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<br /> �� ������
<br /> 'I'�C;E�THEFt WlT�� a11 the in-�provemerdis now an c�r�after ere�t�d an ttpc property, and'all��ents, appurcen:+nces. and
<br /> fix.ures•now or hereafter a part nf el�e praperty, A11 repDacemerats and addition_+ shall also 6e cavered by thls Se��arity
<br /> In�trumcnt. �lll of the fui-egoing is referred ta in this Se�urity InstNtt�e.nt t�s tl�C "Property."
<br /> g(?�2Rp5�'���C COVENANTS that:3orrawer is law.*ully seiserl cf.he estate hcreby ccmveyeci and has che right t���rant and
<br /> canvev the Pro�rty and that the Pr��pe�ty is unencumbered;'exeept far ene.urnbr�ces of re�cord. Barrower warrants a��d wi11 �
<br /> det'ena�enerally the tit{e to the Propet�ty a�Ainst all clAims anci demands,�u�iject to any encumbrances of racard.
<br /> THI� SE�I.J}tiTY" Ir757'RUN[ENT cambincs uniform covenants Yor nacionul use arx# n�n-uniform�venants �Nitlr limitc�
<br /> varaatians bv juri:�'sdiction to constitute a uniform security insttuenent c�vtring.real property.
<br /> tJNTFC)RM�CO'4'ENANT'3. .13orrawc:r ar�d L.ender ccvenarat and agree as failows:
<br /> l. ��a}'ment of Pr'm�i�l an�! Ir�terc�st; Pr+ep�y�nent arnd l.�te Cha�es: Bc►rrower shal! pron�ptly pay whe;n due the
<br /> princi�n�e nf and interest on the debt evidencxci by ehe Nott and any pre�tiayment anc3 latc char�cs due und�'r the Note.
<br /> x. Funds Por Ta�ces and Insurance. Subject �a appl;cablc law ar to A �vritten waivdr by Lender, Borrower �.,hall pay to
<br /> Lt.nder on the day mnnthly}tayments aee�u�un�er Lh�N�ate.�nntil Ehe Note is paici iea�ull, a sum("Funds") fnr; {�)yearly taxes
<br /> �tnd as�ssments evhich may attain�rriority�ver this��curity Instrume-nt as a lien dn th°�ropercy; ln)Yearly leasehnld payments
<br /> c�r gmvnd rents on the Property, if any; (c)Year1Y ha�u-�ar pr��rty insuranc:e�rrerr�i�:ms: (d)yearly flnuci insurar�r:e premiutns,
<br /> if any; (e) yearly mortgage i�suraYlc� prcriiurr�.c, if ar.y; ttnd (f� any sums �a:tyable by Bnrrower to I.ender. in acc.�ardsnrn�with ,
<br /> the provisions af paragraph 8, in lieu nf the payment of►nartgage insurance prerrt�ume. These itcrns are cal'ted "�>croev Ytems." �
<br /> I.e:nder m�y, at any tirne, coflect a.�d hold Funds in an arr�onnt not to exoeed the r►aaxim;tm amount a lender 1�ar a f�erally
<br /> re?3t� mortgage loan may require �For Tiorrc�wer's �sc�w accounl under the federal }�e� Estate Seitlement Pr'a.edures Acc of
<br /> 19'74 as amended zrom time to tirr�, 12 U.S.C. Ssetion 2�oU3 et seq. ("RFSPA"), �niess anather f�w that ap(�lirs to tlte Funds
<br /> sets a lesser amount. if sra, Lender may, ai any time, co[lect a;�d hold Funds in an �mnunt nat to eace�i t�e lesser amount.
<br /> T�.e�der rray estirnate the amount of Funds dut: on zhe basis of r�::rent daia and re,�tsvnable cst�mates of ezpenditures of futurc
<br /> Es�row Item$�r �the�rwise in ac�ord�nce with applic�le law.
<br /> The Funds shatl be held in an instituti�n cvfrase dep�ssits are insured hy a federal agency, instn►rner..tality, or entiry
<br /> (incluc�in� Lenc�er; if J ender is suc"an insticution)or in any Fe�eral T.{om�Lt�an Sank. L.ender$hall apply the'Funds to pay the
<br /> �scrc�w•he.ms. I,�n�3er may not charge Borrower for holding and applying the Furn1s, annually analyzing the escrow acco�nt, or
<br /> verifying the c;scrow Items, unless i.;cnder pays�orrow�r interest on the I^unds and appiicable!aw permits Lender to make such
<br /> a charge. Hawever, Lender may i'ecuire 8c►rro�xer tv pa�/ a on�time charge for an in�ependent rei►1 estate tax re{��rting servirc
<br /> used by' L�nder in con�ection with this loan, unless nppli�a6le law provides ��therwise. LTnl�ss an flgrcement is made or
<br /> upplicable'law requires interest to be�aid, l..ender shall nat be :equired to pay :.arrower any interest or�arnings on the Funds.
<br /> Bdrrowex and i�;nder �may agree in writirig, howev�r, tl�.tt in�eresc sha!! be pa;d an the �undc; Lender shall give to Borrower,
<br /> without charge, an s�nrnual accauntin� of¢he Funds, shuwir� credits an�i debits to the Funds and the purpuse for which ea�h
<br /> debit te th� F'unds wa5 tti�ade. 'I'he F'unds�re plecigo�.f as ndditi�?nal se.�curity for all sunis Secured by thi�:Sexurity instn►men�.
<br /> If thc Fund� ��^_dd �y C.es',der erceec�, the.amo�,nts permitted to be held by applicable law, Lender shall accou�t to �orrnwer
<br /> for tkie exces5 Fu�xis in accc,rdance witi� the requirernenes of applicable law. Tf iise att;ount of thc Funds held by L.ender at any
<br /> tin�c is ncft suft'icient tn pa}' the Lscmw�Isems when due, F.�.nder may so nadiy 8nrrower iri wr,ting, and, in su:h case 3orrawer
<br /> shall pay to Ixnder the �rnount neePssary to make up the lie�ciency. Borrawer sha11 make up the deticiency in no more than
<br /> tw�lve monthly payments,at [.ender's sole disc:retion.
<br /> U�n payment in full of a!l sums secured by this 5ecurity Instrument, l.ender shall prom�tly refund to Bormw�:r any
<br /> �unds he.ld by L.endcr. '(f, under paragraph 21, Lendcr�f�a1l acquire or sell the Pmperty, Lx.n�er, prior to the acquisition or saie
<br /> • of the Prc�perty, shall �;sply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sales as a ereciit againsi thc sums securc�el hy
<br /> this Serurity Instrumert.
<br /> 3. :�.��licaticrn Uf Paymen�.5. Unless applicable law�rovidr.s otherwi�c, al�paym�nts received by C.ender under p�ragraphs
<br /> ! and 2 sn�ill he applicd: �rst, to �ny prepayment chargf� clue under t��e Note; secuiy��f, to ampunts payabl� under paragraph �:
<br /> th�ird, to interest due; fourth, tr, principaE clue; and last, to any late charges due under the Note.
<br /> 4. Chur�;es; Li�ns. Borrower shal� pay all taxes, assessrnents, charge.�, fie�es a.nd impc�sitions attributable to the I�roperty
<br /> wliich may attain priority over this aecuriiy Inctrum°nt. and leaseho;d payments or ground rents, it any. Borrower shall pay
<br /> Chese obligatinns in thr,mar�ncr pr�videci in paragraph 2. or if nat paid in ehat mann�.r, Burrawer shall pay them on time directly
<br /> tn the person owed payment. P.nrrs�W�er sh�l! promptly fumish to Lender all notice�,of amounts to be psid under this�ruragraph.
<br /> 9 F�Snrrower rnakes chese paymcnts directly,Borrower shall pra:nntly furnish to I.ei.�der receipts evidencing the payments.
<br /> Fiorccwcr shall promptly disckxarge any ]ien wfi�ch iia�prior�ry over this Seciurity Instrumer?t unless Borra�ver: (a)agr�es in
<br /> writing 4cr the payment of the r�bl:gation'secured by [��r_ ti�n irr a m,anner accepeab'Ic to Lender; (b)contests in good faith the lien
<br /> hy, or rae�ends ag;�inst enforcemerrt af ehe lien in, lrg�1 pmceeding� which i��the' Lender°s c�pinian aperate to prevent the
<br /> cnforcrrnen€ of t��e lien; or(c) srcure�a fron� the holdex n�'ehr lien an agreemci�t �tisfactory to Lendcr subarclinating the lien to
<br /> thiti Sccurity Instrument. lt'l.endcr detcrmi►acs thAt apiy part oF thc Pmperty is su'raj�ct tn A iicn which may nttain priariry nvcr
<br /> this Security In�trumene, [..ender may �ive Barrvwer a noticc idcntifying the lien. Barro�wer shall �ttisfy thc licn or take one nr
<br /> �rir�re �F thc aciions sct forth above�vithin 10 da)�s of thr;avins�af noticc.
<br /> � � , F�.�„�ozs siso
<br /> Fsqn 2�af ti �
<br /> i
<br /> �
<br />