<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST, made �his � day of �l'C , A. D.
<br />2010, b� and between Scott A. Carpenter ancl Theresa M. Rewalinski,
<br />of the County of Hall and Sta�e af Nebraska, hereinafter called
<br />"Trusto�", and �Tohn A. Wolf of Hall County, Nebraska, hereinaf�er
<br />called " Trustee", and Roger H. Ostwalci and Sh.errel A. Ostwald,
<br />Grand Island, Nebraska, 68801, her�inafter_ called "Beneficiary";
<br />WITNESSETH, That the Trustor., for good and val.uable
<br />cansidera�ion, including the dek�t ar:d txust hereinatter mentioned
<br />and created, and �.he sum a� ane dollar to him paid b� the said
<br />Trustee, th� receipt and sufticiency c�f which is hexeby
<br />acknowledqed, does by these p��esen�.s, ir�'evocabl.y gran�, bargain
<br />and s�ll� co1'lvey� assign ar_d cnnfirm un�o �he said Truste�, IN
<br />TRUST WITH POWER �F SALE, for the benefit and securi�y of
<br />Beneficia�y, under and subject to the texms and condition of this
<br />Deed o� Trus�., the following descri��ed r�a1 praperty si�uated in
<br />Hall County, N�braska, to--wit:
<br />Lat Eleven (11), Coach P1are Sixbditiision, in the City ot
<br />Grand Ssland, Nebraska.
<br />TOGFTH�R with and including
<br />heredi�.amen�s, appurt�nances and
<br />in anywise apper�aining, whether
<br />shall .include, wi�.hout limi�ing
<br />the toll.owing :
<br />a]�l anc� singular th� t�n�ments,
<br />��ra�viJ.e:ges thereunto belonging or
<br />no�� or here�fter acquired, which
<br />the gen�rality of the foregoing,
<br />A11. of the rer�ts, issues and �rofits, including al1 ren�s,
<br />royalti.es, bonuses and benefits under any exi_sting or future oil,
<br />qas or min�ral or other l.eases; a1..1 easements and rights o� way;
<br />a11 rights of homestead and homestead exemptian and any surviving
<br />spouse's marital ar dis�ributive share, and all other canting�nt
<br />righ�.s in and to said premises; a1.1. wat�r, wat.er rights, whethe�
<br />xiparian, appropriative or o�herwise and whether or not
<br />appurtenant, a11 ditch righ�s, arzd any shares of stock evidenr_ing
<br />any such wa�er or ditch right; an.d
<br />All fixtur�s, impxavements, buildings, and the plumbing, heating,
<br />ventilating and lighting systems and Pquipment thexe�n; all barn
<br />equipment; and all pumps, pumping stations, motors, engines,
<br />machine�y, reservoirs, pip�s, flumes, fences, and other machiner.y
<br />or equipment, except tractors, used for the p.roduction of water on
<br />said premises or for the .ir.rigation or drainage thereof, a11 0�
<br />which sha1.1 be construed and conside�ed as affixed to and part o�
<br />the real estate.
<br />All af the foregoing estate, p�operty and interest hereby conveyed
<br />to the said 'I'rus�ee is hereinafter collectively referred to as the
<br />rrPr'UP�r'fi.��r _
<br />TO HAV� AND TQ HOLD th� same unto the said Trustee, his
<br />successars and assigns, forever, IN TRUST HOWEVER and WITH POWER
<br />OF SALE hereby expressly granted unto the said Trustee, his
<br />successors, and assigns for �he purpose of securing:
<br />(a) The payment of Trustor's just indebt�dness to be Two-
<br />Hund�ed Twenty Thousand/100 Dollars ($220,000.00) for money
<br />borrowed, with intzrest thereon, al1 as �viclenced by and in strict
<br />2
<br />