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2oioos9ii <br />VA GUARANTEED LOAN AND ASSUMPTION POLICY RIDER <br />NOTICE: THIS LOAN IS NOT ASSUMABLE <br />WITHOUT THE APPROVAL 4F THE DEPARTMENT <br />OF VETERANS AFFAIRS C)R �`�'S AUTHOR.IZED <br />AGENT . <br />THIS VA GUARAN"TEED LOAN AND ASSUMPTION P(7LICY RIDFR is made this29TH day <br />Uf NOVEM]iER, 2 Q 10 , and is 1IlCPI'j)OT�t�d inkp �nd shall be deemed ta am�nd <br />and supplement the Mortgage, Deed af Trust ar Deed tn Secure Debt (herein "Security Instrument") dated <br />of even date herewith, given by Ghe und�rsigncd (h�r�in "Barrower") ta s�cur� Bvnraw�r's N��te to <br />WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. <br />(hsr�in "Lender") and covering the Property describsd in the Security Instrument and located at <br />1807 I� HOWARD C�t'T, GRA�D ISLAND, NEBRASFCA 68803 <br />[Property Address] <br />VA GUARAN'TEED LOAN CUV�NAN7': In addition ta the cov�nants and agr�emsnts made in the <br />Security Tnstrument, �orrower and Lender furttier covenant and agree as fallows: <br />Tf the indebtedness secured hereby be guaranteed or insured under Title 38, United 5tates Code, such Title <br />and Regulations issued thereunder and in effect on the date hereof shall govern the rights, duties and <br />liabiliti�s of Borrow�r and I.ender. Any provisinns of the Security Tnstrument or other instruments <br />executed in connection with said indebtedness which are incansistent with said Titl� or Regulations, <br />including, but nat limited to, the pravision for paytnent of any sum in connec[ion wilh prepayment of the <br />secured indebtedness and the provision that the Lender may acG�l�rat�paym�nt of [he secured indebtedness <br />pursuant to Cavenant 18 of the Security Insttvment, ar� h�reby amended or negated to the extent necessary <br />to conform such instruments to said Title ar Regulatians. <br />34346q].82029 <br />MULTISTAT� VA GUARANTEEp LqAN AND ASSUMPTION PaLICY RIDER <br />�-538R (0310) 10/03 �L <br />Page 1 of 3 Initial . �� r <br />VMP Mortgage Solutions (900 21-7291 <br />