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<br /> _`��` 3•Y[ f�rda" _ -.. ---- � _ . _. _--
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<br /> •;,.�s� ••• (�) ebnow�r Nol RN�a��d.Extension o11he dma for Wym�nt or modllleaUon of�moAizatfon of ths wm�Mcur�d b�r thu
<br /> � �" d'% � Ds�d of Trwt yr�nUd by Landor to�ny wcceuor In Intero�t of Borrowor sAall not operaLa W��IaaM,ln anr rr�nn�r,th�IIab11Hy
<br /> �� � x, of th�oripinal Borrowsr and Borrower's aucce�son In Inten�t Lendor�hell not be reqdfred to commence procNdinp�apalnq —._._
<br /> - ��•���•'�•^'��• woh wcca�or or refuw to sxtend dm�(or p�ym�nt or olherwiso modiy amo�lzodon ol tho�ums f�aurad by Ihit QNd of Trwt
<br /> . ,� by►e�wn oi any demand�made by the oripinal Borrowar end Borrower's eucceason in Intereet
<br /> ! �"� � (b) I.�nd«'�Pow�n.Wlthout affectin�the Ilabiliry ol eny other peraon Iiable lor the payment ot any abllyatlon hereln �- -�-_--�- -
<br /> i� .•,��'"'� �� � mendoned,snd without aMecdnp the Ifen or ohar�e ol thie Dead o1 Truft upon any portion of the Properry not thon or thentoion
<br /> . releated a�securlry for the full amount of all unpald obli9atlone,Lendor may,lrom time to tlme A�d without noUce(i)relea�a�ny
<br /> ., �. � „ � , perton so Iloble,pi)extend the mawriry or elter any of theterms ol eny auch obUaeQans,(ill)�rant olher Indulqencee,(lv)relepte
<br /> _.,���, � ' � or reconvey,or cauae to be retea�ed or reconveyed at any tfine et LendePs opUon any psrcel,poKlon or all ol th�Property,
<br />°;;:; ,, •�• . , " (v)teke or reloaee eny other or edditfonal securUy lor any obU�aUon haroin mantlonad,or(vq mako compo�fGOns or other � �
<br /> ar�anpement8 wlth debton In reletfon thereto. —
<br /> ,`�H�, ' ' , �.,�J• (c) Fotbaaranw by L�nd�r Nol a Wal��r.Any tor6earance by Lender In exerclaing any�Ight or►emedy hereundor,or
<br /> • otherwise eHorded by epplicable lew, ehall not be a weiver of or preolude the exerciee of any such ripht or remedy.The
<br /> -. __t,� _.�..-'-: . procurement of Inaurence or the�ayment of texea or other Ilena or cherges by Lender shall not W e welver of Lendar'�rlph!to �_ _
<br /> ' � . ' eccalerote the meturily of the indebtedness aecured by this Deed of Trust _
<br /> B ' (d) Sueaawn�nd Anlpn�Bound;JotM and Sw�ql Llablllty;Captlons.The covenanta and apreementa hereln con-
<br /> � •� � h `� fefned oltall bind,and the riphts hereunder ahall Inure to,the respeclive eucaesao�s and assigna of Le�der and Truator.All
<br /> ,.� : - •• 4 covenanta and apraemenb ol Tru�tor shell be Joint and saveral.The oapdons and heedinpa of Ihe parapraph�of thf4 D�d of
<br /> ' "'� T►utl are for convenience only end e�e not to be used to interpret or deflne the provlaion�hereof.
<br /> . -- - - (e) R�quat lor NoNcn.The paAfes hereby requeat th at a copy of any notice o1 detault hereunder and a copy ot any�oHce __ �
<br /> • ... .. . . .
<br /> ,� r , of 881e hereunder be meiled to each party to this Deed ot Trust et the eddress set forth above In the manner prescribed by �
<br /> epplicable law.Except for any other notice required under appliceble law to bo given In another manner,any notice provided �y-
<br /> �� lo►in thie Daed ol Truet ahell be given by malling euoh notf ce by certifled mail addresaed to the other partiea,at the addreea�el _
<br /> � - forth above.Any notice provided for in this Oeed of Trust ahall be eflecNve upon mailing In the manner dealgneted herefn.II --
<br /> Tru4tor is m�ore than one peroon,notice sent to the addresa set lorth above ahall be notice to all such persons.
<br /> (Q Imp�aqon.Lender may make or cause to be made reasonable entries upon and Inspectlons ot the Property,provided �--�_�--
<br /> that Lendor ehall pive Trustor notice prior to any auch Inspactlon speclryln�reaeonable cauae therefor reletod to Lendar's —
<br /> . Intareat in the Property. 7 i`
<br /> �-�:::f:.:.;
<br /> (g) q�conv�yane�.Upon payment of all eums secured by thls Deed ot TruaL Lender shall request Trustee to reconvey the �_
<br /> °��� Properly and ohell aurrender thla Deed of Trust and all notea evidencing Indebtedness secured by this Deed o1 Trust to Truetee.
<br /> T�uatee ahe0 reconvey the Property wlthout warranty and without charqe to the person or perwna leyally entlGed thoroto. �^°'�Y-�"-
<br /> , Truator�hell pay all coste ot recordetfon,if any. _
<br /> -_. -� _�___ (h1 p�nd P�op��iy;8�curity AgrNm�nt.As additlonal eecuriry for ihe payment of the Note,Truator hereby pranta __-----
<br /> Lender under the Nebraska Uniform Commerclal Code a securiry intereat in all 1lxturee.equfpment entl other personai property _.
<br /> " used in aonnection wNh the real eetete or Improvements Ipcated thereon,and not otherwlse declared or deemed to be a part ot
<br /> the real eatete eecured hereby.Thle Instrument ahall be c onstrued as a Securlty Agreement under sald Code,and the Lender —�-�—'-"`z�
<br /> '� ahell heve all the riyhls and remedles ol a aecured party u nder sald Code in addition to the�iqhta and remedies created under �`~��'_
<br /> � end eccorded the Lander pureuant to this Deed of Trush provided that Lender's righta and remediea under this paragraph shall , ��'� ;�`
<br /> ' " ' be cumulotfve with,and In no way a Ifmitalion on,Londer's riphts and remedies under any other securl a reement siqned b ��==�
<br /> �Y fl Y r,�.rr�r••F;:.n-� �
<br /> 8orrower or Trustor. `
<br /> p) Lt�ns and Encumbrmc�s.Trustor hereby warrants and repreaents Ihat there 1a no delault under the provisions of any , �.:y_s;,-�---�
<br /> . • iher contrac insVument or � ,��- ---.
<br /> . mortyepe,deed of irust,lease or purchese contract descrlbing all or any pert of the Property,or o t, �; p'ht;n��.;�,_�
<br />_ ayreement constituting a Nen or encurnbrance agafnst al I or any pan of the Properly(collectively,"Uens'y,exlatlnq aa of the .�.�"t��.' ___
<br /> dete of thla Oeed ot Truat,and that any and all existing Llens remein unmodNfed except as diacbsed to Lender fn Trusta's �?�•�*�-'
<br /> � written diecloaure of Ilens and encumbrances provlded for herefn.Trustor shall tlmaly perlorm all ol Trustor'a oblipatfons, � +,�;;;�:.--
<br /> •, � covenanq,representatfons and warrentles under any and ell exisitfng and future Uens,shall promptly lorward to Lender copfes ��*�•-a�•�.;�
<br /> � of all notices of default sent In connecdon wllh any end al l exist�ng or future Llens,and sheli not wlthout Lender's prior written ?"�; ,', �--_
<br /> • conaent in any manner modlty the provfslons ol or allow any fulure advances under any exlatlny or luture Liens. " �,��;_=-
<br /> � Q) Applleadon o1 P1�ym�nb.UMeas otherwise requlred by law,sums paid to Lender hereunder,including without limitado� �• _
<br /> - � paymente o1 prinolpal and interest,I�suraoce proceetls, condemnauon proceeds and reMa and proNts,shall be epplied by �« �... �:_:��__'
<br /> Lender to the amounta due and owing Irom Trustor and Borrower in such order as Lender m ita sole discretlon deems desirable. ;}• .
<br /> (k) S�v�r�blllt�r.II eny p►ovlslon ot this Deed ol Truat confllcts w►th appUcable law or Is declared invalld or otherwlse �
<br /> •� unentorceeble,such confllct or invalidlty shall not aNect the other provlsona of Ihls Deed ol Trust or the Note whlch can be •
<br /> fven eHect wlthout the contllclin rovfalon,and lo thls end the rovfalons of thls Deed of Trust and the Note are declared to be "`
<br /> • 9 9p P � .. • -•=Y•„yR•._
<br /> • severeble.
<br /> ' (I) TNm�.The terms"Trustor"and"Borrower"shall i nclude both singular and plurel,and when the Trustor and Borrower .
<br /> aro the same person�s),those terma as used In Ihis Deed of Truat shalt be interchangeable. `
<br /> (m) Qov�min�Law.Thls Deed of Trust shall be governed by the Iaw�oY the 3tete of Nebraeka. {, . . . __
<br /> �� Trwtor has executed this Oeed of Trusl as of the date wrltten above. � � �'`'
<br /> , . � � .� � �
<br /> ±�`rry �� Tr at r
<br /> c; � i
<br />. '�•� � ; '.i!� _ .�.[l�
<br /> Oc^ o� nnQ HoQO Trustor
<br /> �. .� , ..
<br /> . . � I
<br />