•xrsar�l�Rr�y� :};i};'r?,it�,i `:�;. Wr��,y t:;; o t» � rL v -ask. p>�`�t�v �z���:�i,���' ,,�t'�.s =s�i,�u„t�� ,
<br /> ve.��_ .� i •-y.•�:t i����� ���. �...,: --^ ' -' __....---- �
<br /> 71,�� ;ti'";� .t��'�,'+ '�ti.H .,..-.-,.-.--,_n.,.._-- . � _ — .
<br /> � ��, _ • �' -
<br /> , � ;r'.,rt�a;:���.�.'wtc„tio�d' —
<br /> , y"="•!r K;'t�''��•'.. ' . . -�
<br /> �... , _ , ._..
<br /> � _ . .�--
<br /> . . . Ro-�.�.. _ .-..._._ _ _— -1. -.-,. .....�-_
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<br /> �� '� � 92— �o�g�i �- -_.
<br /> _����. ,��°.
<br /> ,�•i'�•'�l, .���, • •
<br /> �'��;.�:�.�:�;�':, , ACKNOWLEDOBMENT OF DEED OF TRUBT
<br /> ��:���;�:`::::.�:; .�
<br /> - - , --��fi: rnusroR t�a n�s e�oa�s�c3�uNa
<br /> '���� � " �•� Tnutor und�rsund�thal�h�dacum�nt th�t TruttoNs�bout to uaout�I�a Ds�d ot Trwt and nol�mortp�p�and th�t 1M powK
<br /> ,i' . �
<br /> .'"� :•�`�'��'����° �� of�aN provld�d fa In th�ONd of Trwt provldas wb�U�nd�lly dlH�r�nt riphq and obl►patlon�W Trwtor th�n a mort�ap�In th�rv�nt
<br /> h�
<br /> ' y .o � ol�dMault or 6rMOb ol abllp�qOn und�r Ih�Owd ol Tru�t,Includinq,but not Ilmihd to,lh�L�nd�r's rlpht to hw�th�Prop�rty�otd _.
<br /> .�'-: :.W"�.� by th�Tru�W without�ny�udlolal proaNdlnp.Trwtor npr�nta�nd w ��b th�t�his uknowl�dp�msnt wu�x�cut�d b�►
<br /> '�•
<br /> .,,�.;_.,. ��� . Trwlor bNor�Ih��x�outbn ol th�OMd ol Tru�t � �
<br /> - _ ----_-- —- �-�.!--.
<br /> ���;.��� �� p � ' Trwtor
<br /> � 1i� .� rtH:�+ . i �
<br /> "_�..� ���A Oe R �nA� QoM Trwtor �
<br /> `�T�. .� ��°.�°'',�y' � DEED OF TRUST WITH FUTURE ADVANCES `�
<br /> .,
<br /> •Yf.� :.. _ _e�K4 !i_. _ � ..
<br /> - - -r--: � r. ,19�2.,b end amonp
<br /> •::1•a�•.� THIS OEED OF TRUST,Is rtwde os ot the�t�.day of R y
<br /> '-'a��:'"==i , .. �.x1.
<br /> '�,i.r.�, ,. �..n'. .,, � . �
<br />;;_=� ;, �. tho Trusw►, �'ry E NoN E Or Roi�aae� Hon . hwband �nd rii�
<br /> ��-���..;:. .•. ..�"�• •w � '' �9 M PAo�nix Aw Grand I�l�nd 11�„6 B�i3-6Zi6
<br /> ,• whoa rru�IN n p eddre�s Is (herein"Tru�Wr, w or ono ar maro).
<br /> ;,:'n - � -. �- -
<br />_ � . �T���, Fiw Poiut� Banlc, a ItMbra�lu Corpor�tion ,
<br /> :�-'� � . . who�e meflinp address Is P.0. Box 13�7 Graad I�l�nd. pE 688�Z (herefn"Tru�b�"),�nd --
<br /> : b
<br /> . , �:!° �� ' the Bon�ficiary. Fiv� Point� B�ak � �.` �,� '°�:
<br /> P.O. Bo: iSO7 Rr�nd I�lu�d� N6. 68802-13�7 ._(herein"�ndor'�. �``""-----
<br /> . ' � � whow mdN��address Is '
<br /> �' FOR VAL.UABLE CONSIDERATION,Includinp Lenda�'s extension of credit fdentffied horein t�� � a� --
<br /> � .;; _"°�
<br /> ' � 'f'�� R Or Ro���n11� Ho�s (hereln"Borrower",whether one or more)pnd the trust heroin created, b�
<br /> , . . _ ;i.;..�
<br /> the receipt of which Is hereby acknowledped,Trustor hereby irrevocaWy yrants,tranafera,conveys and assipns to Truetee,IN ��.� �-�
<br /> � �'.• TRUST,WITH POWER OF SALB,for the beneNt and aecuriry of Lender,under and subject to the terms and condltions herelnafter set ��__.
<br /> ' • � brth,the real property,deaaribed as follows: - -
<br /> . .,,•� �:,. �:.�'` C I T Y OF ORAN�1 ISI.AIiD, HAl.1. COUIiTY� 11SB . �__--
<br /> ,�. �� , :.,.
<br />. ,�;
<br /> ..ti.:,�. _
<br /> . . . . �.�.�=.,.-
<br /> . � :��:;:� Toyether with all bulldinys,improvementa,lixtures,atreets,alleys,pessapeways,easements,rights,privilepes and appurte- �°•�'.�� -
<br /> .Y•ru
<br /> � nancea bcated thereon or In anywise pertaining thereto,and the rents,iasues and prolits,reversions and remainders thereof,end ..
<br /> , . .�, �,..
<br /> Buch personel property thet Is atfeched to the improvements so as to constitute a flxture,fncluding,but not limlted to,heating and
<br /> • " cooling equipmenk and topether with the homaatead or maritel intereats,If any,which Intereate are hereby released and waived;all �
<br /> '� � ��:`�•` of which,Includiny reptacementa and additlons ihereto,is hereb declared to be a pah oi tha roal a�tate iecured by the Iion ot this
<br /> ° poad ot Truat end all of the torepoiny beln�referred lo he►eln as the"Properly". '�•����' `
<br /> 0
<br /> � � This Deod of Trust ahall secure(a)the payment of the prfncipal sum and intereat avidenced by a promissory note or credil _•�;:•.��., "
<br /> eflreement dated �nrii 29 �+ ��� ,haviny a meturity date ol ��rfi �t� 14oR _ , ��.._�..,� ~ '�
<br /> � �' � i6u.�'S?�`'t-`
<br /> � '"` in the odpinal principal amount ot$ �8 �s 11 ,and any and all modflications,extenaions and renewels � � • ._.
<br /> • •• thereof or thereto and any and all future advances and readvances to Borrower(oi any of them if more than one) hereunder • . . , -- --
<br /> purauant to one or more promissory notes or credit aqreements(hereln celled"Note");(b)the payment ot olher auma advenced by . • ���
<br /> , Lender to protect the securiry of the Note;(c)the periormence of all covenants end agreements of Truetor set toAh hereln:end(d)all . „4--�_
<br /> '. „ •�.., preaent and tuture indebtedneas and obligatfons of Borrower(or any of them it more than one)to Lender wheMer dfrect,indlrecR �� :
<br /> • ' " absolute a condngent end whether ans�ng by note,yuaranty,overd►aft or otherwlse.The Note,this Oeed of Trust and any and all �� . +:��„�`='-�`
<br /> ' � other dxuenb thet secure the Note or otherwlse executed In connection therawlth,Includfng w�thout Nmit8lion quarentees,aecurfty �Y�-"'�"� ^
<br /> ' ,�__.. _
<br /> • Apteemenis end eseignments of leaees and renls,shell be referred to herein es Ihe"Loen Inatrumenfs". �'�:= r� ,
<br /> " Truator covenenW end agrees with Lender as follows:
<br /> ' 1. P�ym�ni o1 Ind�pt�d�.All fndebtedness seCUred hereby shall be pa�d when due.
<br /> ' 2. Titl�.Trustor ia ihe owner ot the Property,has the riyht and authority to convey the Propertv,and warrants thal ihe Ile�
<br /> created he►eby la a flrst and prlor lien on the Property.except for liens and encumbrances set forth by Trustor In wntfng and
<br /> � delfvered to Lender before executlon of tA�s Deed o(Trust,and the executfon and del�very of Ihis Deed o1 Trust does iot vfolateany
<br /> confraCt or other oblfgatfon to which Truslor 1s sub�ect.
<br /> 3. Tax�s,Ass�umanb.To pay before delinquency a11 taxes,speaal assessments and al1 otner charqes aya�nst the Property
<br /> � now or hereaRer levied. ' �
<br /> 4- Intu►ance.To keep ihe Property�nsured agamst da��age by 1ne.hat.uds���ciuded wdh�n the te�m"axtanded Coverage".end
<br /> ! auCh other he2erde es Lender may reqwre,m�mounls and with companias accaplabla tu Lendar,nammg Le�der as an oddiUOnal
<br /> • named Inaured.with loss payeble to the Lender.In case of loas under such polic�es,the Lender la authorized to ad�usR callect and
<br /> compromise,nll Clafms thereunder and shatl have the optlon ol8pplying eli or part of the msurance proceeds(I)to any Indebtedness
<br /> secured hereby and In auch order as Lender may determine,l�0 to the Trustor to be used for Ihe repa�r Or restoration of the Property
<br /> or(III)for any other purpOSe or ob�ect satisfnctory to Lender w�thout aHect�ng►he I�en o1 th�s Deed of Trust lor the lull amaunt aeCUred
<br /> •• hereby belore auCh paymeM ever took plece Any appl�cet�on ol proceeds to�ndebtednoss shell not extend or pc+stpnne the due
<br /> dato of any payments u�der the Note,or cure a�y default th��reund��r or n�reunder
<br /> - - . �----••• "---..._..r_.,_..._..w w..�.,...a.. T..,......ti�u n�,.�n i onrtar �n a�r.h m:�nner as Lender mnv desi0nttte.suHiCient
<br /> -� — --- -- l �. cw�tvw.vpv�....�..o................,�.......... ..__._. _.._. •-- - -- - � -
<br /> � suma to enable lender to pay as ihtly beCOme due onp rn mpre of the following (il all taxes..1�5@S3m@Itt9 dlld Uth@r Chdrg@S eg8u1s1
<br /> �
<br /> � Ihe Property,(�d the prermums on the prope�ty�nsurance�eqwred hereundar, and l��il 1he premlums on any mortyuye m8urenCe
<br /> � roqu�red by Lender
<br /> 6. Malnt�n�ne�,R�paln�nd Compll�ne� wlth Law�.Trustor shau �eep �he Properry in good conduio� and►@pA�►.Shell
<br /> , promptly repair, or replace any �mprovement wh�ch may be damaged o► destroyed. shau not commd or permit ony weste or
<br /> I dete►iaretfon of the PropeAy:shell nOl remove,demolish or subsl8�tfally alter;�ny o1 the�mprovements on the Property:shall not
<br /> commli,sutter ar pormit any aCt to bo dono�n or upon thc Prpperty�r vio�at�o��S anp�aw,crdmarce,ur�egulation,and shall pay and
<br /> ' I promptly dfscherye at Trustor's cost and expense all I�ena,encumbrances and charyes levied.impoaed or aesessed against ihe
<br /> 1 Prpperty or any part thereof.
<br /> 7. En11nMt Dotnaln.Lender Is hereby eeslp�ed a11 compensation,awerds,damages nnd other payments or reliel(hereinafler
<br /> "P►xeeds")In connect�on with condemnatfon or uther taklnp of the Property or pnrt thereof,or for co�veyance m lieu of condemna-
<br /> tion.Lender�hall be entdled at�ta option to Commence.appear fn and pro�ecute In fts own name any actian or proceedings,and
<br /> shall al�o be entftled lo meke any c�mpromise or setllement�n connectlon w�th such lakmg or damage.In the evenf any port�on of
<br /> , h�ue���.a�t�u��u o..a�n..�o e� �
<br /> � �11M MN.o�u���W l'a��rwc�T�uu�n�5�•.,p�Aswc•s�w•l��o�n NNr��►• �
<br /> I
<br /> . � �
<br /> �
<br />