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�olooss�s <br />of Bottower's covenanis and agreeznents under tlais Security Intitniment and the Note. kor this purpose, $orrower <br />itrevocably granls and conveys 1.o the TnGStee, in tr�tst, with p��wcr of sale, the lollowing described property located <br />jri HALL ('ounty, Nebraska: <br />LOT SEVENTEEN (17), IN FIESTERN HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION, IN THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, <br />HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />'THIS IS A PURCHASE MpNEX SECUFtITY INSTRUMENT. <br />TAX STATEMENTS SHOULD BE SENT TO: WELLS FARGO HOME MORTGAGE, P.O. HOX 11701, <br />NEWAAtC, NJ b71014701 <br />which has the addre5s oF ���9 �R=AT LANE, GRAND ISLAND [titreet� c�icy], <br />Nebraska 6$gd1 [Lip Code] (���roperty Address"); <br />TOGETI-IER WITH all thc imprnvements now or hereafter etecied on the property, and all easements, <br />apputienances and �xtures nnw or hereaftcr a part of the property. All replucernents and additions shall also be <br />covered by lhis Securily Instn�ment_ All i�f thc foregoing is refcrrcd to in this Security Inetrument ati the "Property." <br />i30RROW�'R (:UV�'NANTS that Bvrtower is lawfully seized af the estatc hereby conveyed and ha5 the right to <br />grant and convey the Property and fhat the Property is unencumbcred, except 1'or encumbrances of recorcl_ I3orrower <br />warrants and will clefenc] generally the title to thc Property against all claims and demands, tiubject to any <br />encumbrances of record. <br />`fHTS SECURITY INSTRUMENT cumbines unifnrrn covenants for national use and non-uniform covenants <br />with limited variations by jurisdiction to constilut.e a �.uiifotm secutity instn�ment covering real properly. <br />Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as fi�llows' <br />LTNIFURM COVI;NANTS_ <br />1. Payment of Principal, Interest and Late Charge. I3orrowcr shall pay when due the principal of, and <br />interest on, the debt evidenced by the Note and latc charges due undcr thc Note. <br />2. Monthly Payment nf 'I'ases, Insurance dnd Other Charges. $orrower shall include in cach monthly <br />payment, together with the principal and interest as set forth in the Note and any late chargeti, a sum for (a) taxes and <br />5pecial asse�sments levied nr t�� he Icvied against the Pro�crty, (b) leasehold payments ar ground rents on the <br />Property, and (c) prernium� for insurance reqiured under paragraph 4. In any year in which thc Lender must pay a <br />mortgaee insurance premium to the Secretary of HouGing and LJrhan Devclopment ("Sectetary"), or in any year in <br />which such premiuin would have been required if Lcndcr still hcld thc Security InSirument, each monfhly payment <br />shall also include either: (i) a�um for the annual morigage in�urance premium to bc paid by Lender lo the Secreiary, <br />or (ii) a monthly charge inslead of a mortgage insurance premium if this Sccurity Instrument i5 held by the Secretary, <br />in a reasonable amount io be determined by thc 5ccrctary. T'xccpt for the inonthly charge by the Secretary, thcsc <br />items are called "Esctow Items" and the suttts paid to Lender are called "Cscrow Funds." <br />Lender may, at uny time, collect and h��ld amourits for F,scrow Items in an aggre�ale amount not to excecd thc <br />maximiun amaunt that inay be tequired For Borrower's enctvw acco�int under the Real Estate Seltlernent Ptocedures <br />Act of 1974, 12 U.S_C:. Seclion 2G01 et seq. and iinplemeniing regulations, 24 (.1�R Part 3500, us lhey may be <br />amenaed frc�m time to time ("RESPA"), excepl that the cushion or reserve permittea hy RrSPA for unanticipated <br />disbursements or disbursements beforc the F3orrower's payments are available in the account may not he based on <br />amounis due fot the mortgage insurancc premium. <br />�^�R���� (9601) Page 2 of B Initials:� <br />� <br />