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� ,YY .... �;,y� F��� r • _ ` 17 { . : r.i,^ <br /> ,� � .�,A •• a •S,, '-� ,d.� m� � u.: ';.st ,y1y�`' y. � dt - �ra�'� �� <br /> c •. <br /> -•.. ��" � �� - <br /> � - n . ..-r. r .r�-t .... - u}'.1�.`` ["' '� '�,'' I I 'yY-�)1 . _....__ _ . _. Y�._ T w. T_.___.._' <br /> # r " �s i kM kU1'm r'��e. .�si�r ({� _.�____--. <br /> Ih�' .'.r�': .�xr�� '���.....A��� ' F �1x :.Z'�,�zc-^^^" � <br /> . ��: . �� - . ^`rR!1'T�.�. R:�Y�il+yi . , , .. "_. <br /> .�;-. ' aI•� • ..� y�' -- <br /> ,� ' .- - ' -�-- - ._._�.. =---r�.-_-_----"rw���tti�=c.:.:.__.._.:�_.. <br /> • ' <br /> . � _ � .�cvw. li.a. <br /> . � �� REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE z� �°���� <br /> -�' °�'�;• �' �, aoNS�za��.z'st ac�rr <br /> �:-• <br /> .� °',�� `�' , 7nhn H lfnhm4A e[�d Scarvia i iCnhmiA� {h�aha�7 a�vi 41i fa __ `_ <br /> � �.�.:,:,a. '.1 <br /> , . „ , d tb�CouatY "� Hall aod Stab..• Nebraaka ti.�.ie.n.�c8bd th� poety ot tlw An!p�t,ln — <br /> ,.__' ..,,..__�...: - � _-.r.�--.,- <br /> " ooedd�ntton F'i�L� 'iR+rovas,r,A a.v9 nNtnn-.•----------------°� — - --DULLARB� <br /> :.,,�; •:.., , � <br /> ' • � L h�sd P� ��rb7�+�bu�+d4 M11 aod coovq mto tb�8m�P�d�zd 8� k Lo�AaoaVtlon oL Mod i�Led. <br /> � �isaod LLad.N�bea�.�od its��na�nttn�.tb� !o1lowi�+t rN►l MtafR dtwtrd ia Hall <br />�- _ �n <br />�'�,; � t7ebr1slca . �towl�: <br /> .. Qaoot�.8tat�ot _ <br /> _ <br /> ' t .4. Lot 7�t�v l 2)r Ea9l�e Lak�e Estates Sutxiivlsion, Hall c.bun�y, Nebsaeka ..-_ <br />"•:'' ,, . <br /> ,. at�d <br /> � �- � - -- :: ;:" L�t �i'ta� i21 i.n Wes� Tieights Seoor�d Addition to the C1ty of Grand Ieland� Hall OountY, <br /> . ::.;. .. <br /> � '`.: . . Nebraska <br /> � ' , . . <br /> � . ' • ' <br /> Toq�tha wlth�ll the appurbnanamt tloerema�to belonyinII,and all eovenaote la all Wa title deed�ruminY wit6 eafd ral adate, s-_ <br /> . � �11d�Il�h0!lAb, laue�and pradkl �tber�mm aiter def�ult la P�onu*ne�ot�'aoveAwt oe coadWon 4�n1n eon- ��•_.''-Y`_SR_ <br /> " . bimd: u�d aaremU the t1lle Wnce�o D��and clear�ee D t for this morta�a .,°y� <br /> . Durt»�ttis time tbL mort�a�e f�t 1s iorce tlte morta�or� a�ree: . <br /> FI�t. To WY a11•t�[a and�N�� a�esuaenb levled atldnd wid premite�. tac]ndina a11 tua and aues�m�nb levled �.�• <br /> �� ayon t1Je awrt���4a�ea�ke dabt �tecured by this mortQa�e. ,..-_�::�= <br /> 4 <br /> - - -'''.� Second Tp dtoP o11'WIlWhB� Wereot�Wsured aQalntt loas by fit'e.11a1►tnia� and toratdo!n wua eomyaay. fo be ap ".-� - <br /> _;:,,�.r <br /> - — �'-� _,��� rnwd AY tLa eald�odbs F�edsral Savto(p& Loaa M�oci�tton o�(imnd I�land fa the �am of �t 80�000_Q�__ � :ar , --- _ <br /> p��;.�. :•' D '�`f.';;^'�-_ <br /> �. •..b:.•`:'.y !he benet[t oi the aaH�A�eociaBao�.aad it�euccesrora or auiBm: and to deposlt said poHoiao wlth s�ld Ar�oelatloa,wd ihall not f a�,,,,.....,w, <br /> i.�:;�a,r:�r=.- <br /> ,�'��:>.. • ;,..,t;� .,., eomm[t or atier au� �tato on�d premise�, aad �hall put aad keep soid eeal e:tate balld�n�and improvemwb in IIood k;Tm.�°.----.,__ <br /> h ,sr•+'!;; .�;� <br /> ���i� -' �'::�'R <br /> ' ;S �•• . TLled. To PoY ox eaute to be p�td to!he Home Faderal SRVfa�s 6c Loaa A»aei�tlon o! (irand��ucca�son or �:.,�:., " <br /> � , ' ----------DOLI.ARS� � ..,==�r._,- <br /> nal4n.,We�um o!� Ei htY Thousand and 00/100------------ ------- - ----- �:_�, .,..-. -_. <br /> ny�'�!r i <br /> � aq�bl� Y t0�101Ii: t, �r.4t•�_:+d}: - <br /> �° '1�.=r�n. <br /> -• �,,:; : <br /> � . pue May 4, 1993 � � _ <br /> -�� <br /> .. � � , <br /> � �vltth lntere�t thereon payable,accordiug to tlro teaor and eitect oi t6e one certafn lirat mort8a6e nota o! �aid mottgagori, ; , ' ��:LL��- <br /> bearina ovea date wllh theae pre�enta. After m�turilY sold bond drawe intereat at the rate of aine per cent per annum. h • .�;, .._ <br /> Ii eaid taxe� and a�sesements are not patd whon due+, or if the buildinga on said premltes are not lnaured ts above pro- .�_ <br /> � vtded,or!t any of uld intereat lt not pald when due,then sNd whole debt aheli become due immediately,nt the optlon of the ..; <br /> Wd AWOCi�tion,and ahall thereafter draw intere�t at the rate oi nine per ccat per aanwn. � '°�.:�- <br /> The mort8n�or_ hereby aaelg� to e�td mortBaBee AII lCII� and income arising at aay and all ttma lrom wld : .� <br /> pmperty aad hereby suthorl:e eaid mortBoBee or lta aBent. a! ita optlon, upon default, to take cdarge oi eoid propertq and � <br /> collect all ren4 and income Lhereirom and apply t4e same to the paYruent of interest, principal, fn�utance premlumt, twcee. � i • <br /> otteeements, repair� or lmprovementa aecese�r�� to keep said property la tenAntable condiUon, or to other chngea or pay- i . <br /> � menb provlded tor hereW or in t6e nate hemby secur e d. T h l s ren t n ss i B n m e n t s h a l l c o n t l n u e i n f o r c e u n t ll t h e un paid bal- <br /> ` ance of said note is iuUy pafd. The tekipg oi poisessioa hereunder ohaU ia no manncr prevent or retard M[d mortaaQee in � <br /> �` � We collectlon of salA aums by foreclasure or otl�erwiae. <br /> t <br /> Whethcr aetd debt becc�mea due by lapae of tlme, or by rearon of the failure oE the party of the firit put to Qomp <br /> with any condittoa hereln, the sald Home Federnl SnvinSa & Loan Associption ot Grand Island, the aucceuon and ass[gni, ,� . <br /> ehall have !he right to begin !he foreclosuro of t6is mortgaBo nt once on tde w6ole debt hereby eecured, and to include <br /> � therein all tauca, atse�menta, inaurance premiume and cosle, pald by it or thom: or said Associetion. Its wecessors or � <br /> • '' wigns, may forecloso only as to the rum past due, without inJury to tLl4 mortgu�e, or the di�placement or impafrment " <br /> .; �' of the Hen thereot. � <br />' And the ald (irat party and the makere oi naid note, espnctelly agree oad declate thet the separoto eatate oi each and <br /> I; every one oi tdem,includln� both that aow owned and tdat hereafter acquired, is pled�ed and bound for the poyment of <br /> � � the debt hereby secured. � <br /> Aiter We comraencement oE Aay auit !n foreclosure the plaintiii thereia shall be entfUed to the im�nedlute poueaeton of <br />' � � aatd premisea aad the appofattnent ot a recelver therefor, notw�tdetnaamg u►ey may oe ra�� uomeaiead vi wv ua.-cuyai�i :a� � <br /> notvvlthstandin� the parUes llable for tde debt moy be solvenL, and the firat party hereby consents to the appotntment oi a tt <br /> Receiver upon lhe production of thia ladenture,w[thout other evldence. � <br /> ' � TAe fore�oing condttions and aQreementa, all aad efngulnr,befna fully performed,thie conveyance flhall be votd,other• <br /> wLe to b� aed remain 1a full forca and ettec� <br /> } � <br /> � Sianed t� 4� �y uL—P'!aY �l. D,� 18 9? ; <br /> , „/, 7'_"> !� <br /> In preaeace ot J� �'�� n <br /> � da�L. Scimtid <br /> � <br /> i <br /> � ,c�o.c,�,r. � ri,��-�ww...,�.:+r..�:».w�...::.�::.+s_ .. � <br /> . � . <br /> --� - — -- - <br />