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2oioossii <br />EXHI�3TI' A <br />LEGAL� DESCRIPTIOl� . <br />Lot 7hirteen (13), in "Palu Subdivision" sald 5ubdivision betng a part of the Northeast Quarter pf the <br />Northeast Quarter (NE1/4 NE1(4) of Sectfon Thlrty Three (33), Township Elevan (11) North, Range Nine (9) <br />West of the 6th P.m., HaII County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at the Northwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NE1/a NE1/4) of <br />Sectlon Thirty Thres (33), running thence South along and upon the West Ifne af satd Northeast Quarter of <br />the Northeast Quarter (NE1/a NE1/4), a distanca of Four Hundred Fifty Five and Eight 7enths (455.8) feet, <br />running thence �astarly Seven Hundred Forty Five and Five Tenths (7a5.5) feet to a point which ls Four <br />' Hundred Fifty Eight and Five Tenths (488.5) Feet South of the North Itne of said Northaast Quarter af the <br />Northeast Quarter (NE1/4NE1/4), runntng thence North a distance of Two Hundred Twenty Threa and Five <br />Tenths (223.5) feet, running thence East Seventeen and Four Tenths (17.4) feet, running thence Nqrth a <br />distance of Two Hundred Thlrty Ftve (235.0) feet ta a potnt on the North line of the said Nartheast Quarter of <br />the Nartheast Quarter (N�1/4NE1l4), runntng thence West along and upon the North Itne of safd Northeast <br />Quarter pf the Northeast Quarter (NE1/4NE1/4) a distance of Seven HundrBd Seventy Two and Three 7enths <br />(772.3) feet to the polnt of begfnning; and <br />., <br />All of Lots Pourteen �' (14) and Fifteen (15) and part of Lot Fpur (d), Palu Subdtvision of part of Norkheast <br />Quarterof the Northeast quarter (NE1l4NE1/4) af 5ection 7'h(rty Threa (33), Township �leven (11) NortM, <br />Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., Hall Gounty, Nebraska, more particulatly described as fqllows: <br />Beginning at a point on the West line of said Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NE1/a NE1l4); said <br />point being Thirty Three (33.0) feet South of tMe Northwest corner of said Northeast Quarter of the Northeast <br />Quartar (NE1/4NE114); thence runntng Southerly along and upon the West line of said Northeast Quarter of <br />the Northeast Quar�er (NE1./4NE1/4) a d(stance of Four Hundred Two and Eight Tenths (a02.8) feet to the <br />$outhwast comsr of Lot �iftesn (15); thance running Easterly along the South Iine of Lots Fifteen (15) and <br />Fourteen (14) a distance of pne Hundred Ninety'Two and Nine Tenths (182.9) feet to the Southeast corner of <br />Lot Fourteen (14); thence running Northerly along the �ast Ifne of Lot Fourtesn (14) a distance of Sixty Nine <br />(69.0) feet to a'cornsr nf Lot Fourteen (14); thance runntng Northwesterly a distance of Forty One (a1.0) feet <br />to a corner of Lot Fourteen (14); thence running Northeasteriy a distance of 7wo Hundred Eight and Six <br />Tenths (208.B) feet to the 5outhwest comer of Lat 'i'hree (3); thence running Northerly afong ths We�t lirre of <br />Lot 1"hrse (3), a distance of One, Hundred 3even (1Q7.0) feet to the northwest corner of Lot Three (3); thence <br />running Westerly along the North i(ne of Lat Four (a) a distance of One Hundred Seventy Four and Three <br />Tenths (174.3) fest to the Northwest corner of Lot Four (4), the point of beginning <br />Part of Lot Four (4), of "Palu Suhdivfsion" of part af the Northeast Quartar of the Northeast Quarter (NE1/4 <br />NE1f4) of Sectian Thirty Three (33), 7ovunship Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9} West of the Bth P.M., Hall <br />County, Nebraska, more parttcularly descrfbed as follows: <br />Commenc(ng at a point on the Southerly Itne af said Lot Four (4), said po(nt being One Wundred Flfty Eight <br />(158.0) feet East of the Southwest corner of said Lot Four (4); thence running Southeasterly along and upon <br />the Southwesterly Iine of satd Lot Four (4), a distance of Forty One (41.0) feet; thence running South along <br />and upon the Last boundary line of said Lat Four (4), a distance of 5ixty Nine (69A) feet; thence runntng East <br />along the South boundary Ifne of said Lot Faur (4), a distance of Seventy �ight (78.0) feet; thence running <br />North along and upon a Ilne of Seventy Eight {78.0) feet a distance from and parallel to the East boundary <br />line of satd Lot Four (4), to the point of intersection of sald Ilne and the shore Iine of the lake situated fn said <br />Lot Four (4); thence running Westerly atong and. upon the shore lina of said lake ta a point where said shore <br />line intersects tha East boundary Iine pf a tract heretofore deeded by Warranty Deed recorded in Book 127 at <br />Page 269 of the peed Records af Mall County, Nebraska; thance running Southerly along and upon the East <br />boundary line of said tract to to the polnt of begtnning and <br />EXC�P'TING therefram a tract of land conveyed to the State of Nebraska by Warranty Deed recorded in Book <br />135, at Page 197 of the I]eed Recards of Hall County, Nebraska and EXCEPTING therefrom a tract of land <br />co.nveyed to Susan R. Johnstan and CarolJean A. Palu, in Document No. 91-104436 qf tMe Records of the <br />Register oi Deeds of Hall County, Webraska <br />