. : . . . ..
<br /> . •4 t
<br /> _:'.:..:_�• ._c �= -�� '�_ _4 e' _ ___ _,_,=�'t�. _
<br /> � _ r �. i
<br /> .._ ."•" _- .-._ -r-.-+- � .'�� r"_..c. _
<br /> ��
<br /> -�_ ...- :. �._.. . _
<br /> . , . •_ . � .�� - ��" -.� '--�� 4 L'�i^- i:L'�»��•: ,��� _- ..
<br /> . - �. �" '� - _ -_
<br /> i= . . _..-
<br /> Bartower shall paomptly give'1.ender writEen noti�e of anY inyesu8ahon, claim,demaud. lawsuit or other action by a.ny �-
<br /> govemmenta!or r�egatatary agensy or privsite paxty involving the Pr�perty ar�any Hazardous Substance or�nviroamenwl l�w _-
<br /> t
<br /> � of whic6 Borrawer has�stuaY[�nwt�g�. ff Bonvvrer teams.or is rtotified 6y any govemmental or regulatory�thority.tlu�t =
<br /> .� uny cemova!or other m��iatian of any�€azardous Substance affecting the Propercy is neoessary.�orrower shap promptdy take� ,�.
<br /> ai!nccessary remedial aciion.s in accardaace wi,h Environmental Iaw. _
<br /> As used in this paragraph Z0. "Hazandous Substaeces" are t�ose su6slances defined a3 toxic at hazardous su@stances by `
<br /> Environme�tal Iaw and the followmg satssmnces: gasoline, kerosene. oiher flammable or to�ie petroleum products. toxi� �-
<br /> pestic�ides and herbicidrs,volatile sotvents,materials coruaining as6estos o�formaldehyde.and radi�active materials. As�sed in =
<br />,'�,''•; this pa�aph 20. "Envimnmental Law° means fedezal taws and laws of th�jurisdiction where t�,s p7op�a4y is iocated [�t �
<br /> relate to heatth,safety or eavironmental protectioa. �li, _
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANCS.Sorrower and L,ender further covenaai and agree as fallows: --
<br /> &l.Aec�¢teaaY�um;�3e�edies.I�d�s�gSve n�o-ttoe to Bon�rae�er�tos to aaoete�aslon folt�v�ing BarroR�'s b _
<br /> :-i af any oo�e�su3 or agreem�3 in this Sestarity Lo��2u3 t� a�u3 p�cs to ec�`�.�tFass� �� !?�m! _
<br /> appifsnhte law proeidas ot4�erwFse).'I�e c�4it�e s�aii s�¢cify: (a)tt�e�efausi:(D)tmQ acido�required to cqn+e the�e£nult �,
<br /> (c)a d���t ie�s t�3tl da;�s fmffi ti�z daFe ltte naiice is g�ven to�xgo�er,by�v6isb tha ►�t'a�i�m�t�cur2d;
<br /> (d) t�at fmdL•:re tu cus�e tix d�•�3 on op 6efore the daie s�edfi�l ia tFpe nr��tice may c�ti(a a�:�an of th: _
<br /> �ay���r r�'trn�r�aad sai�oY tl�e Paapeaty.T�e n�3ice sL�1[�t�oz�B�roaYes of t�e cI�bt Yo _
<br /> c�eim�is afte�acc�tera4�on�the rlght to briag a w�st sa�icn to assest tt�e a4�s•e����.R a deFault ar�ny other -
<br /> defeuse o8 Sos.ra�°r to scoelerat[on and�aie. It the dxfanit Is a�c!�on or before the�ate specifietl tv t�e rmtiae.
<br /> Lendeq et LEs i�j�,t�sy regnite ia�sedaa.�.�Y�Jm�t3 tn fuli mf�1�s secvred by tbBs�ritY I�meat wtffiaut _
<br /> ';�• fnather deman�.ti,�(�map�+�e t���r.�s�!�a�e!�y c.�x e+�r�s�'r��aed b�a.�,-�:�:�f�w.Len�r�!ae _
<br /> ;,�'�`'. 9�Yl,indn�iag,6�t not timiteaf
<br /> � eaY�2led t�caIIe�c�3,�i�spensc�i.�n�d in pm�sai�t�e r�edies�mv�+teeD in thls paragss�p
<br /> � ta,�asunabie ad0arneys'fe��c�ts af t�tt�evfdea�e.
<br /> 1t t�e p�v�,of sale�S involced,�ustee sl�ll reaor�d a aotlse of defaaIt€n��ch co3snty In�Licb a� Part of the -
<br /> P►,upe�ty ts[aozt�t�iE au�st�ll ma4 ooptas a��sac6�nat�Ce�n the m�n�r pr�ib�h�a�Fl�1e law w Bamowes aud w =
<br /> " ti�e ath�pesot�s'�6y aPI►lic�e law.Aftet the time t+�Wre�by app[icabie law,Tr�tce strlll give pnblit notise
<br /> ' of sate to Rhe�Sesu�s aad ia the manner pr�ed by applic�bie Istw.T�ustee.w�thont d"ern�nd an�orsuwer,shzll setl -
<br /> fa the notice of
<br /> t�e#�roP�'9�P��c autt[oa to the 6ighe�4 bid�ier 3t flhe ttme and place and aa�c the terms d�igaated of the -
<br /> . . stti�tf���se af. mcsre Qar�eeis and is wy onder Tiw`'tee dc�,..�rmfae�.'ilr�tee may�one sa[e of sU ar any _
<br /> " ptc,�'p ibs �a6�c anna�o�t at tbe ti�e aa�!�ta�d�aay prevtausly�sate.I.etide�r or[ts�ee ma3► ..
<br /> r: � p�rsg�s�el�e�o�erty at any sale.
<br /> , •.. _ iT�:t*�4g�t af�yment of the priae �Id. 14ustee s6a0 deliver to the put+cl�se�' Trtr�tee's deed comeyIng tbe _ _
<br /> '� '�rr�dtals fim th��'eiastee's�.ed sl�l!be pr3ma fade evidemce o�the trnt'h oY the stateme�s made th�.
<br /> . I.� ��r;.:.:...., �
<br /> ••��,�% '�'atit�f�L',.�',',��9 the pr�of tB�snL�in tE2 Palt�wIc�„�si�:(a)to sII ca�ts cznd e�penses of esar3sfag tba powea ctF:
<br /> u�v�.at�'.�e���8�P�Y�►t mt t�e Trastee's fee�adunllY ia�.mnt to eac�3 � af 550.00 or �� �
<br /> o�'iB�e'p�,.�;:4momat of the noie a4 the time of t6e d�rlaratiun of dcfauit,and seasonaDle aMo�neys'Fees sis permitted
<br />: by law,N)t���'isum�serur�d by t�S�unF3y Ir.�t�mcnt;ana(e)anY eacess to tlie pe�san a�r�soas t�xU�c�tHe�tr�
<br /> �;
<br /> '""5:%' ��. M. Retan�eyatto� Upon paymem i�a31 sums s�cured by tbis:5ecuriry lnsdn�ent, 1.eF�•shall request Tnutee to
<br /> is
<br /> �--,�,=:�: �:x�vey the Property and rsTnall surreader t,fus Securit;�J.�istrument anb ali untes evidencing debt s�etured by.this Seatrity
<br /> T:s��ument to'[Yastee.Tiustee s�al1 reaon�tey'tfiie�pern��mi�out wan�nt3+and whtwut c,�arge to th�persan or�,.tsons iegaity
<br /> •:,�;�" eadtled to it.5ucb perso�or pe�sons shal!��any reco�on oosts:. ' .
<br /> �'?.. G�; Z3.SaD�tfi�E Tra�sice. LeIIder,ai uss uptloa.maY from dm�e ru�tio�c�move Trustee and appoitrt a suocessor uastee to
<br /> _.: �,;i
<br /> �;;< anY Tnsste�aygatatdd he�euader E�y an i�mkment reoord�in the co lu wIuch this Securiry Tnstrvment is reQOrded. � ' .
<br /> convcyanse of the Propej'ry,the sa�or tnutee shall stc°°eed�°a11�titte,power aa8 duties oonferced�qon Trustee hereis�
<br /> ' �dY aPPUcab2e law.
<br /> ...�` -' ?A.Reqncst for Notk�es.Borrower mquests tbat copies of the notices of de6r�lt.�sl sale be sent to Bortower's address
<br /> } . ; wiuch is the F:uperty Addrtss. � , .� .
<br /> `? tS.Rid�eis to this S2cau'4ty Tasteac��ii�t:If o�or more riders are executed by Br�rrr�w�'�#:.�r,.00rded togethEt with tAis �
<br /> 5�curity Ias�men�,the eovenants and a u of e�ch such rider.shall 6e insorporate6 int�tmLt��t'spll amend and supp�ement ..-
<br /> . �'i the covenar,ts and a,greement�of ttus Secnn'�Yastmmsnt�s if the rlder(s)were a part of ttds Sec�;f�isuuucen�.
<br /> .���� � E�aPPlicabte box(es)] . , �� ' �
<br /> .�, l�Ad"usta6le R�Rider Cond�oa�inium Rider 1-4��itr►;�y Ricler '
<br /> �,.....: � � ,
<br /> ��...���': ❑Gradnat�Faymeat Riider �Pianned 1Tait DevetugmcntRider B�w��tt?1�ayment Rider ''?::
<br /> na
<br />.`...�.�,; t�Balioon Rider Rete Improvement Rider C�S�ooni!'Hnme Ftider � ,�.•,,. .
<br /> . •�� Q V.A.Rider . �Other(s)[SgeclfYl .
<br /> ::;;� :; � ; Notice of Default
<br /> ' i:: : . . . . ..
<br /> r. , . .
<br /> • ":
<br /> •� � ; � to the tErms�d covenants contained in ttus Security Iastnrment aud
<br /> BY 51G1VING BEWn',.;13r�;�rower�cepts uud ugcees
<br /> •. �.. � �jy�tsy dder(s)execut�6��'�r.til�rer and recorded arith it. /`J
<br /> '���/
<br /> � � �. ; Witaesses: (Se.�31�.
<br /> 4 R Tfca�as�D. Peters � -���
<br /> '; • . • . . .
<br /> ,: �f. p� ���
<br /> � � g
<br /> %1i'y;�'; • S&�Iy R. L��4:0Y8 -Borcowcr
<br /> .;�1�.,}�'
<br /> .,.or �
<br /> ,';.,,
<br /> • ��) �SCa}�
<br /> . . •Borrower -Bottowet
<br /> , .. ..
<br /> STATE OF NEBRAS�iA, .. �
<br /> .,. � The faregoing instrument was ackaowledged before me tbis lst �s� July, 1996 • �:.
<br /> ' by �omas D. b Sheryl R. Petexa �
<br /> Witt�ess my hand ar�d Botarial seal at in said County,the date aforesaid:�
<br /> - Grand Island i�ebra�ica �/. I, p /��/� L
<br /> � My Commission Exp�res: �„��� _� 7/� 0[ YE •U
<br /> iYOmy Prmam
<br /> ' �CENfRAIltali9YSLteolRtt,�u1�
<br /> 1ilOITH L RJIUEAT �,�,,, Ferm 2028 9/30
<br /> � i't�teimR Fty�kA b.159S.
<br /> , . .
<br /> . .. ,
<br /> , . . ,�:, . . . , . .
<br /> ,. . .. , , .
<br /> ' . ' � .� ' � . .. . �„ , . : . - _
<br /> ,. , .. ,..
<br /> . , �
<br /> ,. ...,. , ... ... . ..�,. ���
<br />