�.. � . ���.' -i�` . ' . . � ..� .`t�, r :,�, . . 1Y . c`,4.,1f( .. �- �.�}�' . � .
<br /> , , ? � ' ' . �,k .t ��-' i. H� tit . -�c.z.._...-'.
<br /> � �f�^ _ .. _—
<br /> � _
<br />. e_.;-_;•�i
<br /> • TO(3fiTHBR �TPH a1l ttte improv�ar,sea� now or h:re�fter erected o� tha� p /r.���mcntg, ��
<br />- ap�urt�neacea.sad iisture�now or herea�ter a pert of the prap2s'ty:All replac;ements and a��ditio��h�ll also ba caveresi � `� _
<br /> �r e�i_
<br /> . b y t h�s S e c u n t Y�s t r u men4.AU oi th�forc�sing i3 refes�co in ttus Securitq I�struffieat as 4�8°Pr�po-rty." v... -_.'
<br /> BQRROWEI�CQl/BNANI'S ttss�Y Borrower ie la�flilty seiaed oi tha estate hereby coavay�d an d t i a s t hs ri g h�t fl �4j�
<br /> ts
<br /> gant a�caav�y the P�operty aad t�hnt tho Pmgsrty Is u�n�abe�d.eacept for encvmbrauces ot record.Bono�er P""':""_
<br /> 0
<br /> warran4s and wiU deiend genesally the titte m tha Praperty agaiast all claisns and demaads.subject w any eac�mbrences �=�_r v
<br /> ai r�ord ^=,,..
<br /> THIS SEC�dttTTY INST�UNlENT a�mbiaes uniform coveaaats for natioaal use and non-unitora►coven�n��cith �`�"-�:
<br /> limited variations by juresdiseion to canstituta a uaiform security inssrument covering rral prapertq. �-.�==
<br />�=-? [JNiFQItAri GOVBNAPITS.Horrower aad Lendet wve9ant aud agre,e as follow� R�-°-�
<br /> �r�een duz ��`-'��`-
<br /> 1.Payanent o4 P�ImaIpal�ad Imterestt Propsy�ent and Y.ate Cbargea Bosrower ahsil p;ampttY P3Y n _
<br /> the priacipal oi an�intm�t on tbe debt evistz�by the Isate ead anY P�F$YYment azid late char�dae under the Not+�.
<br /> 2. Fand�faP Ta�s mn�.Insuran� Svbj�t to applicable 1aw ar w o writt�waiver bp Leader.Borcower sh�Il �_�
<br /> e mento aro dus unfler the Not�until tha Note is gaid in full�a sum("Fuads')for. ��-_:,,
<br /> �y to Lender ou th..dey manthlY PaY
<br /> )yprlY ta�aad a�ments wtnch may a4taia priority over this Security Instra�m�t es a lien on tha Froperty;{b) -
<br /> yearlp leasehald paymeats or graund renta oa tha Pmpesty.if aay;(a)Yesr1Y ha�ard or prop..�rcY insurnaoo pzeauum� ��k'-�-=
<br /> �,��.
<br /> (d)Yearly flond it��raace psemi�sme�if any:�ol F�ly mortgage iosuraace premiums,if nny;and(f)a�Y sums PaYa�le �,Y:_,
<br /> bp Barnocver w Le�der,in aceordance with the proviaons vf parageaPb 8.in lieu of the payment o4 mortga�a insur�� �wn�.
<br /> psemiuma These items are ealled"F3scrow Ytema�LBII�L."'1RAY.at anp U�ne,collect aad hold Fuada in an ai»ouin not p-�- �F�-.
<br /> n
<br /> to exc�ed th�r ma�imum amount e lendar far a federallg retete3 m�rsgag�loaa may req�ise for Bamower's escrow �:.�
<br /> . aa;ount uader tha federal Real�te SCttlement Proceducas Act of 197�as amended from time to tim�eUmay -_---
<br /> �-_::�-
<br /> " ' Section 2601 et se9•("RESPA.'I.vnle�agflther taw tha+t applies to the Funds sets a lesser amouat.U so� ' ��v
<br />= et sng time�vollect a�ho2d Fua3s in�stnouat not to asceed the leser amoua�Lender:aay rstimate th�amount eP �_:::_
<br />;.,:' �ua8s due on the�sis of current�data aad rrasonable estimatea oi eape�ditures of futvre Fscrow Items or other�ise in �r_..-.-
<br /> aecordance with agplicab2e law.
<br /> instntmmtalit9 ar entity ��;y�
<br /> Tlu Fuads shall ba held in aa instiEution whoea depu�ib are insured bj►a federal agencY. •
<br /> (iacluding Lendet.if I,eader is sach aa iaetitutiose)or in any Pederal'Home Loan I3aa�c.Lender ahaU apply t$eFuads ta ��,,
<br /> _ . gay the Becrow Itema Lettder map not charge Borrower fot holdiag aud apply.iug the Funds,aanuallq uae.lyaing the
<br /> �ctow ecoaunt,or verifying the Fscraw Items.untes9 Lender paYs Borrower iao�st an the Funds and appllcabla lnw �
<br /> , g,�seaita I.ender to matce sucfi e charge. Haweves,I�eader may res�uire $onvwer to pay a one-tiffie charge for an !���_
<br />. . ��x�kq^endent real estat$taY raporiing aervioe e�d by Lender in conrcw-truan�vIth this toan.unless agplicable lac�pzovide� — -
<br /> +i�i�$�ise.Unl�an agreemeat is made or a kcabla�w requisc��t��a P�d•�der shall aat be teq�ired to
<br /> � pa�$orrowee attY interest or earniap oa the F de.3��er�G.r�er m�'�a in writing�however.that interest �.'�.�'
<br /> atiall be paid on the Fua�s.L,ender s�ll giva w�nr��s+�.�,.��:a�rga.aa�aL�s�l a�eountis�g of the l;usi8s.shocQing -
<br /> eredits and debits to tiie Funds aad tS�s gus�ose for wi��i each�.�i�co the F��wes mada Tha Funds are pledged aa. "`_.--.
<br /> �'`:�'... additi��al sa�rsItg far�il sums secured hT�is Securit9Instrumen� . F"�
<br /> .�� � a�cr.-ed the amouats tted to be held bp�.olicable la�v.Lettdor sbaU'�uxou�3 ta� . r
<br /> U the Fund9 he:d bp� P�'� ,, ��t';
<br /> Ltpes-awer for the exc��'u�'�ia uocordauca c�ttii tbz r�uue�ents of agplica��.c�raw.If tit�amount of ttse Fuadss held _
<br /> tl �
<br /> L'�a 1t�d�a4 a�nF�me is s�c�.�icient to p�9 the Fi�nsv�v Yt�ems whea due.L.cts*�s map so notify�orrowcxc�:�writing,
<br />. aa�,in such caae Botm�c�+�+�PaY to IR.a�r the a�auut aecesearY tn�ake up tha d�'icIency.BorroLV�r�a}t make
<br /> up t&a d�aaucq iA no�ure�n tweZ�g;ca�cmtlilY 1�Y�e��at Le�a mle discnation.
<br /> .�UPaa PnYmeSt ut fnll o�ell suma seciared bp this Secunty I�c:moat�Lender shsll promptly refund�os to the '
<br /> r.�t,�ur��htld �p Leac'err=��under PamBraF� 2�, Leadar st�aU acquire or sell tha Property.Lenckr. Prt . ..
<br /> a�tion or sale of the�ty,statl apgly any Funds hcld by Lendes at tha timo 04�oqvis►tion ar��as a c�e�edit _
<br />. �.• agais�st the sume Eecm'ad by s:ais Security IAStruaient. � —
<br /> -' 3.Applics3ion o4 Pspments LTmmt�s spp]icable taw pmvides oti�6ae.all paymente receiv',�d hY Lena°r under �
<br /> ;. �;,�.�, P�S�Phs 1 aad 2 shali be appllesi:firr�¢„���PrtFsYmmt cha,�du9 under ttio Nota aocoad,to runouat9 payshlq .
<br /> �::r! .. . �_.
<br /> � updor ParagcaPh 2:third.�'r':�,e2+�t 8u�ia�.to principd due;n��.a�t�to aqY late ef�srges du�unden'tbe Note.
<br /> . � 4. Cleu�as; l.ienaa.T�ioatrc�er sBall paq aU�.�ments.chuges.iines and impasition�e�.t�utable to t�e -- _
<br /> . �P�'�Y�hich�nay ai��rltq ov�r 4his SecutiRt�Inairument,aad.leas,:hold payments or gsouru��neas�,�i�►Y
<br /> � BorroRer s�all p�Y tAese ut�'�tioss in tLa maaner pravid e d in p�regraP h 2�ar i f no t p s id in tW�t mu�*�HosroWer ��:.
<br /> , .�.�}.. s�il pay them on tim�e directty to the pe��on nwed psymeak Borr�wer shs11 promptty ivrnisL to Lender a31 n�oticm u4 ..� _ . �..
<br /> - emaunm to b e pai d o n d e r t h ia P�B�PL.I{Bonower maScee thesa payments direetly.Bormwer ehell prompily furflia}� ,:`.•,
<br /> � to LeQder receipts evidenan the paqmcat�. � E-;:--
<br /> - Borrower ehaU prom���disch�ge anp liea aisii:d`�has priority ovet thI�&ecurity Instrument unleak.3�anower:(i) . ,f�
<br /> ., egrcea 9n writing w the gayrjma�s o4 the obbgation:�,xe�by the lien in a m+�r:r accePtable w Leader;�'���oontr�ts in ���
<br /> :,a;t�<. good tai4h tho lies►by,or c�d:�ds agaia�E�.nfarcement o4 tho lien in.lepl Pru�eedings wlnicl�isi the Leader'e apinion
<br /> ::��{�' aperate m prav�nt tl�eflforcement of tSts tien;or(c)secures f�m the holder of the]ierx ara;rsgrament satis4actor9 to B"'
<br /> Laader subordinsting the tien•to this Savrity Instrumenx It Lendar determia�that anp�t�sc oY ths Property io subjxt �-, -;.
<br /> to s litsr Rhicb may a4w�n.�e�iority over tbia Secu�ity lastrumeat�Le�der mn;,r�ve Borrower a Aotico�dent�fyiag tha �
<br /> 1icn.Borrower s'ha11 s4.ti�f�rt3`,.e lien or taYe oae ar�r�re oi th�actions eet fns�sbove within 10 dayc�s�1'.the�iving af ���
<br /> ._.;.�kf' aotice. � �._::
<br /> ;,:��,�;� --_
<br />. .';::r 1"'60�i .�Q2� �fl
<br /> � �61ICVE1roa+n.a� "��•�a rn-�uu `._
<br /> . ��� ��. .
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