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<br /> — � u` T(aCiET1��R�►+ITH ull�hc improvctncn��now on c�rcuflrr cr�r�ed on thc propcny.:uiJ ull caxcmenl�,uppuncnoncc.r,
<br /> and fixtums now ar hereafter u patt of�he prapeny, Al)replucemenlR unJ uddilions shull alxo be covcn�d by�hiY S��curity
<br /> : ;:�' Inrtromcnl. All of'thc fbrc�tafng ir.refcrrrd lo in Ihix Securi�y Insuumrnt as�hc"Pa.�ny."
<br /> - � ° " BORROWER COVENAN7'S thul Burruwcr i�c(uwfully sci`cJ uf Ihc cslatc herchy runvcycd und hu��fir ri�thl u►grunl
<br /> , �.�,��;. ....,, '•� and cunvey�he Prapeny uod�hai thc Propcny i+uncnrumhcrcd.cxccpt fc�r cncumbrunrc.of recard. Bunowcr wurrunts und �_---
<br /> • � � � , will defend generully the�ide to Ihr Pmpr:rty ugoin.rt all rlaim.unJ�kmund�,subjec��a uny cncumbrunrc+�►1�recurd. _._-----
<br /> . � .:,- �,•�:.:-
<br /> •• -� • TNIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT cumbinea uniform covenants far nutionul u.r und n��n-uniiorn� cuvenwus with -_
<br /> ,� :�1 ...•y.:yy°, limited vsuialions by ju�isdiciion to cwi�tiww a uniform xcurity imtrument cuvering real propeny. `�--- �_°`�
<br /> "� �� �'fi�± Y� UNIFORM CnVENAN7'S. Burrower and Lendcr covenunt und ug�ce as fbllaws: _ _
<br /> ., 1. Payment of P�incipal s�nd Intere�t:Prep�yment and I.Ate Charqes. Borruwcr.hall prumptly pay when duc the � .
<br /> e.
<br /> ` � �� principal of und intemst an the ckbt cvidenced by thc No�e and any prepaymcnt and lutc churgcs due undcr Ihe N�Nc. y'`
<br />�.'? "�'�• ` 2. Funds Por'Ibxes aad losurnnce. Subjec�w applicuble Inw or[o a wrinen waiver by Lender.Borruwer�hall puy�o �° ::•'•'.�Y`i��''°�
<br /> 4;� " L.ender on the day monthly pAymcretti ure due under the Nute,until thc Notc is puid in full,a sum l"Fund�"1 for:lu1 yea�ly �;_��--_------ =
<br /> • tnxes und as�essmems which muy uttain pnoriry uver this Securiry Instrutnent us i�lien on the Prupeny:(bl yeurly leuuhuld �.--:��-:__.._...-�:
<br />�.�i� ,,.' , .�-,,;,:�;�.;,,, . payments or ground ren�s on the Propeny, if uny; (c) yearly hazsud or property insurs�nce premiums; (d) ye�rly Iloai � ' � �� �
<br /> . .-.: . - - . .- insucance premiums. if any:(e) yearly mnhvnnt� insuc►nce premiumx. if nny; nnd �� any cum. �►ayubk by Bartower to _-_- _ - -
<br /> : .`_.1
<br /> I.ender, in accordunce with�h�nr�visions of paragrnph 8,in lieu of the puyment of mongage insurnnce premiums. These
<br /> �% '�"""' ' ilems w�e called"Escrow Items." Lender muy,at any time,collect und hold Funds in an nmount not to exceed the muximum —
<br /> :� ' . umoum a lender for a federnlly related mortgage loan may require for Borrower's eticrow uccount under thc federul ReAI �-"-°'
<br /> , ; �_.--
<br />�. �; • .. � � � EstAte Settlement Procedures Acl of 1974 as amended irom time to lime, 12 U.S.C.� 26t11 er sey.('RESPA"),unless anothcr ....�,,;�,.
<br /> . - ", lew IhAt upplies to the Funds sets u lesser umount. If so,Lender may,nt suiy tim��.co�lect und hold Fundc in an amaunt not ta �^. �. I^�_.s:°_.-
<br /> • , exreed the lesser amaunt. Lender may cstimate Ihe umount ui Fundx Juc: uu 11�� busi, ��. currcnt fai. and r� .onablc ! - ____- =� -
<br /> " estima�es of expenditures of future Escrow Items or otherwise in accordance with upplicuble law. ` ���j;;r:-•—
<br /> � . The Fbnds shnll 6e held in an instilution whosc deposits are insured by a fedeml ugency, inslrumernAlity,or entiry -��=
<br /> �' ' (including Lender,if Lender is such an ins�iw�ion)or in uny Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender shul!apply the Funds to pay � ' '� , =__—
<br /> ' ' the Escrow Items. Lender muy not churge Barrower for holding nnd upplying Ihe Funds,annually unalyzing the esc�ow ��-,_:,_�_
<br /> � • uccuunt, or verifying the Escrow ltemc, unless Lender puys Borrower imerest on the Funds und applicable IAw permits .�-.;�:4��+.--.
<br /> , I.ender to make such a churge. However,Lender may require Boirower to pay a one-time chcuge fnr an independent reu! � � .,.. __
<br /> � ' estatc lux rcporting service used by l.ender in cannection with this loan,unless applicuble law provide,utherwise. Unless An • �,k. � —
<br /> , � . , agreement is made or upplicable Inw reyuirex imcros�to be paid,Lender shull not he reyuired�o pay Barrower s�ny interest or �'°'��^,'___
<br /> �r,,�..,,�.w...r.:
<br /> . earningti on the Funds. Borrowcr and Lender muy ug�ee in writing,howevcr,thal interetit shull be paid an Ihe Funds, ��ender F::;;"�;;�_;-,.
<br /> �_y_ �'
<br /> shull give to Borrower,without charge,nn unnuul accaunling of the Funds,showing credits unJ debilx to the Funds and the ��,;�,�:_- --
<br /> � purposa far whirh each debit to the Fvnd4 w�s mude. The Funds are pledged as addi�ional securiry for all sums seeured by �;���.�=��-; __
<br /> ___ ' this Security Instrumcnt.
<br /> " If the Funds held b Lender exceed the nmounts rmitted ta be held b a Ikable luw. Lender snuli aceount [o ��'x��
<br /> , � Y Pz Y PP� f"•xz�''".: .�:::
<br /> • Borrower for the excess Funds in accordance with the requiremenls of upplicuble lew. If Ihe umount of�he Funds h�ld by ..
<br /> , • Lender at any time is not suffcirnt to puy the Escrow Items when due, Lender may ro notify Borrower in writing,and, in •
<br /> � ' such cnse Borrower xhull pay to LenJer ihc amount necessury to muke up the dcficiency. Horrower shall make up the 1,.�•.:._-�� _
<br /> deticiency{n no more�han twelve monthly puymentti,ut Lender�tiole discretion. ����r.
<br /> ' U n .► ment in ful l of all rums,ccured b this Securit Instrument, Lender shall rom tl refund to Borrower:ui• ��''�`���=-
<br /> P� P'Y Y Y P P Y ) �.-+�:.�f:
<br /> Fund►held by Lender. If, under paragruph 21,Lender,hull acyuirc or�ell the Property.Lcnder.prior to�he ucyui,ition or +a;�a
<br /> • wle of the Property,shall apply uny Funds held by Lcnder m the time of acquiaition ar sale as a credit against�ne sums �'�`-'-'�'`'
<br /> �: y,�„ .�
<br /> �� ucured by 1hi,Security Instrument. ���P T�:' --
<br /> 3. Appllcation oP Pnyments. Unkss upplicable law provideti u�herwise, ull payments rcceived by Lender under � ' �.�^,
<br /> paragmphs I und 2 shull be upplied: first,to uny prepaymcnt charges duc under the Note;xecond,to amounts payable under ' �,�•,- .•:• •-_
<br /> ,, parugrnph�;unrd,to imcres�due;founh,to principal due:and last,to uny Inte churges due under Ihe Note. ', ` Y�ty�°'.�•;;',;;
<br /> 4. Charges: Liens. BoROwcr shull pay all rrxc., :�y,c„ments, chur�es, fines :u�J impositions •rttributublc to the f� . ._ . -
<br /> � •• , Propeny which may auain priority over this Sccuri�y Instniment,and Ieasehuld paymenls ur g�und rents.if any. Borrower ( .. . • _. _
<br /> shull pay these obligations in the manncr provided in parugraph 2.or if not paiJ in thal manner,Borrower shall pay them un : ��r:�;.:
<br /> • .� •� time directly to the person owcd puyment. Borrower shall prompUy furnish to Lender ull notices of:�mounts to be paid under _ . �_.-�� =--
<br /> this parugraph. If Borrower nwketi Ihese puyments directly.Borrower shull prompUy iumi+h to Lender mceipts evidencing � yr�"'�...
<br /> • ' the paymenls. . ,. . ._
<br /> „ Borrower�hull promptly dischurge any lien �vhirh ha�prioriry over�his Securiry Instrument unlcss Borrower:la)agrecs ,�� • --
<br /> in writing to thc payment of Ihc obUgalion ticcurcd hy Ihe lien in a manner acccptablc w Lrndcr:Ib)cantcsls in good faith the � '' '',���`��-
<br /> ° Ucn by,or defends uguinst enforcement af the licn in,IcgAI pracedings which in the Lcnder:opinion operate to pmvcnt the , �
<br /> , „ enforcement of thc lien;or Ic!+ecures f�om the holdcr uf the lien•rn•rFreemrnt xatisfacwry to Lrnder�ubordinating the lien • -
<br /> y to this Security Imwmen[. If Lrnder determines►h�t any purt of the Property i,wbjeri t��u lien which may ultuin prioriry
<br /> over this Security Instrumem,Lendcr may givc Bortowcr u nu�icc idrntifying tFk lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or tal:e '� : , - '_
<br /> � ' onc or morc of thc actiuu� aet forth ubovc within 10 duys of thc giving of nuticc. ' �
<br /> " ° 5. Hazard or Property Insurance. Borrowcr�hall kerp thr impmvementti now rzisting���hcreafter rrccted on the •
<br /> Roperty insured again+t I�s+h}•ttre,hazarJ� inchided within thr temi"rtlenJrJ ravcratir"anJ:my olhcr ha�ards,including
<br /> , • Iloods c: ::�oding, far which Lrndcr rcyuirc+inwrancc. 'Thi, insurnncc +hall F+r maintuincd in �hc am�unts und f'or the ,
<br /> ' Form 303N 9�90 qa�,e�•:n/n piec�i
<br /> )
<br /> I
<br /> 7 '
<br /> � J-
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<br />