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201008939 <br />�EED DF TRUST <br />(Gontinued� <br />Page 4 <br />required to deduct from paymertts on t�'ie Irtdebtodness secured by this Eype of peed af T�t,�st; (�) a�x an this fyp� of peed af Trust <br />chargeabls agalnst tha Lender or the halder of the Natd; and (�t) a�paaific t�x on ��I ar arry partian v�F the Itidebtedness or on <br />paymer�ts aP princlpal and interest made by 7rustor. <br />Subseq�nt Taxes. If aroy te�x t4 wh(ch thls s�ctlon appiles (s en�cted subsequent to t�e date M this pesd o� Trust, this event shalt <br />hAve the same efFect as an �vent of �efault, and Lender may Bxercise any or al! of it� avaflable remedies for an Event of befault as <br />provided below uniess Trustar elth�r {�} pays !he tax before it becnmes d�linquent, or (�) cvhtests the tax as pro�ided abav� in the <br />T'axes and Llens s�ction and deposits wi#h Lendar cesh or a sufficient corporate surety bond or other security satisfactory tv l.ereder. <br />SEGURITY AGREEMENT; FlNANCING S1'AT�MENTS. 1'he follawtng provisions relating to this peed of Tn1st as a sacurity agreemer►t are a <br />part of this De�d of Trust: <br />securiqr Agreem�nt This Instrument shafl constitute a 5ecurtty Agreem�r� to th� ex#ent any �f the Praperry constftutes fixtures, and <br />Lender shail have all of the rights of a secured party under the UMtorm Commercial Cade as �mended from time ta time. <br />Securfty (nter�t, Upan raquest hy Lender, Trustor s�all take whabaver actipn is requestad by Lender to perFect ancf cantinu� Lend�r's <br />security interest in the Personal Property. In additinn tv recording this peed vf TrUSt in the real property records, Lender may, at any <br />time and without further authorization frpm i"rustor, file executed countarparts, copies pr reproduc6bns ot this Dead of Trust as a <br />Financing statement. trustor shall relmhurse l.ender for alI expenses incurr'ed in perfecting or continuing this sacurity interest Upon <br />default, 7rustar �half nnt remove, sever or detach the Personal Property ienm t,he properly, Upon default, Trusbar shail assemhle any <br />Personal ?roperty not affixed to ths Praperiy in a manner and at a plaGe reaso»ably convehtent to Trustor and Lsnder artd make !t <br />avaifable tp Lender within three (3) days af6ar r�ceipt of written demand frqtn Lendar to the e�xtent permitted by appficable law. <br />Addressea. The mailing addresses aF Trustor {debtor} and Lender (secured p�rty) from which informatfcan concerning the sscurity <br />interest grsnied by this Deed af Trust may he obtatned (each as requir'�d by the Uniform Comrrwrcfa! Gode) are as stated on the f�rst <br />paga af thls Deed af Trus�. <br />FURTHER A3SU(iAMC�B; A1TpRN�Y-IN-FACT. Tha foilowing pravisipns relating to f�arth�r assurances and attomey-in-fact ar� a part af <br />thls [7eed af Trust: <br />Furfher Assatanaes. At any time, and irortt time to fime, upan rec�uest of lsnder, Trustar wilt make, e�cacut� and deliver, or wiil cause <br />to be made, executed or deUvered, to Lender or to Lender's designee, and whan rsquested by f..ender, cause tQ be filed, recArded, <br />re�i�ed, or rerecordad, as 1�� oass may he, at such times and in such office�3 and plaves as lender may deam appropriate, �ny and all <br />such morkg�ea, deeds af trust, security deeds, securi#y apreemerrts, financing statemen#�, car�tinuation statements, instrumerrts af <br />further assurance, certificates, and other daaam�nts as may, in the sala opinion of Lander, 6e neaesaary pr desirable {n order ta <br />effectuate, camplete, per#ect, continu�, ar preserve (1) 7rustcr"s obliqations under the Np�, thfs Deed of Truat, and the Ftelated <br />Docaments, and (2) the tiena and securlty ir�ere��ts created by thEa Deed ai 7rust as first and prior liens pn the Pmperty, wheth�r <br />now nwned or hereafter a�u�red by 7rustor. Unless prohlbib�d by law ar Lender agrees tp the corrtrary in writing, Trustor shali <br />reirr�urs� Lender far a!I cos� and expen&es incurr�ed in connection with the mat6�rs referred ta in this parapraph. <br />Attomey-ltt-�a�� If 7rustor fafls to do �ny of the things re'�erred tv In tha precading par�qraph, Lender mey do �o fnr and in the name <br />of Trustor and at Trustpr"s �xpense. For such purpoaes, Trustar hereby irrevacably appoinfs Lende� as Trustor's attamey-in-fact fvr <br />the purpnae of making, executing, dalivertng, filing, reaarding, and doing all ather things as may be rtieaessary or desirable, in Lends�'s <br />sole opinian, ta accomplish the matters referr�d to in the precedinq par�graph. <br />FtJLL pERFOft11AANCE. ff Trustor pays all the Indebtedness when due, and otherwlse perfo►ms all the obligatlons imppsed upqn Trustor <br />under th�s Oeed af Trust, 1.ender ahaN execute and delivar to Trustee a request far full recorrveyanoe and shall execute and de€iver tn <br />Trustor suitabfe statements of termination of any fir�.ancinq statem�nt on file �vidancinp Lenders sewrfty fn#�rest in the Rents and the <br />P�rsonal Property. Any reoonveye�nce fee required by law shall be paid by l'rustor, if pert�nitbad by ap�icaple law. <br />EVENTS aF pEFAt11.T. At Lender's qptipn, 7rustor will be in default under thls Deed r►f Trust if any of th� fpilowing happen: <br />Paymer�t t]efault. Trustor fails to make any payment when due under the Ind�btedr�ss. <br />Break qther Promisas. Trustor breaks ar�y promi� made to Lender �r fiaiis to p�rfqrm promptly at the time and strictly in the manner <br />provided In fhis Deed af Truat ar in any agreemerd relat�d !o this Deed of Trust. <br />Compliancs C3efaait F�ilure to camply with any other term, o�ligatlon, cavenant or candition oontained in thls peed of Trust, !he Not� <br />or in any af the Retatad Documerrts. <br />De#ault on Other Paymants. Fallurs pF Tru�tor within the time raquired by this aeed of Trust tq make any p�yment for taxes nr <br />insuranoe, or any ather payment neo�ssary to praverrt liling of or to effect discharge aF any lien. <br />False Statema»ts. Any represerztation or statemer�t made or fumished to I..ender by Trustor or on Truators b�haif under this peed of <br />7rust vr thB Ralated Qoc�rnents i� false vr mislaadinq in any material r�espept, etther naw ar at the time made or fUmishad. <br />befective Caltataralir.atlon. This qeed af Trust or any q} the Related Documents ceases to be in fUll force and effecf (including failure <br />of ar�y callater�l dacument to creafe a valld and perTected sec;urity interest or fien} at any time and for any re�san. <br />�leath vr insolvency. 7he death of �'rustor, tha insolveney of Trustor, the appoinhnen# of a reoeiv�r for any part of Trusto�'s property, <br />any assignmant for the ��neflt qf credi6or�, any type af craditor workaut, pr tha commanaarrrent ofi any proceeding under any <br />bankruptcy or insolvency laws by or against Trustor. <br />7aking o# !hs Praperty. Any aeditor or �overnm�ntal agency tries ta take any of the Property or arsy pther of Trustor^s proraerty in <br />whkch Lender has a lien. This inctudea taking of, gamish€ng of or levying on Trustors accnur�te with Lender. Mowever, if Trustor <br />dispubas in govd faith whether the claim on which the taking of tha Property is based is valid or reasonabie, and EF Trustor gives <br />I..ender weitten notice af the ola(m and fumishes Lender wRh monies nr a surety bond satisTau�tary to l.ender to satiafy the claim, then <br />this default �rovfsfon wfll not spply. <br />Sreach of Qlhar Agreeme�rt, qny pr�ach by 7rustor under the terma of any other agreemerrt befween Trustor and Lender that Is not <br />