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2oiooss�o <br />nineteen (119.0) feet to the ACTUAL Point of Beginning; thence easterly <br />perpendicular to the westerly line of said Lot Two (2), a distance of thirty (30.0) <br />feet. <br />The above-described easement and right-of-way cantaining a total of 600 square <br />feet, more or less, as shown on the plat dated 10/22/2010, marked Exhibit "A" <br />attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, <br />together with the following rights: <br />Grantee shall have unrestricted ingress and egress to the above-described easement and <br />right-of-way for any �+ur�ose necessary for the surveying, construction, inspectiQn, n�aintenance, <br />repair, replacement, relacation, extension, rernoval, and operation of such public utilities and <br />appurtenances. Such rights of ingress and egress shall be exercised in a reasonable manner. <br />Grantee shall have the right to excavate and refill ditches and trenches necessary for such <br />public utilities and appurtenances; to remove, clear, and keep clear, trees, bushes, hedges, <br />undergrowtk�, and/or any other obstructions interfering with the surveying, construction, <br />inspection, maintenance, repair, replacement, relocation, extension, removal, and operation of <br />such public utilities and appurtenances. <br />Grantor sha11 have the right to use the easernent and ri�ht-of-way far purposes not <br />inconsistent with Grantee's full enjoyment of the rights herein granted, provided that Grantor sha11 <br />not allow any structures, burldings, combustible materials, or other pro�;erty of any kuid <br />whatsoever, to be erected, constructed, placed, stored, or accumulated in, upon, above, along, <br />over, across, underneath, or through the easement and right-of-way herein granted. <br />Grantor and Grantee hereto agree that Grantor shall have the right to hard surface over <br />the easement and ri$ht of way and use the easement and right-o� way for parking and ingress and <br />egress; provided if Grantee needs to survey, construct, inspect, maintain, repair, replace, relocate, <br />extend, rernove, or aperate such public utilities and appurtenance within such easement and <br />-2- <br />