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��„ �,q. �;• � L�F tj.:. ,iy.}c.r�"�' ''��`f�il,�irn.� � �r� ��IA�7�'�..�".......--.,...-..�...—. -. .- °----_ ._' <br /> , • h-:,.. �w.wM1r�,!r� . <br /> . �.1,i � JY�. 1-�.y3�✓*•\ � . . ._." <br /> f . " i.1�.V�jJI�'1�.ir • � . -"-___-. <br /> 11 ,�. _ <br /> •:--. <br /> • v...�t.L. , _ _� . __ . <br /> ,..� -° a�:...,y�k. ,,,,r.,. � � - - <br /> . .. .. , •'K,; • <br /> ',� �.:.; • .. <br /> :} k� . ��:� „��'�` . 92— � �'���'5 �_ <br /> .:�',;ti����; �rc�►c� <br /> ---.*,:',�'�!'.,:. . <br /> K . �x•. '• MORTCAC6 LOMi NO. H I 9 78 F H A <br /> - ,,,� <br /> ti:-..�- . <br /> " ', ' � iwowsu.M�etr'��s�rt�se�7's:'rbi Oale W. Ackermen and Merilyn E. Ackermen� eech <br /> .. ,':^°��r^-�,'':���'°ti�� �� in his and her own right. end es spouse of each other, <br /> , _` w ° - -•._�_.• Natg�gar.whether oae or oonddarativn of the sum oi �,---- -s�--. ... <br /> _ . •..�. , , ' � --------------------- -- <br /> • �eventy Three Hundred e�d no/100 --------------- -'►�ts <br /> ' • � louied/o dd aaApur bY Tbe&luitabb Bu�and An�d�tion of Crand I�nd.Neb�.Mon��ee.upon 7 3 �ham�d Rod�d ;�•-.- <br /> "�� , � , .,,�° .�a �ssoc��nori.c�nu�►� No.d I 9 7 8 F H ne�,r�r.n�. oomry wd mor�e unw�ho add ASSOCIATION We fowo*�s �k _-- <br /> . � ' . dNOrib�d rosl awte�dtwted iu HaD Couaty�Nebnd�s: � r�ar.� �.._ <br /> ��•:�, <br /> �.. ��_'• <br /> . , , .,-„ <br /> . . <br /> ,_ --- <br /> �s.-- <br /> , .. . . <br /> _..°- ---.. <br /> � • � The Southerly Forty�Four Feet (S44') of Lot Two (2) end the Northerly Twenty- ��__ _ __ <br /> '" � Th•ree Feet (N23') oF Lot Three (3) , all in Block Twelve (12) , Clav�sen Country _:__._..- __ <br /> • View Addition to the City of Grand Ialend� Hell County , Nebreske, <br /> L ._ T -- <br /> �.� <br /> ��� <br /> ,�,t,;;.«�,�,. , <br /> � , . <br /> '���.;i. .�s.j;.�e„ <br /> ;';:�,`: '!lf1.. : <br /> ; ;')4'1,�.�-'i�.i•'7. . �'+ --- <br /> � • '�1'�•'. i},. '": <br /> . �'�:�.;:�1, , ��r-�.-': <br />� � f i;y.'f�' . ' �{�Z:..__ <br /> �� • ' r:,k'Nt;l;=...�.-.. <br /> f.. ,7" ,. <br /> .��'� ' •.,s•��",. ' • to�e�her wilh ap �he tencmems�hcredi�amenl�and appuAerunxs thereunto belongin8.includi�attached floor covarinst.aM�vindaN�cram. •.;+.,.,St+`,^� _ <br />• : , � � ' , . <br /> , . •._�,,;� �vinduw shada,blinds,stonn windows,awnings,ixadng.air�bndilioning,and plumEing and water oqulpmenl and accaaoria tbento,pumq,stova, , f. <br /> . _ • �� � refriAeraton,and other Batum�nd equlpmcnl now a�hemfter sU�ched W or u�ed im m�nccUon with+aid rtal esuta F,��,_��, <br /> -'•--^,��i::;';�"-.- �. � <br /> --� .��2�:•f; ,. And wheraa thc r+W morlgagor Iw sgreed and dues heteby�grec thal the mortgagor sh�ll and wiU pay dl taxa and aawcnanb kvled or �, Cl�� �_T <br /> :��� r '. �ed upon saM pttmises and upon thi�mort�ge and Iho bond ucured lhcreby heforc the some dull bceome deUnqueM;to turNth�pproved 't��, <br /> ' � in�unncaupon the bulld'mga on said premis�sitwled in Iha sum of S 7,3 0�.00 p�y abk to crid ASSOCIATION u�d W dalivw ta nid r� l� '°- <br /> � � ' AS,SOCIA 7'I O N Ihe policie�for said insunnca;and nut to commit or permll any waete un or�b out w f 1 pre m i�e�; _ <br /> In pse of dafaWt in tho pedornunce oi any of tha terms and a�nditions uf thls martgaga or the bond xared hereby,the morts,�ee duq, �.��'=_ <br /> on demand,ba entitkd to immedlate pussoulon cif the mong�qed premises and the murtgagor hemby acsfgnt, ttanden�nd�ets over w the �:�_��,�_r,�., <br /> mortgs�ee all the rent�,revenues anJ inanme w be derived from Ihe murty�ged premiset during such time tu the mortg�e indebtedirest dull rem�in •-- - <br /> unpafd and the morlg�gee�hall have 1he powcr lu appainl any�genl at agenls il may dcsire for Ihe purpose of repairfng said premist and rcnli� _���.�_' <br /> the nme md colkcHng the mnu,revenuet and incume,and it may p�Y��ul of s�iJ incume sll expenses uf rep�king n(d prembes uid neoemry K►►�%<<; <br /> oommisBons and oxpcnscs incurred in renting and mana�ing ihc amc anJ ut rulkcung rentals IhereGom;the balanoe mm�ini�g,U my. to be ��=j==-" '" __ <br /> r �, •ppIkd toward Ihe Jlschuge of said morl�ge indebleJnest:theic righls�N lhe murt�gee moy be exerci�ed at any time duriq lht acbltnae of'wch ��:;�-_:'-:.�'� <br /> ce <br /> . defiWt.itte:pectire of any lemporary waiver of Ihc nmc. �� �r� <br /> Them Prewnu,hawever,are upon lhe CondiUun,Thal if Ihe s�id Rlorlgagnr slwll iep�y said loan un ur befom the malurity of ofd thsros by '^^`'' J`,_�� --- <br /> "� psyment;pay monthly to aW A5S0('IATION uP the sum�pecifled in the IM�nJ eecured hereby�s lntere:t�nd principil on s�id loan,on a befote ,�:?:c�-,_ <br /> the 7Vventkth diy of eacM and every monlh,until said loan n fully p�W;pay all uzes and ouassrncnts kvkd ap,�inat s�id premi�et andon Ihit Mortp�a ;`: •��is�� <br /> ' �nd lhe Bond sewrcd lheceby,befu�e Jollnquenry:tumfth nppruved inwrance up�in Ihebuildings thereun in tho wm oC S7 ,30 0. 00 payable � ,-'�;�`` <br /> to nid ASSOCIATIQN;repay to sald ASSOCIATI(1N upun demand all rmmcy by N p�id for such taxes,aaos�nentt and intnranoe wlth inlerest at . u;t'"`_. <br /> the mazimum legal rate lhereon Gum drte uf paymenl oll uf which Murtgagur hereby rgrces to pay;permit no worioon wid premitet;kaep anGoomply , , _ <br /> < with�II thc agreemcnts and conditluns of 1he Bond for S 7 300.OO�hfs J�y giv�en by the�id Murtgagor to tafd ASSOClA770N,and oomply � : .a,�.°Y. <br /> with a0 thc requfrementsuf thc Con:titWlon and ByLaw�u�said AS50CIATION;then these presents shall bocomo null and wid. olherwise they j._ �_--_ <br /> ihall rem�in in full fura and may bc furecbsed at Ihc uptwn uf thc miJ ASSOCIATION rfter fvilure fur three montlu to make any of�aW � �",��, <br /> . •� psymenls ur be threc months in arterrs in m�lcing said munthly payments,or to keep and Wmpty wilh 1he agreementt and coadilbntaf tild Bond; � ' <br /> uid Martgogut agrees to hiw a rcwiver appoinled forthwith m such fotcckisurc proccedfngs. r � � =r� <br /> If there fs�ny change fn uwncnhip of thc rcal cslatc morlgagcJ harefn,by s�lc ur utherwisc,than the cntire renuining indebtednea hereby i '. � <br /> �ceured ihall,at thc option of Thc Nquitable Buflding and Luan Aswciattun uf(�rand lil�nd,Nebraslw,beoume immediately due and p�yable without ; , . <br /> furiher notfa,and thc artmunt rcmainfng duc undcr safd bond,ind any uther bund for any additfund advsnat made thercunder,thaU,from lhe <br /> date of cxercise of salJ uptfon,bear intcrast nt thc m•rzimum legal rotc,and Ihis murlgagc rtuy then be fureclosed to nddy the amount due on s�W <br /> bond,anJ�ny other bnnd fnr addltlnnal advancei.lugelhcr wilh all:ums p�id hy said'f he ISyuit�ble Nuilding snd l.oan Aswc4tion c�f Cwad I�land. <br /> Nebraska for insuranx,toxesand atmssments,and abstracUngextentiun cha�ges, wilh interest Ihoreon, frum date of paymant�t the mueimum <br /> lepl rate. ' <br /> A�providcd in the&md secureJ hereby,whUc thfs murtp,�gc remains m effcct the mortg�gec nuy hereafter adwnoe�dditbrul sum�to the <br /> m�kers i�f said Bond,lhefr assigns�x successurs in interesl,whfch sums shall Ire wrthm the se�urity of thit mortg�ge the ptne at lhe fundsorig�n�Uy � . <br /> y fecurcJ lhcrehy,thc lotal amuunt of principal.�cht n��l IocxueJ��any�ink thc urigmal amuunt ot'this mortgage. <br /> . �ua�h�� 27th day���' April n.n.,iy 92 <br /> � ,eLi�{'�, l�. �f���� _ - -- <br /> � .. . . . <br /> e c e�a�-r � <br /> � ` ������'�'�'��� " � ,.•_t , � <br /> ex <br /> _. . __ . .---.----.-- , <br /> � :� � STAT�:uh nr.nKn�nA, ss On this L%th Jay�if HpTil ►y �� ,�fure me� <br /> � COUNTY ON I IALL� <br /> the unders�Rned,a,Nu�ary I'ublic in and fur sa�J Cuunty, parsorully camo <br /> . ' � Dale W. Ackermen anri Marilyn E . Ackerman, each in his and her own right , and <br /> as spouse of each other W�are pawn��lylmownto <br /> � me to be the identipl perwn S whose name s a r e afflxcd lu the�twvc instrument as munppgor S �d t h e y y���y <br /> aeknowledged the a�id in:lrument to be t h e 1 T vuluntary acl anJ Jecd. <br /> � WI'1'NI•S5 my h�nd and N�HUUI Scal thr d�ic afores�i�i. ( <br /> My Commissiun cxpires � ,� t / � <br /> ,'�,. � , <br /> �,:.z;i CErEAK MOTARySy0101 MIOr�b --- -- Notary PuA' c�- <br /> , ,, i�azr x� DIWIDF OOHMflN , <br /> } Mr Coina�.E�D.Atn,t.1892 � <br /> i <br /> . ��, <br />