<br />1111056716
<br />(H} "Lo�p" means the deUt evidenced by the Note, plus intcrest, ac�y prepaycnent chacges and lat� chargas duc under the Note,
<br />and all sums due under thia Security Inscrui�tent, plus interest,
<br />(I) "Riders" means all 1Ziders tp this 5ecurity Tnstrsment that arc executed by Barrower. The following IZiders are tv be
<br />executed by �orrower [check box as a�pliaable]:
<br />Cl Adjustable Rate Rider �,7 Condorninlurn Rider ❑ Second Hame Rider
<br />❑ BaClaon Rider (:1 Plann�d Unit D�vttapment Rider C'J Biweekly Payment ktider
<br />O 1 Fa�nily Rider C70ther(s) [sPecify]
<br />{,�} "Applicable Law" mea�ts ail controiling applicabie federal, state and local statut�s, regulatians, ordinances and
<br />adn�inish�at�ve rules and orders (that l�ave che effect of law} as well as a!1 applicable �nal, non-appealable judicial opinions.
<br />(K) "Commanity Assoefation Dues, Fees, and Assessment�" rneans a3l ducs, fees, asseasments and ather chaeges that are
<br />impased an Borrower or the Property by a cnndaniinium association, homeowners assaciatioi3 or similar organixation.
<br />(�,) "Electronic Funds TransFer" means any transfer of funds, other than a transaction originated by check, draft, vr simiiar
<br />paper instrument, which is initi&ted through an electrnnic terminal, telephonic iiistrument, computer, or magnetic tape so as ta
<br />arder, instruct, or auchorixe a�nancial institutian tn debit or credit an occount. Saah tenn inoludes, but is not limiced to, paint-
<br />of-sale transfers, automated teller machine transactions, transfsrs initiatod by telephone, wire transfers, and automated
<br />clearinghouse transfers.
<br />(M) "Escr�w Items" mcans thvse items that ar� described in 5ectian 3.
<br />(N) "Miscellaneous Praceeds" means any compensation, sectlement, award of damages, or proceeds paid by any third party
<br />(other tltan insurance proceeds paid under ths cavcrages described in Section 5) for: (i) damage to, or destrucrion of, the
<br />Prpperty; (ii) conde�nnation or oChcr taking of all or any part of the Property; (iii) conveyartcc in lieu of candemnatian; or (iv)
<br />misrepresontations of, or omissions as to, the vatue and/or conditian of the Properry.
<br />(O} "Mvrtgage Cnsurance" rricans insurance protecting Lender against the nonpayment of, or default on, the Laan.
<br />(P) "Periodic Payme�t" means the regularly scheduled amount due for (i) principal and interest under the Note, plus {ii) any
<br />amounts undcr S�ction 3 of this Security Ir�strument.
<br />{Q} "RESPA" rraeans the Iteal Estate Settlement Pracadures Act (t2 U.S.C. §26Q1 et scc�.) and ita impleanenting regular3on,
<br />Regulaeian X(24 C,F.It. Aart 35U0), as they might be amended from time ro rime, aT 811� aCIC�ItEQtI$I OP SIiCCC8S�1' I�giSIR[lOII Ol'
<br />regulation that governs the same subject matter, As used in this Security Instrurnent, "•RESPA" rsfcrs tn al! require��nents and
<br />restrictions that are impased in regard to s"federally related mortgsgc loan" �ven if the Laan does not qualify as a"federally
<br />related mortgage Inan" under RESPA.
<br />(R} ��Successor in Intere�t of Borrower" mcans any party that has taken titte to tha Froperty, whether or not that party has
<br />assum�d Sonrower's obligativns under the Note and/or this Securiky Inst��ment.
<br />The bene�ciary pf this Security Instrument is M�RS {solely as nominee for Lcnder and Lender's successors and assigns) and
<br />the successors and assigns of MERS. This SecuriCy ]nstrument �ecures to Lender: (i) the repayment af the Laan, and all
<br />renewals, extensipns and modifications of the Note; and (ii) tMo pCrformance vf Borrower's covenants and agreeir�ents under
<br />this Security Instrument and the Nace. F'or ehis purpose, Bvrrower irre�ocably grants and conveys to Trustee, in trust, witli
<br />power of salo, tha fapowin�, describcd property located in the Cvu1NTY (Type of Recording ,lurisd�etion) of I�'ALL (Name af
<br />Kecarding J'urisdiction)
<br />L�T BIC�IYT {8� r HQFFMAN SSGONA SU$DTVTBTON� IN T738 VII.�L31f38 OP' 1?ON�BHADi� f€ALL CO[1Y�1'1'Y'�
<br />which cucrently has tho address nF�406 8 1?LUM ST, Dt)N'�Pl�tr, z�E 6883a ("Properfy Address").
<br />TQGETH�R WITH alI ttte improvemcnts now or�hereatter erected on tha properry, and all easear�ents, ap�urte�ances,
<br />and �xtures now ar hereafter a part of the property. All ��eplacemeilts and additians shall alsp be covered by this 9ecurity
<br />Instrument. All of the Fnregoing is referred ta in this Security Instrument as the "Property." Borrawer underscands a.nd agrees
<br />that MERS hald only legal title to the interests granted by $ot'rower in this 5eGUrity lnshurnent, but, if necessa��y to comply
<br />iVIiBRASKA--Single Family--Fwnnle Mae/Freddie iNuc UNIFORM IiYSTRUiNENT
<br />�+ 338.2 P�gc 2 of !2 Fnrm 3028 1/Ui
<br />