. . . . . .
<br /> • i. ; . � � :�:: .r.: � -� - .,.��:
<br /> 9�3° �0���� ��
<br /> c?. �33���Y��S������se a�on of Lea�u,if a�Se iasa�o�cxivr�C�dia aa�unt amd f�the� �::,�'
<br /> t�3 I,er,dga ; )grc►v�ed by aa ia�r�spp�vad by E�dfa e�an�Cames ava�2��n.d is o5u�ed.�aaow�r€�31 gay t� �.-`.n,��_
<br /> gr�iums requi�t�ca��r�,�a��u�¢uoe in effec3.�w psove�e a?����re,�!t�rra�.�at fa•r m�tgcge ��;:_�.�
<br /> < in��ds in�ce wit�a�t w�s�u�t6�icae��atmrr�a�d 1��an�bls Iatv. ��_
<br />: , 9.Ifls�ina. L�da c�tt�ageat assY mat�s reamnahk c�uies apQn sad ta�etiafls of 6s Pm�ny.Y�ead�shai�giva �
<br /> Evamwea r�otio�ss ei�1se time mf ar p�iaz to sa m�iQn�Y��reawnaFtk ceuse fnr tfla ins�an• -'-,^`
<br /> � �.�':.'.._.
<br /> Y0.Ca�a,atina. 11�e p�oosals oF ac►y swa�d ar ctaim f�r dsmag�s.dimc't aar�n�a1,in o�witb any "�"'
<br /> c�tem�a��athes talc�r,�of my gart of tI�e PrupeJty,aa fQr oanveyarse in ti�u of condLnu:.�srn,e�hr�by a�and _
<br /> �i;:;
<br /> ' £�.�1tv�ED�Q�? �
<br /> '�" In th�ev�si of a totai��of aLt Frepesty.t��sba�b�a�pplisd to tha s�s�are�6y t�s S�s�yr InstrumQat, ��
<br />`. wt�ez at cot thz�duy.witL aay e��w Saao�+ea.In tt�Evr�at af u pzaii�3�of t�e Fi�--�ty gs w�d��airm�et ��-?,:
<br /> . ., �� * than dn amn�.at of tha�ms s�ase�by tt,ua Sec�ity �.>,:Y�
<br /> vatuae of di,.�imm�d'saZely O�fa�the Ca1eL�is eq�r�1 tn or gna.�r � _-
<br />: InsPrum�t' - ,� befa�the ta�8.onie�Ba�u���d Le�a ot�av�5se agrae in c�dng,dc� sams�-d b�this =�_=
<br /> m b the folEna+mg fi�acsi�oa:(a�ths mtr.i ama�t af 1°'`"�
<br /> Sex�tiry Insnum�t s�aU�ted�toed by tht�nounl of thz yraaaeds uitipliad Y e�:a
<br /> d�e sums s�d�vasliaWty 1`�foie d�ta3�g,divid�hy(b)the fair mar�et vat�of the P�ope�ty �madis�eiy bef�the �'�
<br /> �r—:
<br /> ta�ng,Aay baianae sbaII b�paid w�accavra:Ia the event of a pait�l taloiaig af thx Praperty in whicb t h e�m a s Y�i v a l n e of t� ---
<br /> ptapaty immed)�Sp 1s�f�e tt�taSS�g is tr� t� the unnnunt of the snms sgxue�immadis�:e3Y b�ais rlte�8. � �:;�-
<br />:�,;'�fil. Btumnrer aad I.�e�►awise�in writing or anless app3;cabSe law othe�arise�es.the pm�shalt Oe agplied w tha ��,•
<br /> sums s�by this��1�tson�t w�3har ar noi th�smms�ne tL�t dn�
<br /> If dsa Prope:cy is abzndaQ�d by B�nn�.�i�after,nanoe by�w�armar�thaz Uie ooadanuor a�m m�'se zn N
<br /> award�s�eu3s a cb�n for d�mages.Botr�uec fails to r�spond to Iender within 30 d,.�s�r t�date ttr��sotiae is Bn+es�.I.�atd� _
<br /> �
<br /> ' is s�re�ou cu�R a�apply t�e psnr�Is.ai�s aptsan.�w.r�m�t��af th�Property a to the scros seaued ..-
<br /> �,:;'. �j��g�' ' inctr.�mmrn„t_w�lffi Q[A4Y t�dl� � ,,�y�.,��
<br /> �• , jTA1GS4 LE6�C[8Od B�OWFS til�1Q+T6VISC 8g���D WI�1�.�fY B�T�On Qf�m L,"'�"j""5�13�0[P�C1S�QI�'1�OII2 ��?��-_
<br /> ���c€�, ih�C due d�e of�e a�IYPayma�ts refetrd 10 ia y�s 1 aod 2 ar ch�ge t3�es�tmtaf such�ayme3us. . . --
<br />%•;�:�a. IL B�am�r Ng�REie3�c$i F�Pdy Le��'N¢3 it Wttfvs Eaft�rin Of the time fBt,pSymWt�r modif�D �`:
<br /> ��.. -
<br /> _;m;�. of ma�fi�tion of tbe sams s�ed t�y i�.��i$►In�maat 8�bY Leadcr w�Y��ir.�of�now�a
<br /> :t: •� n�opaate ts rrS�se drt ti�bn�y af t8�e cai�al Ba4rawer or 8�aou�s s�Qrs#m mt��stuIl IIcKt ha r�to .
<br />�-.�:�. �R�E���Y�ca mo�st a iefase to extmd dme far�u�i or e�wise mod�fy.�of �,
<br /> :: ,� _ the snms�by li�is�ctr�In�arut by reason of�y d�mand made 6Y��::i���1 Bar,��rei or Bmxuwt7's suoo�m's �
<br /> in iate�asl.AnY r�rsn.�i��+Leudgr in rrcerdstng�Y rtgnt or�srdY sLaII no3 be a waiver of at QcecI�ule tise ex�of any�
<br /> , , ���Y• � �
<br /> � :: ]Z.Sncoea�ara aud��oaad;]o�nt aa�Several I3abflity,�Sigueas.'EY1ce .Cot►easui8 and eg�rae��s aA't t�'ss
<br /> :.:, ... �
<br /> Se�ity 1n�t oLa�l t�md 6e�e6t ai��so�s sad a�gas of I�dc�"m�:8o�oc�;�.wbjec�w the psovtsj�ns�f -
<br /> � par�apS� 17. Baaow�'�'oa�+��agceemeuts shall De jouct anQ sevaal. keiy►Boaowe�who co-s�s t�s Sa�it3► "'-`-.,
<br />"i}1i�t`, Iasutn¢►ent ir�t do�'s aot e�[eatt�thz ,NCd�:.,(�)is co-signing tirts Sei�ity Inst�mxnt ONy to mct7�a,. Hiaat aa�t�y t�a1
<br />'v1��;����x. . B�owea's iat�rest in thse Ro�ty�m�:it�tams of�his 3erurltY Insamn�C(b)�S not�fS►a�la�ated to pay me sum�
<br /> .r}:;,��:`. s�cured bY tbis Ser�ity In�au��cD a�r�es that I.ende7�d any ather Barmwcr may�ta e�d,m�fp,faef�e�ar as
<br /> . :,i ..'_m�O amy a��0r�ans witla�e�d to thz tarms nf this Scauity Iust�a�mt a tI�ePlote w��Ist Buisaow�a conse�
<br /> ..�� , 13.i.osw C�c3- 1f tbe io�sec�ed by this Sec�itY rasamme�tt is subject ta a Iaw wl�h sets�mam�um iosn cha�8cs.
<br /> �sd thma te�is 6r,�Uy int�d so that tLe in�ar otl�laan c�ugxs calkctod ar to be callactod'm c.manectioa wiaL the lua�..
<br /> � '..,t exceod tLe pumitsod tiaaits.l�eu:(a)anY sucb Ioan cha�e st�1 ba redqc,r�i bY d�e�t�9 tA rr�o�the c,�argo ta t{a�
<br /> permiued limi�ond(b)saY sums nlreadY ooAec�d fmm Haao�whis�n r�eeaded p�ani�ed 1�its w�l be nfiuided to B�rower. : �'
<br /> ' � �r�da may c�ac�se t�malr�this refand by�ng the prins�pal awcd undar(l�i�ota�by tnatc�ng 4 d'uxt piyuoait to =—
<br /> �.�.:..; �au�pP a reSand reduoes pr�p�i.the r�n w�711�e ar,xed as a pa[tf�b�r!c�ym�at w€r��ut mY p�m�s c�8� —
<br /> �� i � uotl�tthsNoi�. � �- � :. �
<br /> �te 1,.: �=
<br /> �f�,; �a�vauea9. Aay�idce tu Ftauovrec},�pvirfed fae in tbi5i��urity,In�t s3�aYl 6e gtc�;ti�c��og�c�.�y m�r�� .
<br /> :::;,r�' ; by firac cJa���s applirabl�a taw�{u�es use�sf anothdr mahnd.Ztia Qatioe r�a1l be d!�!'r�ra tbe P!u¢ea�y Add�eas ar .� .
<br /> .�.... . ��_
<br /> . r,�:, y�►y atl�cr.edd[es�Boaowet de�at�v bY notioe W I�ea�cr.Any ao�e W I�r�all be givtn Dy 5csa sia+s tn�il to LeaGer's
<br /> e�r�siais�herefi ar any otlxt ad�ess Leadri Q�atQS�y notiue w IIa�o�sr::�iny aot�Ce pcovi�ed fa�in tt�is Secariiy '"�;.°
<br /> '� :.'; Iast�umrttt shaIl 6e deEasod to have boeo giv��to BaRawer or I.eatler al6en giv�s�giovided in tbds pzt':��. .. ��``��°
<br /> "�'::. .' LS.Gocer�LSD l,ow;Scverabi�ity. 'i�is See�ritY Ins�umeat �fr�l be g�veTUed by fedetal Iav+ and the �aw of th: ���!+
<br />.�,,. ..:. -
<br /> . ' + j�uisdiction in wF�ich Fhs Piroparty is S�ed.tn the aveat t�t any pzvistan as cSause of t1tL�Seauity L�ument at ttse Nt�s
<br /> ' .�c�n4licts with appl�rablc la,�s,sucm canflicA r:h:�lll¢oi uffc�otha pravLffins of t�ia�cc�ity lnsnamrut ar t5e Nate wLi�aaa be . �
<br /> .` . �.4CII G�E�NIlhO�l�IQ Q3fSIf]}rf1t2!$DIDVISEOIL TO tPU3�FSIC ymvisions of this Sr�au�cy Ins�unnc�aod the Noto�ce&clacod tu . �::-
<br /> _�:, � ' [x acvaable � _
<br /> ,�,�:+ —.
<br /> _ _`.:1�. . _
<br />^z�?�#i'; � Form t020 Dla —.
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