7 .� 4y�i 2 • • � ` ,. �. ; � ,
<br /> :c w^` ' , � 5 : . � .�+,' , . ,
<br /> f F k'k sc �� {'� - � �. � 1�� - — ,ka+f*uari,r.ma• -�"+ ,. . ., t. _.m.�.,�-�'
<br /> .��' � . 4• ' , �--
<br /> �.i
<br /> .�� ����� �
<br /> ',;T �..�Ea�or Pc�mga:�ty ��.�e� ��wer sLall �eep t�e i�provem�ts aolr�e�g ox h�fter ere�e� on tLe �'r=
<br />...� Prope�ej nr,sarttl�,,rai�2:a��y�r°..,l�:a�.,i�ied�Azt��t�,t��t'e�ded coveiage°end any otfler hazazds.in�Luding _�--
<br /> � fla�Lc os fit�'ring.Par�vfiuc.'�Lc�cd,.r�ui��e,a it�urancc.Tdis znsurance shall De maintain.d in the amounis end for the pesiads —�-*
<br /> CRa1 Lert�.*itJ�ityu'uY.s.1�z�i�i.rtv"�s�ea¢[ie�'�+'LLI�Dg t!L is151i1�ICe s.h�711 Be ChoSCn by Bo1'[oweT SubjeCi Io LeRdel's�pp�ya! �`•
<br /> � w2urb s�3f sr�t i��unr�asanably wit�dd. If B�rco�er fcu�s to mvnia'sn raveiage deseribed ahove. L�nder may.gt Lender's �-
<br /> opt'coa.a�►Zem c�nti asr,�e so protea Leixie�'s�aghts in tite Pmperty in u�aordaaee�vith paragr3ph 7. E—� ,
<br /> .� A t i irc�ranoe po l asies urs d renec�a d s s h�1![t e aooep t a b te to L c�d Qr a n d s b a ll ins i u de a sian d a�r l mortgage c lause. l,e r�er _
<br /> ;,:;: �hal1 h�+r+c t1�t tight to hoid tlna poHcies arsid rn.netvals.If Lender ms{uires.Bomnwer sh�ll prampdy glve to Iander all recxipts of �`�
<br /> 1 gai�prcmi�a�ma��.vai notices.Ln the esreast�+cjf tnss,.�omnwer shai!give prompt notice to the insuzareoe carrier an�Lemder. �` �
<br /> I�:r m�y m'�ke pmnf of toss if nat made psomjsYiy by Sorto�ver. � �
<br />..`.� iTn4as�I.easder and Borrowet otherwise agrc�in writing,inc,��nce prcxeeds shal!be app3ied to reswratiun or�tpair of the �"'
<br /> Pca�szy dA t r e�ed.if ttt�restoration or r e p a 9 r is .c'�onomi c�ll y feasible and I�.►er's security is not lesseaed.If the restoratioa or �-
<br />';''_`�' regais is nml�an�aomicaUy fe�sible or Lend�r's s'r�ority woaid 6e tessened,the:n.���ncs proceeds shall bs applied to the sums �+
<br /> � se�aned by ttns S�cuaity In�avsent, wheth�a or.:�not then due. witb any�excess pai�to Baaower. Yf Borcower a6audnns t�e r'. <
<br /> ��__ P�perty.or do�kni ans�ver widun 30 days n ncsiioe from I.ender thai the insviauce carrier has affe�t to settte a claim,thm �'`
<br /> 3 Ixnder mEy oafle�x the inswa�pr�exds. Le�der may ase the praceeds to re�air or�tore the Prnperty or ro pay sums _=
<br /> ' s2cuted try.�his�iry Insu�amens.wt�ether or m�t tkea due.T6e 3Q-day period widl6e�n when tke notice is giy�n. �;:-:
<br /> •,;. lFnl�cs Lender and Horcower oihe�ris�u�x in writiag, any applicatinn af praceeds to principa! shall not extend or
<br /> .:' p�ts3pon�the duc date of t�e tnonthiY PaY�ents rcfe.rx+ed W ia para�aphs 1�a�2 ar chaage the amouat of the payments. If _
<br />``rf.: �r p�h 2I the Fmpei4y is'aaqaired by I.�Ger.Bormwer's right tn asi.y.Tusuranoe policses�mi pmceeds msu[ting fmm —
<br /> ..£_:i dau�ge 9a.tti�Pmperty prior to th�aoquisition sha�l pass w.i,ender to the e�rnr:ts€thc snms secured 6y Wis Secarity lrishvm�t :Y.:,-;,
<br /> �..:f�., imm�ita�ly:�ior m the aoqu3sitioa. : � � �
<br /> � 6.E�.i'ti�itc�y,Pr�rvalion,Nla�aax�ce t�nd PratectEon of t6e P�ysz�;Borruwee's Iaan Appiicatton;Lesseixaids.
<br /> ��' Bornawer•6#t�ti d�pq;,�reblish,aad use the Pro�setty as Borrowe�s principat cegidenae within sixry days after tLe exe�cutian of ; ��
<br />'e:S.� this Sexurily�nctn*n±s34�•:r�td shall oansinue to ooc�py the F�roperty as Sorrower'�.nsincigal r�idence for at least oae�-ear after
<br /> �,.;�.;; the das�of�o�anCy;unIess Leadea oihe�svise�in writing,wisic3�oonse�t s.ha11 not be anraasona4�ty wIth&etd,or uNess `'���
<br /> ' eate�ustitig�:ci�mstances exist whkh are beyQ7td Soao�rer's oonuol. Bormwer shall not ctastmy. damuge or imgair tbe . � �
<br />�:":��� Pmp�t.t,�1)atv the Pr+agerty to d�iarate, or cYimmit waste on the Property.�Borrower sh�l'6e in defautt if a�r fosfeit�ue� �
<br /> �; ` action af'�8.�vhetl�s civit or criminal,ii�begnn t6at in�dcr's good faiif�judgment con�d resui�in foifeitar�of the
<br /> :'�,� ; t.?'ro � •ait;uih�rwise tnrf��niall im air the lien criated b tI9is�ecuri Insm�ment ar 1.eader"s ini'i��.Borrawer �
<br /> ,:. P�l,� Y P Y n'In m �curitY �Y 1x��%;:
<br /> �s�c?+' auCt `� pruugs��18.by cawing We actiora or proc�ding to be dis'�s1�~oe8 with a ru4ing �'
<br /> ' `3�7 .���t�f' �li�.a�s..'�state,as pmvidcd in
<br />.. '• tti�t,•in�1'� �'s a�tT sith determinaaon rerlicdes forfeituze,c�;tlse�orrower s inten�st in the or other m��;;es�al �
<br /> :�� E.�.�;. $ � • P ' Pc�PertY. �
<br /> ��E'?��������by th�s Sea�rity T�s�ument or•�ipU�i',�s�curity interest.Borraw�r s�al�also�E in�`�t4�.:if
<br /> : Banor�;:f�..�1�r��4.,�c?R aFPlieation pracess,ga�e maieri�4Ey f�r..�" ;��r�+a�!�*��P informatfon or statements to Lender(oi'C`�ed
<br /> �ce
<br /> .�.i to providis��i3�.�',c��(�r;ss�Y;maiEria!informalian)�n con�ection.wit��4�e taazi i�i:'ot�iced by the Note.inclwiirsj;.�but ao2 limnted " ��
<br /> to.repr�2ati,a�is�;��%ng Borrower's occupaitcy af the Property as�a priri���_sesidenoe.If.this�ecurity_instaument is an a ._-,�
<br /> • ,,.:
<br /> ; le�.hold;,.H�?�ntves�:�i'.icomply w�itb a11 ttie�rovisions af t�:�:tr�ase. �f Bormwer acQui,�:�r�.��e title c�o the �roperty. Ne =
<br /> . :";t tea�nSd t u b���be.fee tit�e shail not merge unl,ess L;ender agc�ees ta d�i:merger in writing. .' �:.,:•:;: • :
<br /> . 7.�"mattv�itin af Lcnder's Rlgbis in Ate Prt{�teity.If Bomuwer fails to perform the coveti�+�YS aad ag�siirairs wntaiacd in —}-
<br /> m
<br /> : ' this�stlfy tast�umem, or there is a l�gaf p�di�,e,;armay s3gnifccantly affect i.ender's rights in ti�;�aerty(sucb as a. �.
<br />.;� �;j � pro�ir#t;•i�.b�nl�uptcy,Probat�,for condeASn@iiior��;�'rrf,eiwra or to enforce iaws or regulations),then :�.c�der may do and d.
<br /> gay fa2!t}f��vs,�,is aeae,�.sary to pmiect the vniti�e of�e�,cc�,.�.�;�nd Lender's rig�ts in the Prap2rty.Lender's acti[oag ritay �„
<br /> �•; inctude'�.'��►�,eJ�g,�y sums seciored by a Iien wJifch has p•riaru:4,�'%.i;utrs this Security Iastiument. aFP�B In r.ourt,,�ti�,cdng `
<br /> ` ; c�ason3b3b.��i1�aEF�eys'fecs and entering on the Pnirperty to matte r,i�'pu�`�.Altba�:th,,l�ender may talce action under tGis p...s�Z's�� .
<br /> 7.Lender��t���iot J�at�,3c�do so. :'� � �, , . ..;�.,-. '. • � . ,�
<br /> f,,.. "
<br /> ° As�y;�o�r►�`;�s�,`yas��t by l..ender undcr•this para��.'l.'sHail bocome��additioaal debt of Bar�uw�sBaRa��.4t�,� _
<br /> ; : Securisy 7tjti�ttsnenl..fi�k��D 8orrower nnd Lender ogree to o��iktrtt�rJns oF payment. these am�ts shal!bear interat f�oi�rm�!�e . �_;�
<br /> date uf di,l�ti!°,ment.at ttse Nate rate apd shat! be Pa . �,.' �C� � � 8
<br /> .1 ' r� �yabt�:.'•+��i�iip3erest, u n notice froit�: i�nder w Barrower� a�
<br /> �,.t:-. , . . , .
<br /> • gaycsrEat:. . ; . %.:;: � � , . . � .
<br /> :'i'�.;� 8.1'►�'J6��Age Insu�n�e.If F..�ndrr m.quir�l�rn3m�,aJg,e�insurdnoe as a eandition of amalc�nS the 1c�an secumd try tlus Seeuriry =
<br /> � , Ins4nmsfit, Burrorv�r s3�all pay the pr�m3uma•seqtu�tiad?,tio main(ain the mortgage insurance in effoci. If. for anx r�saa� the _ �
<br /> ":�! �nortg�W inbwanae oovera�e nequ'ved by Lez�der layses•or oeasea Ro 6e in effect,Borcawer�hall pay the�tr�eminms r�.quired to � --
<br /> ��`. ;'? otxain oo��e�e,ubstar,tially equ9v��t to ihe mortgage insura�,��eviousty in effe�t,at u cost substantially eqnivelent to the
<br /> ��� cost to Bt�rrmser of th9 mortgage insur.�noe Prevlausly in eff�;�_1@r>�u►aitern2te mortgage inswer approved by Lender. if
<br /> ,•�� substan�tlally e�uiv�ent mortgage inswa�ce caverage is not avai;�ii(�Borras��xr'slsall pay to Lender each manth a sum equal to �
<br /> . .., onrta��eDf1�►of the Yea�iy'it�rtgage insutanre premiass�heing p�°r9;r;��3orro�;�ri}�ii�n the insuranoe ooverage lapsuf or ceasad to�
<br /> .',• . '. 6e in ef£ttic2.l.eader wi��+�i.use end retain thesz'��ent�.�.uclic3��s�restr��t ii�_�tieu of mangage insurance. Loss nsetve �
<br /> i ;`,';,: �;.' � : . ' � ' , . , • � � Fonn 30�iM �J/ri0
<br /> �a •1;'"''`'';�� . ' ' `vqR3ct+o.�� . . ::, : . .
<br /> . . :�� ;,�
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