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201008945 <br />SECOND HOME RCDER <br />�r,so� <br />I.oan #: io�eaaa3 <br />NtIN: iooss5loa000azoexe <br />THIS SECOND HOME RIDER is made this 18TH day of NOV�Me�R, 2010, and is <br />incarporated into and shall be deemed to amend and supplernent the Mortgage, Deed af Trust, or <br />Security Deed (the "Security Instrument") af the sam� date given by the undersigned (the <br />"Borrower," whether there are one or rnore persons undersigned) to secure Borrower's Note to <br />STAR�ON FINANCZAL (the "Lend�r") of the sama date and covering the Properiy d�scribed in <br />the Security Tnstrument (the "Property"), which is located at: 3818 MSADOWLARIC C�ttCLE, <br />GRAND 2SLAND, NB 68803 [Property Address]. <br />Tn addition to the cavenants and agreements made in the Security Instniment, Borrower <br />and Lendcr further covenant and agree that Sections 6 a�nd 8 of the Security Instrurrient are delctcd <br />and are replaced by the fallowing: <br />b, Occapancy. Borrawer shall occupy, and shall only use, the Property as <br />Sorrawer's second home. Borrower shall keep thc Property available for <br />Borrower's exclusive use and all times, and shall not subject the <br />Property to any timeshazing or other shared ownership arrangement ar to any <br />rental pool �r agreemcnt that requ�ires Bnrrower either to rent the Property ar <br />give a management firm or any ather person any control over the occupancy ar <br />use of the 1'roperty. <br />8. Borrawers Lvan Applicakion. Borrower shall be in default if, during the <br />Laan application process, Borrower or any persons or entitr�s acting at the <br />directian of Borrower or with Borrower's knawledge or consent gave materially <br />MULTYSTATE SECOND HOME RIDER- 5inglc Family -Fannie MseJ�reddie M�c UNIFO1tM <br />INSTRUMENT <br />�� Farm 38901/Ol (page 1 pf 2 puges) <br />C �. <br />�.Kn. � <br />