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<br />Prepared by: Great Western Bank, c/o Marilyn Beckman, PO Box 83009, Lincoln, NE 68501 - 402-479-0521
<br />Laan No. 1710372492
<br />Great Western Bank is hereby appointed Successor Trustee under the Deed of Trust executed by Kirbv L
<br />M ers and Denise D. M ers husband And wifc, as Trustor(s), in which United Nebraska Bank is named
<br />Beneficiary and United Nebraska Bank is named Trustee. The Deed of Trust was filed for record on March 28,
<br />2003 as Instrument No. 0200303629 or in Baok xxx at Page xxx in the records of the Register of Deeds of Hall
<br />County, Nebraska, conveying the property legally dascribed as:
<br />WHEREAS, the indebtedness secured by the Deed of Trust identified in the above Substitution of Trustee
<br />has been paid and the current Beneficiary does hereby reauest that this Deed ot' Recortveyance be execuCed and
<br />delivered.
<br />NOW, THEREPORE, in consideration of such payment and in accordance with the request of the current
<br />Beneficiary, the undersigned Successor Trustee does by these presents grant, remise, release and reconvey to the
<br />person or persons entitled thereto all the interast and estate granted to said 7"rustee by or thraugh said Deed of Trust
<br />in the above referenced premises only together with all buildings, fixtures, improvements, and appurtenances
<br />belonging to such premises.
<br />Dated: November 24 201p
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<br />Great Western Bank, a bank chartered under the laws of
<br />the State of South Dakota, success�r in interest to Che
<br />loans of TierOne Ban erally chartered savings
<br />bank [su ssor to nited Nebra ka Bank (by merger)],
<br />by a uisitio assets from t FD C as Receiver of
<br />Ti One Sank which was clos by e Office of Thrift
<br />pervision � 4, 201 ,�Be ficiary and Great
<br />On this 24`" day of November,.2010, before me the undersigned, a Notary Public duly commissioned and
<br />qualified for said county, personally came Audre Huelsdonk Mort a e Bankin & Seconda Market Mana er of
<br />Great Western Bank, a bank chartered under the laws of the State of SouCh Dakota, successor in interest to the loans
<br />of TierOne Bank, a federally chartered savings bank [successor to United Nebraska Bank (by merger)], by
<br />acquisition of assets frottt the FDIC as Receiver of TierOne Bank, which was closed by the Office of Thrift
<br />Supervision on 7une 4, 2010, Beneficiary and as Successor Trustee, to me known to be the identical person whose
<br />name is subscrihed to the foregaing instrument, and to have acknowledged the execution thereof to be the volunCary
<br />act and deed of such officer on behalf of the Bank.
<br />" GENERAL NOTARY-State of Nebraska Notary Pub ic
<br />IIII � 5U5AN M. HUD50N
<br />.�- My Camm. Exp. Feb. 2D, 2012
<br />�� ,SD
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