. ..._ �,.� . . .. . .. . . . . ... . . . _ _ _
<br /> ,. . .. .
<br /> r,
<br /> t . � . . ' - . . . � ' . . ., � , . • � .
<br /> :i-, . _ • . . . ' , �� .. . Y . . . . . «" . •_U •. ; + _; _ � s,'_
<br /> ` . . �,, . . ,rw�..i... , _� _ l:a..-_ � c;
<br /> .-�...cr _ — '�+4c': t .
<br /> ��K�
<br /> � i�x�.
<br /> � ,� E�__��'"
<br /> � �liT�l all th:' vem�nts na�v or itet�aftea erectzd on t3ie pm�Ry.aitJ a1!�e�ts.�p��in�s�e�d t�';.,;=:j.
<br /> F.'�, TOi7ETi�ER �F� !`�<�.,m;�,-`�
<br /> futrar�s now ar hereafter a part of the PropeetY. AU replacements un� eddidons sbaq rtlso be oo�cred by this S�urity
<br /> Iastrutnent.All of the for�oins is�f.^.rred to in this Sea►rity insYnun2n4 us the'Froper¢y•"
<br /> i��
<br /> gpg�p�IEg CpVENpN'fS that Sorrawer is taw6ally seiscd of thg estnie herebp conveyed an�hus the right to graat und �w�::
<br /> . convey the F�opsrt�r and that the Pra3reriy is uaBnsum6erod.except for er.c�nbranscs of r�orA. 8orrower wnmants an�wili ���r:
<br /> a�
<br />. defend generatdy ttre titic to the Pre�erdy ugainst 311 etaims and derrn�sids.subjec�to any encumbramces of rerord. �u..._.•:
<br /> ;—:__--
<br /> Ti1IS S�URITY�iS'SRUN4ENT ooanbines uniforn►cavenants fos national use and non-uniform covenants with limitsd !�._U:�
<br /> ��'G variaticns bgr jurisdiciinn to cunstitttte a uniforan s�curity instntment soverinII real P�''��rtY• !�,_..,.:_�-•
<br /> UN1FO�tM COV�IAA3'i'S.B�mower�nd i�nder rnlennnt and a�te as foltov�s: �=.:-�
<br />�� l. �`a��eu8 oi Priadpai nnd ta4ea'�t: PregaSrecenE when due the ;
<br /> and L3tA Ct�es- Borra�r+rer sh�ll prom.ptlY P�Y ,��`.'
<br /> ` ent and late ci�arg�es due under the Note. I�...�...`'::
<br /> priaci�a4 of s�d iiusrest on th�dd�t e�idenad by the Note ar�d anY Pre�3►�
<br /> 2. �ads for T�seg und I�ra�.5�51�to applica0�c law or w a written�+aiver by Lender. Bormwer shall pay to , �.r;<<
<br /> ts due under the Note.uatil the 1�Iate is paid in fidll.a sma("Funds")for.(a)yeaziy taaces ��'
<br /> Leuder on the day mouthlY PaYa�n � �
<br /> �a��Rru�,�which may aitain�rioriry ovee ehis Secr�rity Instrna�ent as a liet►on the Fmperty:(b)Year1Y teaselioYd payments .���.
<br /> or grouad c�euts on ehe�raperc�►.if any;(c)Year1Y I�a�d or property insuiance pr�auums;(d)YeariY Qoo�ins�asnse premiums. -_-
<br /> siwrtk-r
<br /> _ if any;(e)Yeariy mortgage insinance premiums, if any:and(f1 any sums paya6le By Eorro�ver to Lender. in ucoardance with ��:,-,-
<br /> n
<br /> the provisions of paza�nph 8,in tieu af the payment of martgage insuiance pramiums.These itr,ms are calted`Fscro�v iteuLS." '�.�=_
<br /> .� :�;`::
<br /> _�J.t� I.render may. ai any tcn�.collect and E�otd Funils in an amouat nn€ta exceed the ma�cimum amoant a lender fm a fede�ally
<br /> :;,_, related mortgage fuan may�equire for Barrawer's escraw aocoant uader the federa!iteal Fstate Seidemeat Pmoednres Act uf �n�_.�_�.
<br /> " l97d as ame���e��, 12 Li.S.C.Section 2fi01 et seq.("ItTcSPA"},usiless aaother law that applies ta the Funds -..:.
<br /> ��:.r� ' '`.:s..::
<br /> ' sets a lesser amnuut. �''t sa. �.�#�r�Y.at aBy �me, wllect and hotd Funds in an amount not w exceed the lesser amnun� : .�:;��:
<br /> 'V ` Lender may �e t��:.,�ram:s;f Fauds dae on t[�e basis of currem daia and reasonable estnnates of expeuditurzs of fuiure } ���;
<br /> '�'�,, _` . Eserow Items or at�virlr�ia a�a�witi�agpficable Iaw. • ---
<br /> r '�°°";
<br /> The Fuuds �st�'�i:�',�si�fs an institution:vihose de�osi4s ate insuned by a federal agencY• instnimentaliry. or eatity.' . ' - F
<br />_ �y`�
<br /> � . (including Leridec,t�'iLrs's�ser is s�ch ar�insqact�s;or in any k'ederal Home I.oan Bank.lander shall agply ehe Funds to psy thp. _ . F�:.�,:
<br /> c
<br /> Fscra�IteaFS.t�er may not eTrarge Bonow�for hoiding and a�pl�ting the Fuads.a n n u a i ly a n a lya ng t h e e s c r ocv�coonnt,ot �;
<br /> verifying the�scc�:v Items,anless Lender p�rs.Borrower intemst on the Funds and applicabte law germits I.ender e�n masce such
<br /> •� �'
<br /> a charge.Hewev�:.fiunder may require Boraa�uer to pay a ona-time c h a r ge for an i n d e p endent real estate tax reporting sepvice
<br /> used ify Lendex �.r•,runnectiou arith this loan. unless applicable laiv pmvides atP�erwise. Llntess an agrcement Is mads os. 1�4;`_•
<br /> apP�te faw reqaires int�t to he paid.Lender shall not be required to pay Sorrawet auy intezest or ear�ings on thx Funds. _-.;_�.
<br /> . Bum�N�and Lender may agn:�t�in.writing,however.thnt interest shsill be paid on the Fauds.I.ender shnll give na Bnrrower, f ,�
<br /> of the Funds.shawiss c�crdits and debits to the Funds and the pur(wse for•.r�sls�.,�t �`,.'-
<br /> witl�,�1�:�charge an annual2m�urt3it� � _=;::="
<br /> dx�iY tu the�unds was made.i F��'»vads are�Ie¢ged as additional seauity for all sams sr�,aued by ttus Securiry Ir�ii�cqtt�:`'�:: � --
<br /> - ��� . If th�FnQ�s iiel�t by i.encler exc,e2d the urn�asts pErmittc�to ba held by applicable law.Lmder sit:ttl.aeaount'�:i,B��r.'�vp,- .,_;+' . _.--,
<br /> .v,,,,- �' :
<br /> ,•`,�• :, .� f�r t�►s excess Fvctds in aocarda�ice w�th the rs��emeats of s►pplirabie law.[f the amount of the�u�s�3r:id by Ls�i�dee a�.a„y� .;::,: r�.-.
<br /> t�ti4 irs�r,ot�vfFicieat ta pay th��°�`'xow Items when dae.LGrn�rr may so notify Sorrnwer in cvriting,and,in snch�+a$orrower � _
<br /> ' spia3;�S�to a.eader tlre ama�aaE:'�rs�essan►w make up che+�i•.t'�iency.Borrower shal!mske up the deficiency.in rsn5 ro�re thau
<br /> ` tFrelve a{ont�i�g�+,,�r�ts.at�er's soie diceretion. • ,
<br /> cr
<br /> ., �, y .
<br /> � T • uPon Pay�nsV.�;x full af all sums sxure� by this Security ins3rument, i.ender sha![ pmtttptly refund ta Sorirn'ver aay, .'•
<br /> r� Fuad�.d�eld by Let�er.If,umder paragraph 21.Lender shall acquire or seU the property.LeMer,Pr��A-tr�the acquisidorl or sa[er : .
<br /> aE ttj���rapert5'•sf�all apply am+,Fands held by Lender at Qr;t c�me of acquisitian or sals as a credit against the sums�secun�ci Iap � } �n� ,
<br /> �. tl�is�ecurih►Iastruntent. �• � =
<br /> � 3.Agplk�blon of�uy��.'s.Unkss appt�cabf e law�s:des oth2ravise.aIt paymz�hi r�ceived by I.eeder ander paragrapim :�,' -- ,
<br /> ;``=+'.`{`;?.' 1 and 2 shall be appliod:first,ta aaY Piepavti�.>char�es�due undet the tVote;secdiad.tc�:u�urEts�i�Z'able ander pataPaPh 2:. : , r,�_
<br /> ; .�..,. �. ..._
<br /> �• thiid.to iate4�st due;fowth,to princapal due;'r�ui tast,ts�assy late chargea�e under the Note. • __-
<br /> '.':;A.G6s�r�es;Ide�s.Borrawer st�all pay all taxes.�qti�.�stmants,charg�.fine3 ancf lmpositioas.arsibutable fo the Prap�er�Y, ';' _
<br /> � �'�� �� � D Y�� � ' _.
<br /> whi�,may attuia priarity over this Serurity Inswmeut;tttr�t teaseholcl a or �.und rents,if acry. Borcower shalt pay �.
<br /> .} thes�'obligatiuns.i�the manner pmvided in parag�aph 2.tir•:'Inot paid in thax�et.�otcawer sI�all pay them an time dir�ctIy� �
<br /> �' .'+'�+ to the person ou;i����t.Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender sill nQSices of amounts to be ptad under this pflrasraph. .:,,. �.:._
<br /> . � • � If Bo�'eower ma�tt��ese paymeais directly.Borcower shall proarpt�Y funzish to Lender r�cgipta evidencing tho paymems. ' � . ��_..
<br /> " ;:;'i�.,oaower sha�l prompdy,�.chatge any lien wtuch has priority over tlus Seeurity,Instrument nnless Boteower:(a)agrees i� �, t•
<br /> wr.iss�ci�to the p3Yme�t of the c:Y�tSy;atlor.secured 6y the lien in a masmer acceptablo to�,,sader;(b)ooatests in good faith tiie lien .��t�,
<br /> 6y,`:,�7�defends againsL enfat�.+nrs�i�af th� l:en in. legal proccedings which in thn L`�..rdet's opinioa aperate to prevent the �;,;,�-
<br /> �'-��� enf�rcement of tIu:tien;or(c)�+�.:�ses fracn•t��[�older of the lien an egree►nen3 satisfactory to Lender subordinating the liea to _ V
<br /> thi9�i:rity In.�trnu�u.If�.c.�fit�r detercifccc�t�zat any part of�.he Prnperty is subjeet w a lien whic�may attain prtority over
<br /> Bii�S�e:LSi2y tns�.�eent.t.en�rx maY give Borro�ver a notice identifying the lien.Borrower shull s�iisfyr the lien or tatce oae or
<br /> m
<br /> tn�r�r�G the actions set foith above within 10 days of ti��%�si�g of not�ce. �
<br /> ., Fcr�;3028 9f90 �-`
<br /> � �spe 2 ot 8
<br /> � . ' `, �. �f,�,':
<br /> .. • rr.....:
<br /> ���:..
<br /> • ,:�:t.��--
<br /> 'C � ' �-t•� ;�I"`;�t:�.�.� . . . • . . . . , , . � ' ' . - .
<br /> � - � . . � ''l�t`i;�i" . � . . . . • .
<br /> . . . ,rr ..•j . . • . _ •' . .
<br />. . .. -� �� - ");�1•� � , - . - � . .. . . _ � . .
<br /> � � . , � '+� �t!�}'. .. . � _�- . . - ._ �- - - - .,.. . . • ii _ , ' . . ' '
<br /> � . . , . . ... .. .. ._ _ . ' � .,t,,., -
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<br /> ..'' • ' . . 1,`i .• � .. .G :_ _ _ �•, � � . ,
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