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<br />"�'y� .�'";'�'�,,�.,,� � BKABKA DEED OF TRUBT C � �" . � p
<br /> � . --. •, �, (With Power ot 9oic) __ -.-�
<br /> � • Amoune of Firre In.almenc f 228.86 �ou,►e or ocn.�[�.w�.na t�225.00 _��—
<br /> . :.>. .
<br /> ' ..� ToW otP�ym�a4�—Z�Z�a�SL Fi�la�t4lment Dw Uat� s�.�l e11_5 19� �— --T ---
<br /> ° � Anri 1 5, 19�.
<br /> �,�..;�,;:. : Number ot blonllily[aotdTaab��_ F'i�wl Ia�lm�nt Du�Data ,
<br /> . '' b .",A.t,,,,::'�;� Aar 11 . 19�., �
<br /> ,: .,�,'i��;,.`u THIB DEED OF TltUST auda thb 30 r or
<br /> . .;; , :.�s �,,, Steven E. I�irkpatrick an� Dayna M. Kirkaatrick. husband and wife . �
<br /> � Wn�.. ,�.iu„�.da�,.u 944 S. Oak St. Grand I s l and NE 68801 . �� �_ --
<br /> hu��
<br /> � . ._ � ,.�., TRW Title Insurance Company =--
<br /> �,�„� ,,,��i��,.� 6800 Colleae Blvd Overland Park, KS 66211 _ .
<br /> • ., �w Tnut�a. wd Norwat iYnuiciRl Pkbruk� [nc., Whose me��� pddren io 2319 N Webb Rd. �?__=-
<br /> . P 0 Box �373 Grand�sland NE 68802 _ , �,B.n.riei.ry, �
<br /> �,;�,,. WITNES9ETFi,Tru�Wn iwnby irnvoeablY�ar�nt,b�aln �ell,and convay W Tnutoa in uuK,vvith Povwr ot rala,the folbwlna de� —._--
<br /> •`s: • • �, �crfbad property in HaY 1 Couaty.Nabsa�k�:
<br /> i ---
<br /> ..,_,,,. � , � The South Ten Feet (10' ) of Lot Ninety-Two (92) and al1 of Lot Ninety-One (91) —�.�^ -��_
<br /> „ of Hawthorne Place� being a Subdivision of part of the Northwest Quarter (NW'h) �, , _._ -
<br /> _- _
<br /> :;��:;:;l1�,.�, ,.,.� of Section Twenty-Two (22) in Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West __ — _
<br /> �'�`r-'-"`��""''��� of the 6th P.M., Hall County� Nebraska.
<br /> �;� . � w n;;:`�;-=.
<br /> : . - � . rrI•�' .
<br /> � i � ;5ii
<br /> . . 7bg�thor with tanoawnq,hendit�meat�,and appurtenanceo tharounW bQlonQina o�in anywise pppe►tainiag�nd the renta,iuueo u�d ��.�• . , `_
<br /> , proRte thaceot ( � � '".m.
<br /> ' ' Thie convey�nce i�intended for the purpo�e oP�ecuri�g the payment W Beneflciwry of Tnutore' promiuory note of even dst� in the ��• �`;�•'� `. '` :LL s
<br /> amount statad ebove a�"7'otsl of Peyment+".3aid'Total of Paymante"i�rcpayeble in the number d'monthly inetalmente stated above. i . .�
<br /> The amount of the imtalmsnt psymenb due on eaid Iwn V�tatad ebove.The Iirat and final imtalment due dnte�on wid loatt nre etated ..
<br /> � above.P�ym�nt may 6a made in advanae in eny amount�t�ny tima. Defeult io meking any payrtaent�l�all,at th�Beneliaiary'�optlon � ,
<br /> . and wfthout notica or dem�nd,ronder the entire unpeid balence of eaid loan at onc�dua and payable,ler�ny pquired nEwte of ohoege�. +�• ' `*�1y�;
<br /> To protact the ucurity at thie Dead oP Truot,Trwtor eovenonte and eareee: ��'��,, ' �'
<br /> �' �:•��,: ..,
<br /> i 1. To keap the property in good rnndition and repefr;to permft no weeta thereof;W complete my buildfng,�uuceure o�improvement ' �,,,i+�f,:
<br /> ' befng built or about to be buile thereon;to reetore promptly eny bulld{ng,etnicture or improvement thereon which may b�dama�ed or i •
<br /> • dattroy�d;end to rnmply with oU lean,ordfnenee�,regulation�,rnvenante,anditionr�nd reetrictlon��tfictfng ehe propeKy.
<br /> 2.To pay before dslMquent dl lewful texee and aeaeeemente upon tha proprrey;w kaep the propee-ty frea ond clear of all otMr ehary(es. i;y„ -��,�_
<br /> ;� li�no or�ncumbrancee impniring tha iecuHty of thfa Deed of Truet. _---
<br /> 3. To keep oll buildingr now or herea(ter erected on the property dex�ibed herefn eoneinuoudy fneured sgeinst lose by Rrc o� other �,��''_ -,�
<br /> hnrnrd�in en emount not leee lhan the total dabt�ecured by this Deed of Truet. All policie� ehell be held by ehe Boneliciory,and be i:.. -- ��
<br /> , in euch compe�iee an the Beneficia►y may epprove end heve lae payable fint W the Beneflciery ae its fntereet mey appear ond then '.'-d-�ri'
<br /> ' ;�;;��.�� W the TrueWr.The amount eolleeted undar any fneurance policy m�y be applied upon any indebtednea heroby eeeured in�uch order as
<br /> ' ` the Beneliciny�hsll determine. 3ueh applicetion by the Bene6ciery ehall not cauee diecontinuonce of any proteeding�to forecloee this �-
<br /> " ,:'.,;;','�'7 lleed of Trutt or cure or woive eny defa�lt or notke of defoult or invulidate eny nct done punuant to auch notfce.In the evont of foreclowra,
<br /> � qll righte of the'I�useor in fneurana policiea then in force ehall pase to the purchaeer ut the foreclosure ede.
<br /> � • ,�• 4.To obtein the written coneent oi Bene6ciBry before e�lling,conveying or otherwiae troneferring the property o�eny part thereot and •
<br /> ,�,;;..;_i
<br /> ��- „. any�uch e�le,conveyance o�tnnafer w�thout the Benvticiary'a wriEt�con�ent ehall mnetitute a defeult under the tarme hereoC
<br /> 6.To defend eny aMion or proceeding purporting w affect th�eec�trity hereoP or the righu+or powen+of Beneficiary or Truetee.
<br /> � 6. 3hould Truetor faf) w pay when due noy ta:es,osseeementx,ineurance premfume, liene,encumbrnncee or othe�chergee aqainet the
<br /> propeRy hereinabove deetri6ed,Beneticiery mny pay the snme, nnd the omount r,o paid,wilh mtrreet at the nue +et fotth fn the note •
<br /> exured hereby,eholl be added to ond become a pert of the debt eetured m th�s Ikrd nf'Itust ne permitted by law
<br /> � . 1. In the event nny portion of th�� proporty ie tnkim or domuged m an emim�nt dommn proceeclmN, ��'Pnure +�mount of the awatd
<br /> • •• or sueh portion thereof oe mny Ix�necexaan•M lully ���t�+(y th��nhhKnuon �ecured h�reby, shnll hn p+ud to Henrlic�ary tn bP nppLed tn
<br /> wid oblfgntion.
<br /> 2. By accepting payment of any�um eecured fiercby oRer its due dwte.Reneflcinrr does not welve IW right to reqwre prompt puyment
<br /> when due o[ell other eum�eo eecur+ed or to detlerc default for foilure to�;o pay.
<br /> 3. The'14uAtee ehell reconvey ull or nny�rt of the property coven�l by thix Ileed of Truat tu che perxon entnled thereto,on wntten
<br /> requeat of the Truetor and the Renefic�an•, or uptm vauxfnctiun of thr obl�putlon�ecured und writren re�yuuat for reconveyanm mad�by
<br /> ' the Hener�e�ory or[ne pereon enncieo cnernco
<br /> OYl C91(NE)
<br /> �
<br /> . � �
<br />