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-� �oioos875 <br />185_0054382023_016(1324x1088x2tiff) <br />�. � N�91� �`�,�r <br />,.. m. J�4p" �.,. <br />PArcel 1: A truct ui lund cr�mprising u purt uf tLe �ust IIn1C �>C the Nnrthwest Quarter (El/��tWl/d) <br />��f Sectlon t'aurteen (14), Township tilcvan (11) Nurth, Runge Nine (9) West af the bth P.hi., in the City <br />�f Gruncl lslund� Hull County, Nebruslu�, mare purticulurly deseribed us follows: <br />Be�inning at the northwest curner of auld F.; Flalf of the Nurfhwest Qur�rter (El/ZNWI/4); thence <br />running egsterly ulong the nortl� 11ne n( said l�:ust Holf o� thc Niarthwest Quurter (El/ZIVWi/�f), an an <br />A,�sumed Benring of S89°ZW(1�"E., n dist�nce af 'Chrrr kiundred 'C�venty Seven and Flfty Ntoe ltundredth5 <br />(32759) f�t, tn the nurthwest c�►rnrr �i( Windolph's Subdivisio�n; thrnCe cuaning SOU°US'46"W, ulong the <br />west line aP Wiudolph's Subdiviyiun, u distance uf Un� Th�►usAnd 17�ree Handred Seventeen und Ninety <br />Seven Hundredths (1317.97) fcet, t�� u p�iint on the suuth Ifne of suid Eust Hulf irf the Northwest Quarier <br />(El/ZNWl/4); thence running 1V89°30'49"W, ulung the vouth l[ne nf sald East HAIt o[ the Northwest <br />Qunrter (El/Z[V�VI/4), n distance nf Three �undred Thirty und "lrventy 5cwen tlundredths (330.Z7) feet, <br />tn the suuthw�t cornrr of suld Ns�st IialY oC the Narthwest Quurter (�1/ZIVWl/4); thence runnin� <br />NQII°1S'AS"E, ulang the west Iine c►f said Es�st Halt of the Nvrthrvest Quurter (El/3NW1/4), a distancr <br />of One Thuusand Three Nundred Eighteen aad Twenty Flve Hundredths p31t�.�5) feet tu the point af <br />beginuing <br />Purcel Z: A tr�ct uC IAnd comprlsing � p�►rt uf lhe West Hulf uf the Nurthwes�t Quarter (Wl/ZNWl/4) <br />��f Sectlon FouMern {lA), Tnwnr�hlp Eleven (11) Nr�rth, Ruu�e Nlne (9) We.St o[ the 6th I'.M.. In the City <br />oC GrnnJ Island, Ha11 Cuunty. Ne�►ruska, q�ore parttcularly described u� [nlluws: <br />Reginning ut the nortl�eust corner o[ suid Wrst Hu1P of the Northwest Quartrr (yNl/2NW1/4); thence <br />running auuthrrly ulun� the rast Itne of said We�t hulf uf the Nnrthwest Quurter (Wl/ZIYWI/4), on an <br />Assumed Bearing ot SOU°l5'A5"W, a dlstance o[ One Thousand '�ree Hundred El�hteen �nd Twenty <br />EigLt [Iundredth!c i�31H.ZZ�� �CCt ta the 5Ut1�hCASt CI1PtiC1' n� SaI(� WCSL IIAI� o[ the Northwest Quurter <br />(Wl/ZNWI/4), thenre running N89°3U'49"W, ulong We snuih Ifne ��f said We.4t Ha1P ��f tk�e Northwest <br />Qu�rter (Wl/2NW1/4), A distnnce of Ten And Fifty Five FE�rndredths (10.55) fe�t tl�ence ruaning <br />NO3°14'46"W a distunce o[ Thirty Three and Forly 'Irvu Hundredths (33.�32) feet; theuce running <br />N(13°(Il"4b°�, u diytunce uf Sixty Four t�nd Sixteen l�undredths ( feet; thenre runnin�NUD°Z8"33"E <br />a dirt�nee u[ Ninety Seven und Eight l�uddredths l97.q8) feet; thence runnin� N00°43'S,Z"W a distunce <br />t�� Sixteen Und 'IWenty E1ght Hundredtha (1b.28) feet; theanre running N00°3D'10"W a distance uf Seven <br />Hundred Nine t�nd Eight Thrre (709.lii) feet; tdencc runnin� NOEI°13'27"� � dlsWnce o[ 'Cht�r Hundred <br />Ninety �ven und Seventy Three Hunclredths (397.73) reet, to a polnt on the nmrfh Iine of snid West Hulf <br />pC the Nortl�west Quurter (W1�INWl/4); thent� running S89°28'UZ'E, alaag the nurth llne uf xnid West <br />Iialf of thr 1VurtE�wrst Qunrter (WI/2NW1/4), u dlstance n[ Nineteea and Fifteen Hundredths (19.15� <br />feet to tde A(."I'UAL puint o[ be�;lnning <br />