<br />(Continued)
<br />Page 7
<br />have to get Lender's cvnsent sg�in if the situatton happens again. Trustor furthsr undersiands that Just hecausg Lender cansents ta
<br />vne or more af Trustor's requests, that does not mean Lertder wiA 6e r�quired to cpr�sent ta any of Trustor's future requests. Trustor
<br />waivss pr�sentmetrt, demartd for payment, pratest, and notice of dishnnor.
<br />Severability. If s court finds that any prvvislon of this Deed �F Trust js not v�lid ar should npt ba et�tfarced, that fact �y itself witl not
<br />mean thaE the resF of #Etis peed of Trust wii! not be valid or enforced. Therefore, a court wilt enfarce the rsst of the prov€sfans of this
<br />beed oi Trust even if a provision of this De�+d of T'rust may be found ta be Invelid or unenfarceable.
<br />Sucaessors and Assigna. 5ubject to any limitatiorts stated fn this Deed ot Trust vn tran�f+sr of Trustor's interest, this beed of Trust
<br />shall be bindMng upon and inure ta the bene�t of the partles, their successors and assigns. If nwnership of the Properiy becomes
<br />vested in a person other than Trustor, L�nder, without notic� to TrusWr, rrtay deal with Trusta�s suocessors with reference to this
<br />�esd of Tn�st anri the Ind�Btednasa by way of forbearance dr exfensiqn withnut releasing Tr[�stpr from th� obligatfvns af this Deed of
<br />Trust �r Ilability unc�er the Indsbtedness.
<br />Time is of the F�sence. Time Is dt th� essenve in the perFormance [�f this peed of Trust.
<br />Waiver of Hamest�ad �amptlan. Trustor hereby releases and waives all righ#a and beneflts of the homestead exemptian laws of the
<br />State af Nebraska �s to ali Indebtedness secured by this Q�ed of Trust.
<br />dEFif�1'I'IONS. The fqliqwtng word5 sl�all have the fallowing meanir�ga when used En this Daed of Trust:
<br />Beneflciary. The word "Bermficiary" maans BqNK QF 7HE IN�ST, and its successars and aasigns.
<br />Bpwraw�r. 7he ward "Bar'rowe�" means MARK D MAFiISCM and �INC1q M MAFtISCFi and includes a11 co-signers and cfl-makers
<br />signing the Nate a�nd alf thelr aGCCas�ors and asslgns.
<br />Deed of Trust The wqrcf� "b�d of 7rust' rnean this Aaed of 1'rust among 7rustor, Lender, and Trustee, and inciudes withnut
<br />Elmltatlon all assignmerrt and security it�t�rest provieion� relafin� to th� Personal Property and Rehts.
<br />�nvironmental Laws. 7he wprds "�nviranmental Laws" mean any and all state, federal and IOCaI �tatutes, regulatians and orctinances
<br />rslating to the protection of human health or ti�se envirpnment, induding without limitation the Comprehansive �nvironmental
<br />Reapanse, Comp�rtsatipn, and L.lability Act of 1980, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 5ection 86�1, et seq. ("CERCLA'�, the 5upertund
<br />Am�ndments and Fieauthorization Act of 9986, Pub. L. IVo. 98-499 ("SARq"), the Hazardous MateriaEs Transportation Act, 49 U.S.G.
<br />Sectlon 18�1, et saq., the Resourea Gnns�rvatfon and Recorr�ry Act, 42 U.S.C. Sectian 68Q1, et seq., or other apptiGable sfate or
<br />federal laws, rules, or reguEation� adopteri pursuant thereto.
<br />Event of �etauft The wards "��ent aF DefaulY' mean �ny pf the e�ents of default set forth in #his I�eed af Trust in the evants af
<br />default s�ction of this Deed pi Trust.
<br />Guarar�t,y. The word "Guarartty" moar►s the guar'anfy from guarantor, endarser, surety, nr axpmmodation party to Lsnd�r, including
<br />without fimitatlon a gu�raMy qf ail pr part qf the Nobe,
<br />Haxardnas Suhstances. 7he words "Haz�rdous Substanoes" maan materiafs that, ber,�use of thair quantify, ooncentration or
<br />physical, ctiemical or i�iaua charact�ristics, may cause ar pose a present ar pater►tial hazard to human health or the environment
<br />when improperly used, treat�d, stared, disposed of, genewated, manufactureti, transported or otharvvise handled. The wards
<br />"Hazarddua Suk�stanoe�" ar� u5ed in th�ir very broadest sense and include withaut limitation eny and all hazardous or taxic
<br />substances, materials ar waste as deflned by or Ilstsd vnder the �nvironmental L.aws. The term "Hazardous Substances" also
<br />includes, without lEmitatian, petroteum and petralaum by-products or any fraation ther�of and asbestos,
<br />Imprqvemants. The word "Improvemen�" means alf existing and tut�re impravements, buildfngs, structures, mobile horr�� affixecf on
<br />the Reaf Property, facllitla�, additibns, replacem�r�ta �nd other constructian on the Real Properry.
<br />Indebtrdness. 7he word "Indebfedroess" means a�l principal, intere�t, and a#h�r amounts, cnsts and expenses p�yabis under th� Not�a
<br />pr Re{ated [�acuments, fqgett�er wlth all renewals af, �extensions of, modific�ttar�s of, cansolidations of and substitutians fvr the Note
<br />nr Refated Documents and any amourrts expended or advanced by Lender to discharge TruefoWs obligativns or expenses inr.urred by
<br />Trusf�se or Lender ta et�force 7rustor's obtigatians under this beed of Tn�st, kaqether with interest an �uch amounts as provided in thls
<br />peed of Trust
<br />Lender. The word "Lender' means BANK OF THE wEST, lts suc�essqrs and assigns. The wards "SUCC.�&Spl"S 01' �SSigC15" mean any
<br />persan or aompany that acquires any interest in the Nabe.
<br />Note, rne word ��Note�� means th� promissnry nnte dated November �s, 20�0, in the ariglnal principal amaunt nf
<br />$80 from Trustar tn Lender, togeq�er with atl renewsls af, extensions of, modifiinations of, refinancings of, consolidations
<br />of, and substitution& far the pramissory note or agreement. The maturity data af this Deed df 7rust is November 20, 2025.
<br />Aersonal Property. 7he word� "Persona) Property" mean all equipment, flxwres, and ather ar�cles ofi p�rBOnai pt'aperq� now or
<br />hereafter ownvd by Trustor, and now vr hereafter attached or affix�d to tF►e Rea] Property; together with atl aeceasions, parts, and
<br />additlans M, afl repl�Cemerds a#, and all subs�tutlons for, any of such praperty; and t�6ther with all prooeeds {including w�thout
<br />{imltation all insurancs proveeds and refunds of premiums) from any ssle ar ather disposition of the Prdperly.
<br />Property. The word "Prvperky" me�ns colf�ctively the Rea1 Prope�fy and the Personaf Praperiy.
<br />Reai Proparqr. The words "Ftsal Property" mean the reai property, interests and rights, as further des�ibed in this 17eed of Trust
<br />Rs�ated Clocuments. The words "R�lated Docum�nt�" mean all promissory nates, credit agr+eemerrts, laan �greements, environmental
<br />agr��mants, guerantieg, security agraemer�ts, mort��ges, deeds of trust, security deeds, [;oliateral mortg�ges, and afl p�rer
<br />in5fruments, agreemants and documents, whether n�v or hereafter exls#ing, exe�CUted in connectian with tha Indebiedness,
<br />Rents. 7he ward "Rents" means a�t present and fuWre rerrts, revenu�s, Income, issu�s, royalties, praflts, and other benefits derived
<br />from th� Property. .
<br />Trustee. The word "Trusbe�" means BANK OF TH� IN�ST, whose address �S 145Q TREAT BLVb, WALIdUT CFtEEK, CA 94587 and
<br />