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<br /> � T- : 71� !i. �ob�rt !l�y�s and M. Ji� iw�ley�r. Hu�haud 6 Mif�
<br /> — ,. � KNO�V ALL 1IdN BY x'i�i� Pi�NT�
<br /> -�� Caub�.�ed&W d N�lra�ka .Io aoaida�tlm d t!��am d
<br /> �.�;�,;�,��� d Rall DOLLARe
<br /> �_�,:...y�,�;�� i m}���� b�y eELI, wd�UNVEY uew Jaroms E. Kon�n. Truetee of thQ Rich ard W.
<br /> :-� ----.`---=-_�- -' Johaqoa 8amily Truat c
<br /> .__�_� y�� I Adamo Couah�.sht. ot NQ braska �h.tolta�vias d�eribd v���ilwad
<br /> ���-- o� IVQbraoka .w�vlt:
<br /> _ ' �� Hall CawtY.�d &at�at
<br /> i
<br /> �,��;�_'� � Lot Twelve (12) and the �Eaaterly Sixteea aad Eight Tenths Feet (E16.8') of LoC
<br /> -- - i Thirteen (13), Block B � Parkview Subdivioian. located in the Northeast Quarter
<br /> .-�--�,�,�,�_��.' '.
<br /> ! (NF3�) of 3ectioa 'lwentq Nine (29), and the Northwest Quarter (NW�) of Sectio�
<br /> "'�=�'���'�Y�- 1�tenty Eight (28)� Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th --
<br /> - °r-���-`'- � p.M.� in the City of Grand Island� Hall Couaty. Nebraaka. � _
<br /> .-�s_��" � '
<br /> -;��a'.�.. .�%`:�1-;...,';u��•�� � �
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<br /> _-�.:�_--°_- �TfN inbntion btin�to canvey hem6y �n�bwlute tlde in tee �imple. iacludia� dl tha riQhp oi home�teul aad dmv�r.
<br /> `'��``.����. � TO HAVE AND 1`O HOLD ths P�emi�as obove descrfbed. with�11 the appurtenance� thQreunW MlonglnQ.unto tb�wid !
<br /> _ ;�;,{;�;���,� � Imortg�eo(�) �nd to hit.her or Lheir hein r+nd mtsN torowr� urovWed Always, and theu Presenti sro upon the �tPnw � .�
<br /> _ ' ',l',��y, ��U�on tl�t it the�aid morl�a�orU).hb.her ot their hefr�. oxecuton. administcaton or aa�i�ns d+a1l P°Y °28 00 00 ''
<br /> � �y lt, �pnid to the.aid morts�s�(�e�undred�Eigh y moa�ttily payments o£$Z67 6 p�h applied first � _
<br /> ';�.:� !r.`.',�,; !: '; : ;WY�bie u tollovin.b wit: , o(�"•
<br /> -- �y�;y.t:,;,��'a;,'!�:�', � to accrued interest and the balance to principal, firat payment due March 12.
<br /> .=T._� �c,; � •. . i 1992 and a like amount due on the 12th day of @ach month un t11 priucipal and �
<br /> . ' •`,t�-`�'`-''� I interest have beea paid ia full. Fival payment due February 12, 2007. .
<br /> .,' - ,
<br /> `:�-..
<br /> '6..'.dt�`.` I
<br /> .'��. 'd�i,_'EwJlh�_ y{:., � .
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<br /> ° � � � � witN intereat accordina to the tenor and eRect o(the mortgagon writkn promisa�ory note be�ring even date wllh the�t►prerenb
<br /> , .� �and�hrll pay all taxee nnd awee�menta levied upon wW eeal estate,and tdl other texes,leviee and aseeaemente levied upon ehb '
<br /> � �mortgage or the note'which Ihi� moelgage i� given to ae�.vre, betore the wme becomes delinquenL,�nd keep the buildinga on
<br /> ' . '. : ��aid premioes insured tor the sum ot 3 28�000.00 . low.it any, PaYablo to the wid mortitaQee,then thwe pra�sat�
<br /> � • '�'., to be void,otherwlee to be and remain in lull [oroe.
<br /> ' ' I IT IS FURTHEA AGREEU li) Thot it the eaid mortqegor ehall lail to pay auch taxee or procure euch inenru�a, the ; -
<br /> ' P. ' 'wid mortgagee muy ps►y euch tazee and procure such ineurance; and the sum +ro advanced, with inteieat et 8 per ;
<br />' ' � �cent,ebell be repaid by raid mortg�qo�,end this mortQwge�hall etand es mcurity tor the some. (2) That o tailuro to pty aqy
<br /> �ot�aid money, eithor princip�l oe interest, when the eame 6ecomes ducr,or a failure W comply wilh any o[ the foreQoinQ
<br /> � agrcemenb. sboll cau�e the whole wm of money herein �ecured b become due and cdlectible at on�w at tlw opt[oa of ths � _--
<br /> � � . ,� I morlBeBee.
<br /> „" ; Si�ned chis 12th dayot February , ie 92 . � � �
<br /> �� •, ; 3� ,�a�'yJ` �l1.��,� �'�
<br /> , , „• ._ � ................_......................................................................................... ..... ..�..�.Rb er�t��Meyer ..........._......._......M.. �.
<br /> . �,;; '�: ...................................................................... .....�/.f. . � ��". :�-v.................................... � .
<br /> . :H.. :: ...................................... �I�.� g�ne..MeyeT !—
<br /> . ., �. , STATE OF.... .. Nebra eka........... County of ..Ha l l. ... .... .............. �-�_.
<br /> .,
<br /> ;;.: , _.
<br /> .,,
<br />. � , . • The foregoing inetrument wae acknowledged before me . ...........Fe.LruarY...12...........19 92... _--
<br /> � b � �; � bY .H.:RBbert Meyer and M. Jane Meyer, Fivaband 3 Wife �
<br /> , . . . � • �EA�I IqTlwr•smtt m Ne�aal� ......\..Y:�.�..:.. L��i.( �:/.C.!(:.:........ ...... „'�'
<br /> • • in cknowled ent �, .
<br /> � JEROME E.KONEN Signatyt�g of Person Tak g 6� � '
<br /> . . ,. M�Comm Etp.Auq 8 1998 /
<br /> . • , , • Notary Public................. ...... i,. . .
<br /> ; . ...... .....
<br /> 'Ititle ,
<br /> . �,
<br /> j "'ii • Entered on num�rical indes and 81ed for record ' ''
<br /> . - S'PA'i'E OF......................................................................l w. i
<br /> � ' in the Regi�ter of Deedo QfNco ot saW County the i �
<br /> � �t ;,,. . ,.. CountY...........day..of...........................................�..19..J....... . at................................o'clock and..............................minutes ......................M.. �i :��,
<br /> ' '' �ad recorded in Book..........................................of........................................at page............................................. �i :. '
<br /> _ � - --� ,, .. ,
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<br /> ,,"_ ..................................................................................�. ot Deeds i �
<br />„ , ' By.........................................................................................DeputY ;� ,
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