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2oioos��� <br />abandoned Property. $ortvwer shall also hc in detuull if Bortower, during the loan application ptocess, gave <br />materially false or inaccuraie information or statements to Lencler (or failed to provide Lender with any material <br />infonnation) in connection wiih the l��an evidcnced by the Note, including, but not limited to, reptesentatinns <br />concerning Botrower's occupancy of the Properly as a principal residence. IF this Security Inslrument is on a <br />Ieasehold, Borrower shall comply with the prnvisions of the lease. If B��rrowcr acquires fee title to the Property, thc <br />Icaschold and fee title shall not be merged unlcss Lender agtees to the merger in writing. <br />6. (.ondemnatiun. 7'he proceed5 oF any award or claim for damages, dircct or consequential, in connection with <br />any condemnation or othcr taking ot� any part of thc Property, or for conveyance in place of condemnation, are <br />heteby astiigned and shall bc paid to Lender to the extent of the fiill amounl oF the indcbtedness that remains unpaid <br />under the Note and ihiy Security Inst� Lender shall apply such proceeds to the reduction of the indebtedness <br />under the Note and this Security Intitn�ment, first to any delinquent amounts applied in the order ptovided in <br />para�raph 3, and then to ptepayment af principal. Any appliculion of the proceeds to lhe principal shall not extend ar <br />postpone the due date of lhe monthly paytncnts, which are teFerred to in paragraph 2, or change the amount of sueh <br />payments_ Any excess proceed5 over an amoitnt required to pay all outstanding indebtednes5 nnder thc Note and thiti <br />Security Instniment shall be paid to the entity Icgally entilled thereto. <br />7. Charges to Borrower and Prutectiun uf Lcnder's Rights in the Property. Borrowcr shall pay all <br />�overnmental or municipal charge�, fines and impositions that ate not included in para�raph 2. Borrower shall pay <br />thcse nbligations on tiine directly to the entity which is owed lhe paym�nt_ If failure to pay would adversely affect <br />Lcndcr's interest in the Propetty, upon Lendcr's request Bottower sba11 promptly furnish to Lcnder receipts <br />evidencing these payinents. <br />If Borrower fails to inake ihese payments or the payinents requite�l by paragraph 2, ot failti to perform any other <br />covenants and agreements cont.ained in this Security Tnstruinent, ot there is a legal proceedin� that may significantly <br />affcet Lender's ri�hts in the Pr�perty (such as a proceedin� in bankniptcy, for condemnati��n or to cnforce laws or <br />regulations), lhen Lender may do and pay whatever is necessary to protect thc value uP the Praperty and Lender's <br />rights in the Properly, including payment of taxes, hazard insutance an�i other iteius mentioned in paragraph 2. <br />Any amount5 disburse�l hy Lender under this paragraph 5hall becomc an additional debt of Borrowet and be <br />secured by this Security Inst.ruinent. These amounts shall beat inlerest from thc date of disbursement, at the Note rate, <br />and at the option ol�Lender, shall he immcdiately due and payable. <br />T3orrower shall prompily discharge any licn which has priotity pver this 5ccurity Instrument unless $orrower: <br />(a) agrees in writing lo the payment i�f thc obligation secuted by the lien in a manner acceptablc to Lender; (h) <br />contests in goad faith 1he liean by, i�r defcnds against enforcement �f the licn in, legal proceedings which in the <br />Lender's opinian opetate t�� prevent thc enforcement of the lien; ��r (c) secures Irom the hnldcr of the lien an. <br />agreement satisfact��ry to Lender subordinating the lien to thiti Security Instruinent. If Lender dctermines that any part <br />of the Property iti subject tn a lien which may attain priotily over this Security Instrument, Lender may give Borrawer <br />a notice identifying the lien_ Iiorrower shall salisfy the liet� or takc one or inore of the actions set forih above within <br />10 days of lhe giving oFnotice_ <br />$. Fees. Lender may collcct fees and charges authorize�l by the Scerctary. <br />9. Grounds for Aceeleration nf Deht. <br />(•r) Default. Lender may, except as limited by regulations i�sued by the Secrelary, in the casc nf payment <br />dcfaults, require inunediate payment in fiill of all sums secured by thie Sccurity Instrument if: <br />(i) Borrower defaults by failing tn pay in full any inont.hly payment requircd by this Security Instnunent <br />prior to or on the due date of thc ncxt monthly payment, ar <br />(ii) Borrower defaults by failin�, fnr a period of thitty day�, tn perfonn any other obligations contained <br />in this Security In�trument. <br />(b) Sale Withuut Credit Approval. Lendcr shall, if pennitled by applicable law (including Section 341(d) <br />of the Garn-St. Gern�ain Depusitary Lnstitutions Act of 1982, 12 U.S.C:. 17Olj-3(d)) and with the prior <br />approval i�f the Secretary, require immediaiepayment in fiill of all sums secured by this Security Instrurncnt <br />i F: <br />�-4R(NE) �ssoi� Page 4 of8 Initials:___��W__ <br />
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