`�S • . ��� ��{it►.ir� _.
<br /> c.
<br /> �`.-3 �S��J� te��a f� p����as�oa a� �h� Pre�3ses, ansd �an�s �&a13 �xQL ��
<br /> eratit�.ed �to ac�ep� �3�Q fore.gr�3.� as�ignraent og �ccupy ths
<br /> PremiBes, unless atia� irzetil Y.b.c� ccc�rc�nae of aa� eveasR o� �dc��a���.t
<br /> ur�a�eac t.�ni8 A�sS��e� a�d �� prcv�.sis�n af reotiae �ca 4:h� E�c�lo�cat -
<br />'"�:', a�� C�igf �g Sa.�I�°s �l�ec���n ta �ccspt the assi�n2aY� as se� °
<br /> 4 '� fo� i�a ��ac�c�ag�� 7 e
<br />-��� 3. i��a1b�L�itu. Baaak el�all no� Joe ob3igated to per€ar�
<br /> � _ or d�acFt�o agey a�3��etiow, duty or liability tiamder tiae ]G°ase o� _
<br /> by r�a:�8n o� �fa �s�i�usn�. in addi�ian, Ba�A: 8ha11 not be
<br /> lfa�le o$ r�s�a�ax�sf.b1� �or, � C'�aief agree� �a �.aide�ify 1�axa�c '
<br /> aa,g�i�sgt and holal �ar�h P��.1.�r�8 f�eo�i, �r►y liabil�ty, losa, darsage,
<br /> claim or d�atand aari��tc� �Ya�a o�c rQiatfng to the Y�ease or th�
<br /> " Premfses tu�3.ca�s� ca�c�d lxy Ch� negligerace ar wiliful m.i�conrduct of
<br /> . HarAk or its agents dusfnc� thd porfo� af Hax�k's tenaar��{ in t�e
<br /> F�semise:�.
<br />. - 4. R,y:����r�.�a�f.Qr��s ar�d Waa�ran�i�. �ef rQpr�en�s
<br /> a�ec� w�rasets to Sanl� a� follows:
<br /> . a. claief has provides� Ban;� �if&a a true anc�
<br />}�� �: complet2 Copy a8 t4�� Lease, toclethcr w�.�h.�nny
<br /> � a11 mor�ifica�ions of or amc�admen�s �� '�he
<br />`�i{'';:, 7i$SS3a
<br /> .;.�:•
<br /> �=��t� , .
<br />:',,�;�;� ' . . b. �ir3.�el� .�s.t�� Sol@ +ot�rter df '�ha� ett�:�e
<br /> .,,,.��, inte�e��. srf� �enaa2 �and� �� I�seo
<br /> ,;}
<br /> '.�"4.'i. . . -
<br /> . �. The Lease ie valici and enforce�le, a�d fn
<br /> fu31 forae and effect. �
<br /> � . d. There har� o�aurrad no ��aa.� oP defaia7.t iandex -
<br /> °�`'� � the Lea�� or event that �tsld con�i�ut�. �
<br /> r �: , defaul� uttdesc the Lease aftex taotiae o� �
<br /> ; .;f. . " � �r.�sagte af time, whether oa� �e �ast of Chief
<br /> '::� , . fsY� �t0 t210 b�S� OS Cb�B��9 k�[la�'F'��:�$� t218
<br /> .: ' ,j Iandlord. ..
<br /> ''`:�R.�. � 5 0 �QVena��.s,. C�ie€ covanants am� ��r� as foYlo�uo:
<br />.;��i;t��� .. .
<br /> [.jf�. �
<br /> �`.,,�� � � � a. Chfeg shall observie ant� tim�ly garfo� a1.1 0� .
<br /> ,.�',,:t.;
<br /> - . , its oblig�►tfons .un��r Y.he. �a�e.
<br /> : ...
<br /> ;�,�5:;;;�;, ; ;,,r,,;,�.. b. Chf.ef shall not modify or aiaend any terms �f .
<br /> ,.,r°•�;,'�� � ;�- �1ti��Lease wftho�t the prior written conse�t
<br /> '':�;ry��;�a`;'� - `:.` ��;'._ . .t�• l3ar�Ic. � .
<br /> � . �'s:, •
<br /> . � ,° ,��.,: � c. Chief sYiall. not cancel �� tiera�inate t�t� � .�
<br /> . lease, waive any clegaux� QP Landlor8 usr�.°� . ,
<br /> ;;.;��.<;�£.� . � . .'° the Lease, or in any manmer relea5e Lanrll�rd . .
<br /> '���:t�;�`� . � from as�y o� ft�' o�siiqatiuns �der the Lease. . ��
<br /> :ntt.� • . . .
<br /> '� ' ��� d. Chfef shail not subleaas� 1:d:� Premiaes vi��y �
<br /> � �u' � ' port3on 9:h�areof, or aLt�m�t to assiqn,��.� c�r �
<br /> , . ,
<br /> , _ :
<br /> , . — 2 — :
<br /> .: .:r .
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<br /> ,If,�h,�, . ��t,�;��b• �i4•; Rr tj`t$s,�, ,:^�.5����': '
<br /> . .. . , . . • , ••ti ����,�nf<`
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