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201008939 <br />DEED OF TRUST <br />(Continuedj <br />Page 2 <br />threatened IitigatEon or claims af arry kfnd by �ny per�an relating to such matt�rs; and (3) Except as previnusiy c[isdosQd ta and <br />acknowledged by Lender in writing, (s) nelther Trustar nor any tenant, corrtractvr, aqent ar ather aufhorized �er af the Praperty <br />shall use, qenerate, manufaeture, store, traat, dlspase of or release any Hazat'dous Subste�noa on, under, �baut or from the Prnperty; <br />and (b) any sucF� activity sha11 be conducted in comptiance with all applicable federal, �tate, artd lnoa! lawa, regulatians and <br />ordinances, including wid�►out limitation all Environmental f_aws. Trustor authorixes Lend�r 8nd its agents to er►ter upnn the Property <br />ta m�ke such inspectians and tests, at 7rustor's enper►se, as Lender may deem appropriate tq determine anmpliance nf th� Praperty <br />with this aoc�an of the Deed of 7rust Any inspections or testa mad� by l.ander shall be for LendeCs purposes only and shall not �e <br />construed to create ar�r res�onsibility ar Iiabil'�ty on th� pert of Lender t,p Trustor nr ta any other person. The r�presentations and <br />warranties contained herein are based on Trustor's due diligenae ln investiqatlr�g the Praperfy for Haaardvus Substances. Trustor <br />her�riy (1) reieases and weives any future claims a�qalnst Lender far irxlemnily or carrtribution ln the event Trustar bacomes ilable far <br />cle�nup or other cvsts undar any such laws; and (2) agrees to Indamnity, defand, and hold harmless Lender against any and all <br />ctaims, lasse�, liabilities, darr�ges, penalties, and expenses which �.ender may directly or indirecqy s�tain ar sufFer resufting from a <br />breach of this saction of the De�t of Trust or as a consequence af any use, ge�eration, manufacture, storage, dfsposaf, release or <br />threatsned reieasa occurring �riar to TrustoMs awnershlp or Interest In the Property, whather or nqt tho same was or showld have <br />heen known to 7nastar, The prnvislons of this aection of the Deed af Trust, including the abllgatEon tn IndemnFFy and clef�nd, shafl <br />�urvivs ths paymant af the I►idebtedness and the satisPactlan and recvnveyan� of the lien vi thia Deed oi Trust and shalf not b� <br />al�cbad by Lende�'s acqu�sittan af any �nterest in the Properry, whether by toreclosure or atherwise. <br />Nuisance, Wast�e. Trustor shali nnt cause, �nduct or perrnit any nui�ance nvr commit, parmit, nr suffer any sp af or w�ste on <br />ar to the Property ar any portion of the ProperFy. Wthout fimlpnq tha generallty of the for�going, Trustor witl not remove, nr grant to <br />any other party the r�ght ta rempve, any timber, minera�s (Including oll and gas�, coa�, ciay, scoria, soll, gravel nr rock products <br />without Lender's prior written consent. <br />Removal af Imprc�vements. 'Trustor shall not d�mol(sh ar remove any Improvsment� from the Resf Prn�eriJr wiEhout Lender's prinr <br />written oonsant. As a c�ndition to tha removal of any Impravements, Lendar may require Trustor to make arranpements satfstactory <br />ta I..ender to replaQe such (mprovements wtth improvements of at least eqval value. <br />Lendar's Rlght to E�ar. Lendar and Lender's agents and reprersentathres may enter upon the Real Property at alt reasonable pmes ta <br />atbend to Lender'� Interests and ta inspect the Reat PraperEy for purposes af Trusto�'s campfiance with the tarms and canditiorrs of <br />this Deed of'�rust. <br />Corr�pltance with Govarnmentat RaquiremaMis. Trustor sh�ll ptomptiy compiy with all faws, ordinances, and rsgulatior►s, naw ar <br />hereafter in Bffeat, of all goverrimental authorities applicabla tv the use or occupancy qf th� Prpperty, T'rustor may contest in goad <br />faith any such law, ordlnance, pr r�gulatfon and withholtf compNance during any proceeding, including �pprapriat�e appeals, sa Iong as <br />�`rustar has notHied Lender in writing prior to doing sv and so lang ae, in Lender'a sole opinion, Lender's irit�rests in the Prnper#y are <br />not jeopardizad. Lender may require Trustor to past adequate security nr a sur�ty bnnd, reasonwqty satisf�ctory to t.ender, to grotect <br />Lender's interest. <br />Duty tn Prntect. 7rustor agrees neither ta abandon or le�ve unatter►ci�d the Prnperty. Trustor shall do all other acts, in addition to <br />those acts set forth above irs lhia aedfon, which frc>m the character and use of the Property are reasonably neoessary ta protect and <br />pre�rve tho Property. , <br />TAXES AND LiENS. The fpllowinp provisions retabng to the taxe& and lien� an h�►e property are part qP this �eed af Trust <br />Payment Tntgtor shall pay when due (and 1n �I! evanfs prior to delfnquency} al1 taxes, special taxes, a�sessments, cha►'ges .(inctuding <br />water �ncf sewar), fines and impositions levied against or on aocpunt of the Praperty, and shall pay whan due al! claims for work dane <br />nn or for services rendered vr material furnished to the Property. Trustor shall m�intain the Praperty free of all liens having privrity <br />over pr equal ta the interest of Lender under this �aed of Trust, except ior the Ildn of taxas and assessmer�fs nvt due and except as <br />atherwise pravided in thia Deed of 7rvst. <br />Right to Contesk Trustar may wfthholc! payment of arry tax, assessrrbM, or cfalm In raonnection with a good faith dispute over the <br />oblig�tipn to p�y, sp lang as Lendei'$ Inter�st in the Proparty is nat jeopardized. If a lien arises ar is flled as a result af nanpayme�t, <br />1"rustor shall within fiit�en (15) days aiter the lien arises or, if a Ifen I� file�d, within fitteen (15) days after Trustor has notic� of the <br />fiiing, secure the discharge af tha lien, or if raquested by Lender, deposit with Lender cash or p sufFicierrt corporate surety bond or <br />other security satiatactory to Lender in an amaunt suffic�ent to dischar�e the lien plus any costa and at#omeys' f�es, or athar charg�s <br />that couid accrue as a result of s foreclpsure qr sale urTder the 11en. In an}+ contest, Trustor sh�ll defend itself and Lender and shaii <br />s�tisfy any advarse judgment before enforcerr�nt �qalnst the Prpperty, Trustor shaU nemo Landar as an additiqnal oblig�e under any <br />su�ty bond fumished in the contest prpceedfngs. <br />Evidanca of Paymem. Trustar shall up�n demand furnish to Lender satisfactory evidence af paymerrt of tha taxes or assessments and <br />shalt authoriae the appropriafe gav�mmantal official to deliver to Lander at any time a written statsment af the taxes and assessments <br />againat the Properfy_ <br />Nofice pf Cvnstruciivn. Tnrstor shalf notify Lender at least fiiteen (15) days befare eny wark is commanced, any serv(ces are <br />furntshed, nr any materials are supplied to the Properly, if any mechanic's fien, matsrialmen's Uen, ar atf�er Ilen could be asserted on <br />aoq7urrt nf the work, services, or matorials. Truafor wfll upon requeat af Lender furrtish to Lender advanoa assurances satisfactary tq <br />Lende�' that Trustar can and wfll pay the cost af such improvements. <br />PRpP�R'IY pA'MAa� INSURANCE. The iellowtng provtsions rglating to insuring the Property are a part of this Deed af Trust. <br />AAelr�benanca of lnsuranca. Tnestor shall prxure and maintain polictes of flre insurance wlth standard extended coveraga <br />endarsemerrts nn a replaoemsnt basis for the full insurable value covering ait lmprnvements an the Reai Property in an amount <br />suificient m avoid �pplic�tion af any coinsuranoe clauso, and with a s�ndard mnrtgagee clause in #avot af L�r�d�r, together with such <br />othsr haxard artd liabitity fnsurance as Lender may reasonably requfre. Policies shall be wri�ften in form, amour�ts, coversges and basis <br />reasonab[y acceptabl� to Lender and i�sued by a company or cnmpanies reasanably acceptable to Lender. Trustar, upon request af <br />L�r�er, will delfver to Lender from time to tirr� tl�e poiicies or certiflcate& af in&uranoe ln form sattaCactory to l.ender, including <br />stipulationa that crnrerages wili not b� carn�lted ar diminished wlthout at least ten (10) days pr(or written notice to Lender. Each <br />