.. . . . "" YN�I.:�:: -- __—__— _—_
<br /> ' /l� f .:.:..:�`.:` . . ��t{�S�.l:�
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<br /> .. . • Y.�• �v��h.W�.a ' / . ,•U-'___'
<br /> . .ll�A. `�II.Y:� . . _—_
<br /> � .. �.l1Y.w�.l6... . ,`.)\,:.�•'
<br /> .�� '�:�»`�,:;:.`�',�f"�°_ : � ACKNOWLBDGHMHNT OR OBEcQ 4F TRUBT 9�—.1Oi�1��3
<br /> �,�t,t�w:�q:tsb�. ,:
<br /> •'-=•-Y,�-.•=- M� TR�iBTOR READ TM18 BEFQRE 810NING:
<br /> :� �+s.,-•-�,
<br /> `�Z•,...`�.'•o�.• -
<br /> �•.•� Truda und�raMnds Ihat th�docum�nt th�t Trustor Is about W exeCUb Is�O�d ol Trun�nd nol a mortp�p��nd th�t the pow�►
<br /> :.'s�,:r'�i�w.+i-�, i
<br /> �• • ��•; . , .,• • of�W provid�d lor I�th�OMd of Tru�t provide�wb�Untielly diff4nnl�hl��nd oblip�tlom to Tru�tar Uun�morty�po In th�w�nt
<br /> ', ' -. ;�°?�" of a dN�uit or bnaoh o1 obllpstion undsr ths ONd o1 Trust,Inoludlnp,but not Ilmited to,th�L�nd�r's rfpht to h�v�ths Prop�ry sold
<br /> t .� ��ya'.�r..m,..y- by th�T�ustN withoul�ny JudiCld proCe�dinp.Trwtor npr�MnU and w�rr��b tMt thf�Rcknowl�dpem�nt w���x�cuted by ��.==T---
<br /> . .,,
<br /> . `. pNd 1 T tl.
<br /> :. '�'��" ,": • ; Tnata b�fo qM�x�cutbn ot p�� o ru ��
<br /> _ ��•.. _ .. o -- r� �.Z�if'� � _ °-- _
<br /> :� �`"'`.�'� �;'ry. : C Y Pox Trwtqr —.
<br /> , ���IY��r�.: -�',µ ��
<br /> Or Msrion � Fox T �tor
<br /> .�•� . r --- -
<br /> ' � '����-� DHEO OF TRU8T WITH FUTUWE ADVANCES --
<br />'r�; ' , .
<br /> - }� -� , •�',�` THIB QEEO OF TRUBT,le mpde es of Ihe ltt dAy OI.— — � • ,19 9� by end omonp �_
<br />�Drk . .�.•-:� �
<br /> t,;; . the Tru�Wr, C M Fox E Or ll+�rion L Fox bu�b�nd �nd �ii�
<br /> Ma . 2419 Ap�aM Rd 6r�nd I�l�nd NQ 68A01-7301
<br />.��r.;, � whos�m�llinp�dd►e�is (hereln"Tru�W►; whathar one or mwo1,
<br /> � , J . :�� �`�! the Tru�e. Fi� point� 8�nk, a Mobra�k� Cor�oration , .�__ -
<br /> 'Y , . •: ��'i-i�';"��:i d Itliu►d. NE 68l102 _
<br /> ,; :I�����... 'r�•':�; whose rtwiflln�eddrea is P.0. Box iJ07 13�'sa (herein"T�uttaa").end --
<br /> �+' �h�.,��.��� .�� ��"� the9eneticiary Five Point� Bank � ���'-'`�
<br /> , '. , , .
<br /> '�:� :���:' �•`�� NE. 68602-1307
<br />, • . .:.'::;:•�' whosa mailinp eddre�s is P.0. 8ox 1587 arand I�l�nd. _ (hereln°Lenderq. ��,:w N.-
<br /> .;�,, ; . . � .. ;. M Fox ��►;a;._.._.
<br /> • � FOR VALUABLE CONSIpERAT10N,Includkiy Lender'e extenaion o1 credit Identliled herefn t� �a�....
<br /> ..,,.'' , .
<br />�. � , �::�::;3?,=,.,r ;.,,��.: rr,*a-�•-°.:r
<br /> '� ` i Ot� �tion L Foft (hereln"Borrower",whether one or more)and the truat herein created, �� +�a_'
<br /> •�:+?7 u!,�,�•�!� • � �•'�:�1 the receipt of which Is hereby ecknowledged,Trustor hereby Irrevocably g�ants,tranafers.conveys and aesiqns to Trustee,IN __ _
<br /> � ' �', " '� TRU8T,WITH POWER OF 8ALE,for the benetit and securfty of Lendor,under and sub►ect to the terme and condlqons herelnafter�at `
<br /> _�- - ""�•:5��'r •. . forth.ihe reaf properly.dvbuibed es faNaws: —=�--.-
<br /> �;;�---
<br /> . ,`:-
<br /> Topether with ell bufldinpa,improv�mente,lixturea, �treets,alleys,pessaqeways,easements,rlphta,prlvflegea and appurte- � `�'." __
<br /> '� nance�loceled thereon or in anywise peAafninp thereto.and fhe renta,lssuea and prolits,reversfons and remelnderr Ihereol,and -.,;,;.Tr
<br /> �r�-"�AM�"� suCh pernonal property that Is etlaChed to!he Improvements so as to const�tute a Ilxture.includlnp,but not Ilm�ted to,heatfnp and '�F� ' �•��-
<br /> • coolinp equlpmeM:and toyether wdh tho home9lead or mardal�nterests,it any,which�ntereate are hereby released ond walved;all �
<br /> � of which,Includlnp replacements end odditlons thereto,fa hereby declared to be a pert ot the reol o�tato seaured by tha Ilan ot thle � ;
<br /> �• Daed of Tru4t and all of the lorepdnQ be�np relerred lo here�n as the"Property".
<br /> � ,
<br /> � • Thls Deed of Truol ahall eecure(a)Ihe payment of the principal aum end interest evidenced�y a promisaory note w cradlt • -
<br /> .v t rt t 2 , havin a maturl date ol May l8th 2007 f ''`=
<br /> � apreemeM dated !!_,..______fi2 O h' ' , �. :°'`�
<br /> •• ° in lhe orlpinel princfpal amount ot S '� � � � .and any and all modllicatione,extensiona and renewels •;�•, --
<br /> , thereof or thereto and any and all (uture edvences and readvances to Borrower�or eny ol them il more than one)hereunder ..,��;�„•;
<br />� pureuent to one or more promicsory notea or credit agreements(herein called"Note");(b)the payment ot other sums advanced by . —_
<br /> ' Lender to protect the securiry of the Note;(c)the performance ol all covenants and agreementa ol Truator set forth hereln;end(d)ell
<br /> • � present end tuture indebtedness and oblfflatfons of Borrawer(or any ol them it more than one)to Lender whether direct,indirec� ;
<br /> , ' . � t ab�olute or cuntingent and whether arising by note,yuaranry,overdrafl or othenv�se.The Note,this Deed ol Trust and any and all
<br /> . �� �, ' other docuenffi that SeCUrg the Note or otherwfaeexecuted In connectlon iherewfth,including without Ilmftetlon guaranieea,securpy � ,....,,.;. t
<br /> � .•--
<br /> . ,. epreements end assignments of leases and renta,shall be re/erred to herein as the"Loan Instruments". . '; -r-
<br /> Trustor covenants and agrees with Lender a&tollows: •
<br /> 1. Psym�nf Of Indebtedntw.All Indebtedness secured hereby shall be pa�d when due.
<br /> 2. tltl�.7rustor Is the owner of the Property. has the right and aufhonty to convey the Property,and warrants that the Nen �
<br /> ` � creeted hereby Is a liret and prfor lien on the Property,except for liens and encumbrances set forlh by Trustor In writing end .
<br /> i. dellvered to Lender befQre executlon of this Deed ot Trust,and the executlon and delivery of this Oeed ol Trust does�ot violate any
<br /> contruct or other oblfgation to which Truator �s subJect.
<br /> 3. Ta���.Au�um�nb.To pay before dellnquency au taxes,special assessments and all other charfles aqamst the Property �
<br /> now Or hereafler levied. •
<br /> 4. In�uronoe.To keep iho Property msured aga�nst damage by fire,hazards�ncluded withm the term"extended coverage".and
<br /> • such olher hazerds as Lender muy requue,in amounis and wdh compan�as acceptable to lunder,nammg Lander as on addibonal
<br /> � nemed ineu►od,with loss payable to the lender.In cese of loss under suCh policies,the Lender Is authorlied to ad�uat,collect and
<br /> ,. Compromise,all Clelms theteunder end shall have the optlon o}applyfng all or part of the msurance proceeds(�)lo any Indebtedness
<br /> seCUred hereby nnd in such order us Lender may determine,(�Q lo ihe Trustor to be used lor the repair or restoration ot the Properly
<br /> or Qif)lor any other purpose or ob)ect satlslactory to Lender wlthout affecting the I�en of th�a Deed of Truat tor the full amount aecured
<br /> ' hereby belOre euCh peyment ever took plaCe.Any appllcaUon of proceeds to�ndebtedness shell not extend or pOStpone the due
<br /> dato of any payments under the Note,or cure any delault thereunder or hereunder.
<br /> a e....wW i innn wr�nwn dwmand bv Lender.Trustor shali pay to Lender,in such manner as Lender may designate.suHicfent
<br /> ^ ' sume to eneble Lender to pay as they become due one or more of the lollowing:(I)all taxes,essessments and other charges agamst
<br /> the Properly.(II)ihe premwma on the property msurance required he�eunder,and(dl�the premwms on any mortpaye�naurence
<br /> rQqulred by Lender.
<br /> 8. Ml�int�n�ne�,R�paln and Compllanc�wNA law�. Trustor shall keep ihe Prpperry �n good conddion end repeu;shell
<br />'� � promplly repalr, or replece any Impravement which map be damaged or destroyed; shall not commit or permit any waste or
<br />� � deterlOretlOn of the Property;bhell not remove,dem0lish or substentielly elter any ol the�mprovements on Ihe Property. shell not
<br />� � commit,eulfer or permit any aCt to be done in or upon the Property in violatlon of any law,ordinance.or regulat�on:and ahall pay and
<br />� '� � • promptly dlacharge at TruatOr's cost and expense all liens,encumbrances antl cnarges levied.impoaed or assessed against the
<br /> Properly or eny part thereof.
<br /> � 7. Emin�nl DOmdrl.Lender is hereby assigned ali compensatlon,awards.damages and other payments or rel�el(hereinafler
<br /> 'Proceeds")fn connection wlth condemnatlon or other taking of the Property or part thereof,or lor cunveyance In Ileu of condemna-
<br /> • tlon.Lender shell be entitled at ita optlon to commence,appear In and prosecute In�ts own name nny action or proceedings,and
<br /> � � ghell alao be entftled lo make any compromise or setllement In conneCtlon w�th such 18king or damage.In the event any portion of
<br /> - NIIC 1�611Honpnediuql DNtlI f1w 10•S!
<br /> O 1N/N�ta�tl B�N ol Camm�rn Truu�nd S�r��p�Assuutl�on L+icutn NWr�Y�
<br /> ' � _. _ ___ ��' __ _..___— .. _ .
<br />