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MMaMI�MOU�Pro�rMtoro• <br /> s :� " <br /> :• �;���§s�- � (�) I�Orrow�r Not 11M��d�Hxt�n�ion o1 th�Um�for paym�nt or modllicatlon ot amortlxaUOn ol tM aumA�ecu�Ad by Ihi� <br /> DMd of Tru�t prant�d by L�nd�r to any succ�tsor In Inhre�t ol Borrow�r sh�ll not opente to eny mann�r,th�H�biNty <br /> �. �;' , T.; of th�arlpinal Borrow�r�nd Borrowsr'�euoce�sors in Intere��Lender�hell not be requlred lo commqnce prpcavdlnp��pdnst _ _ <br /> �� - - �^+��;y'�'E �uoh suce�wor or nlua to�xtend dm�for p�ynNnt or othsrwiso modlly amoAltatlon of th�wm0 wcurad by th41 DMd of Trus1 <br /> ' !"" �P by a��on of any demand�msde by ths orlpinel Bor►ower ond Borrower'��ucca�son In int�rest <br /> ', � (b) L�nd�ry pow�rs.Wlthout aflecUnq the Ilablliry ot eny other perean IlAble tar the payment ol any obN�apon h�roln �, ___ _ __ <br /> ; _;^ � na. '-��+ menpcned,�nd wlthout aBecdnp ths Ilen or charpe ol this�ead of Trwt upon eny portion ot the Prope►ry not than or thoretofore <br /> ' � rale�sed�s eecu►iry for the lull amount of el l unpald oblipatlons,Landor mey,from Uma to timo e�d without nodce(1)relqs�a�y <br /> — � „ • _ peran 4o Ifabla,(it)extend the maturlty or elter any ot the terms ot eny euch obllpHtiana,(III)prpn!other Indulpences,(IV)rekase <br />- or�econvey,or cause to bo released o�recanveyed at any tlme at Lender's optlon eny paroel,pOrtlon or all 01 th�Praperly, <br /> .a .,�n ' ^ (v)take or�elaaae eny other or addlUonal eecurlty for a�y oblipepon henln mentlonad,or(�fy make aompoalliqns or other <br /> c.: - ��1�,,�s_.�,, .:_.. prnngemenW wiM debtore In relaGon thereto. <br /> " (c) ForM�r�na�by L�nd�►Not�WNr�r.Any lorbearence by Lender In axeraising sny right or remedy herpunder, or _ <br />�;,,: "• , • � otherwl�e aHorded by epplicable law: shall not be a welver of or preclude the exetClae of any euch ripht or remedy.The <br /> � � , procurement ot inauranoa or the payment of taxea or other Ilena or cherqes by lsnder shall not be a walvsr ot I.Ander's riyht to <br /> �=�-• • • ' accelerata Ms maturfry ot tha indablodne�a secured by thls�w�i ot Trust <br /> ; � : • • . (d) Suooasorn�nd Mtipn�Bou�d J�t�nd S�wral Uabllity;Caplbnf.Th�covenants and apreemente hereln corn -- <br /> ' • � � teined shall bind,and the riphta hereunder ehall Inure to,lhe respective aucceasors and asaigna of Lender and Truator.All <br />;.. `�. :�Ii ';,fY `,t�.,:1, covenanro and afireemanta of Trostor shall be jolnt and several.The cap�fons and headinya ot the parepraphs of thfs Oeed ot _ <br /> Truft are for convenlenne only and are not to be used to Interpret or dellne the provis�ons herpof. <br /> � ' (e) p�qupl tor NatkN.Tho parttea hereby requeat that a copy o1 any notice ot default hereunder and a copy ot any notice <br /> • i�10 ;�•��� i•�`�� of sale hereunder he meiled to each party to thla Deed ot Truat at the addreas aet torih above in the manner prescribed by _ -- ------ <br /> +'� •� "`"1"'��5�: C,.;;_'^'t•~ applicaWe law.Excepllor any other notice requlred under applicable law to be given In another manner,any notice provided _ <br /> '���' '�'1���� � •'�`''; for In thla Oeed of Trust ahall be given by malling auch natice by certified mell addressed to the other partiee,et the eddreas set <br /> � � '��'�, •�',"'" '"'�'`r� �� (orth above.Any nopce provided tor In this Deed o1 Truat ahall 6e eHective upon mailfng In the manner dealgnated herein.(I <br /> ;,,� ;:-;{.:•�. .,:. �:',� ..:�:. <br /> , ;�::l�M{t�:v,:�''1;E,r';', TNltOf IO fI10f6 th8f1 0119 p6f80f1,notice sent to Ihe addresa aet torth above ahell be noUce to ell such pereons. _ <br /> ::i�.: ..; ' (� In�p�cfion.Lender mey make or ceuae to be made reasonable entries upon and Inspections of the PropeAy,provfded � _ <br /> �� ;�� �;��f�' . that Lender ehell give Truator notfce priar to eny such inapectlon spacllyinp reasonable cauae therefor reletad to Lende�'a <br /> Intarest in the Property• �r:.y��- <br /> ' • (y) R�aonv�y�ne�.Upon peyment ol ell sums secured by thla Deed o1 Truat,Lender ahall request T�ustee to reconvey the _ <br /> ,y. Properly and ahall sunender thle Oeed ol Trust and all notea evidencing indebtedneas eecured by this Deed ol Truat to Truetee. — <br /> Truttee ehall reconvey the Property wdhout warranty and without cherqe to the person or ponont loyally entltled thwato. _ <br /> Trwtor�hell pay all coats of recardaUon,If eny. �;�� <br /> fh) P�nonol PropNty;S�aurit�►AqrNm�nt.As edditlonal securiry for the paymont of Ihe Note,Trustor heraby yra�u �'�ur�' '' <br /> � Lender under the Nebre�ke Unllorm Commerciai code e eecunry interesi in aii tiaiurw,eryuiyniani,and aiher psrsona!praperty --_- <br /> usad In connectlon wlth the real eatele a�mprovements Ixated thereon,and not otherwlee declared or deemed to be e pa�t ol f*���. <br /> Ihe reel estete secured hereby.Thia lnstrument ehall be conatrued a�a Securlty Ayreement under eald Code,and the Lander �� r= <br /> W�'..�;�._:.Y <br /> � shall heve all the riphte end remedfes ol a aecured party under eald Code In addllion to the rl�hts and remedles created under . .- <br /> and eCCOrded the Lender pwsuant to thla Oeed ol Trust;provided that Lender's rlghts and remedfea under thla paragraph ahall � � <br /> be cumulative wfth,and In no way e umlletlon on,Lender's rlyhts and remedies under any other aecurlty epreemont slpned by � ��•l• <br /> �� Borrower or Trustor. �H„�'z_,-. <br /> (f) Ll�es�nd Hncumb�anc�i.T►ustor hereby warrante and represents that there is no detault under the provlslona of any �� <br /> • mortgepe,deed of truat,lease or purChese coMrect descrlbing ell or any pert ot the Property,or other conhect,Instrument or ��e,' ��.' �::--: <br /> ayreement constltuttnp a I�en or encurnbrance�gafnst all ur any part ol lhe Property(collectively,"Llens"),exfauny as ot the �:•� <br /> date of thia Deed ol Trust,end that eny and all exfeting Llens remaln unmodltled except as diaclosed to Lender in Truetor's x ti•,:,:-_� M_ <br /> wrllten dlaclosure of liens end encumbrances provlded for hereln.Trustor ahall timely pe►form all of Trustor's obN�attons. � � . `,� <br /> Cavenante,representatlons end warrantles under any and all exisltl�g and future Llens,shall promptly lorward to Lender copiea • . , <br /> • �t;.•'�.. <br /> ot all notices ot detault sent in connectlon wlth any end all existing or future Llens,and shall not wlthout Lender's prior wrltten , ;. <br /> conaent in ony menner modity the provlsions ol or allow any tuture edvancea under any existlnp or future Uens. -- <br /> ' �) Applk�tlon of Paymmu.UnlesaotherwlBe required by law,sums pafd to Lender hereunder,including wlthout flmllation ���,"� -- <br /> • . payments o1 princlpal and interest,Insurance proceeds,condemnaUOn proceodc and reMS and protlts,shall be applled by ��. .,.,,.�;:�.�•-,_ <br /> Lender to the amounts due end owfnp irom Truslor and 8orrower I�such order as Londer In Its sole discretion deems deslrable. �_-_ <br /> � t�- <br /> �• (k)Sw�nbNit�►. II eny provlsion ol thls Deed of Trust conllicts wfth appllcable law or Is declered Invalld or otherwiee <br /> � " unentorceable,such contllct or Invalldlty ahall not aHect the other provfaons of thls Deed of Trust or the Note which cen be �-.-_ <br /> • , glven eflect wlthout the contlicling provlslon,and to th�s end the provlslons ot thls Deed ot Trust and the Note are declared to be ,•.;, <br /> ' severable. � <br /> • ,. p) T�mu.The terms"Trustor"and"Borrower"ahall Include both singular and plural,and when the Truetor and 8orrower �� . . ..•�;;.�. <br /> ' • are the same peraon(s),those terms as used In thfs Deed of Trust shall be Interchangeable. � , „ ,- <br /> (m) �iowrMny Law.This Deed of Truat ahall be governed by ihe laws of the State o1 Nebreeka. <br /> � � Trustor has executed thla Deed ol Trust as of the dete wrltten above. O�� , <br /> � <br /> C Y Fox Trustor � �� <br /> -`������-i�'� %�ic-r�' <br /> Or Marion L Fox rusto��— <br /> � � <br /> , <br /> , <br /> .�. . � . • . <br /> , ,�+ ; a� . <br /> i " . ., .. r : <br /> ' I <br /> �� . , <br /> ,� i <br /> � _ ---—- -- <br />