COVBNMI'I'3 that Borcower is fawfally seisal of the estate Mn�sy aonvey�amd Gus thtr right to grant ar�d
<br /> f convey the Property�d t�at ihe Peoperty is unencu�be�ed.exoe�t for encumbr�r•iaes of record. Barcow,.�r aranants and will
<br /> ; defenQ genetally ti�e liGte to the Propem�against all claims and demands.suisFect to�r�y encum�es of reeord. --
<br /> . TNI5 SECdJRi'i"Y INS'f'EtUMENT oom6iBes aniform covc�na�s for national u3e aIId rtoAanifarm oovaaants wiiti limited
<br /> :• :,` variations by jurisdictian to conatitu�e a uniform security instrument oovering�eal pr:�erty. C
<br /> , i UNffORM COVENAIVT�:�acaower aad Lender cav�ant and agrec as folto�s:
<br /> � : � l. P�Iyme:i ot�*tincIp�!aitrfi Interest; Frep�y�ent�L:te L'd�,�;. d.,-;ro:�cr sl�tl pscmPUY P�Y when due the -
<br /> . j „ prineip�l aFuid intetest on We de6t eyidenoed by the Kote and any pre�?hyment and late charges due under the Note. -
<br /> � � 2:Funds for Taxes snd Ias�u�nor.Sub,ject to applicabte law aa[rr a wcitt:n wuiti�er hy[ender.Barrowet sl�.all pay to �
<br /> : Le�er on the day monthly payments are due uader the Wote.until thc Note is pai�uo full.a sum("Ffands')for.(a)yearly t�es
<br /> � , and asses5ments whicfi may atwin prioriry over this Sec�rity Instrument as a lien on tP�e�Property;(b)yeariy letuehold payments
<br /> . or ground renu on the Property.if any:(c)yearly h�zid or Ferty in;manc..pr��:(d)Ye:uly flood i�LSUranse pret�ams. __.
<br /> pm etty
<br /> ' if any:(e)yeatly mortgage in��t�rur p�intums.if any:aad(�any sums payable by Eorro�ver to lxa�ler.in gomrdanoe with �
<br /> the pmvisions of yazagraph 8,in lieu of thc payment of mortgage insurance pr�miur.:a.77�csc items arc called°Fscrow items.'
<br />' L�ender may.at amy time.collect end hoid Fuads ia un amount not to exoeaf the ma.zimum amavnt a Ieoder for a federally
<br /> reiated mott�age laan may reqvire for Borrovrer's escrow accoimt undcr tha faderal�I2ral EstatE 3�ttlement Precsdures Act of �
<br /> 19T4 as sunended from time ro ti�ne. 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 e�serf. (°RESPA'),untess arwther lacv thti applies to tt�c Fuads -
<br /> . sets a lesser�unt. If so, Iander may.at arry time, witer.t and haid Funds in an•cmAUnt not co excaed the lesser amount. �
<br /> : l.endet may estimate t3ie amount of Funds dae vn the basis of c�ureni d.�ta aud reasuunbie esdmates of expenditures of future E
<br /> Fsrrow Items or otherwis.:in aceordance witii applisabie law. _
<br /> NcE�1A6FSASingte FBmity.Fa�niel�ae(Frad6e�dac UHIFORIN(NSYAU3lffi'� �-
<br /> Farm 302i1 fl190
<br />� �(I���g7 1�(; VtLV RtORTGAGE FORVS�13131293D1 W i800:521 77�J1 Fypp 1 n}4 . ' ���s�� "-
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