<br />Tl�at I, Theresa M. Garrett, have made, constituted and appointed, and by these presents do
<br />make, constitute and appoint Michael W. Garrett, as my true and lawful attorney far rn� and in my
<br />name, place and stead, and on zny behalf, subject to the provisions of 1'aragraph 18 her�of, to do and
<br />execute all or any of the :Following acts, deeds and things. My attorney-in-fact shall have the
<br />following powers:
<br />l. To Receive Debts Pa ments and Pro e. Ta ask, demand, sue for, recover azid
<br />receive all sums of money, debts, dues, goods, wares, mez'chandise, chattels, effects and things of
<br />�vvhatsoever nature or description which now are or hereafter shall be or becorzle due, owing, payable,
<br />or belongi��� to me in or by any ri�ht, title, ways or means howsoever, and upon receipt thereof, or
<br />af any part thereof, to malce, sign, execute and deliver such. receipts, releases or other dischar�es for
<br />the sarne respectively as my said attorney shall deem advisable.
<br />2, To SetCle Accounts. To settle any account or reciconing whatsoever vvherein I now
<br />am or at any time hereafter shall be in any way interested or concerned with any person whomsoever,
<br />and to pay or receive the bala.nce thereof as the case may require.
<br />3. To Satisfv Securitv Interests and Mortga�s. To receive every sum of nnoney which
<br />now is or hereafter shall be du� or belonging to ixae upon the security or by virtue of any security
<br />interest or agreenl�nt, or mort�;age, and on receipt of the full amount secured thereby to execute a
<br />good and sufficient release or other discharge of such security interest, or martgage by deed or
<br />otherwise.
<br />4. To Com�„ound, Submit to Arbitration, az' Otherwise Settle or Ad�ust Differezlces. To
<br />compound with or make allowances to any person for or in respect to ariy debt or dexnand
<br />whatsaever which now is or sk�all at any time herea�ter become due and payable to me, or by me, ar
<br />upon my account, and to take and receive, or to pay and dzscharge (as the case may be), any
<br />composition or divid�nd thereof or thereupon, and to give or receive releases oz other• discJaarges for
<br />the whole of such debts or den�ands, or to settle, coznprnmise, o� subrnit to arbitration every such
<br />debt oz demand and every other right, matter, and thing due to or concerning me as my attarney sl�all
<br />thinlc best, and for that purpose to enter into and execute and deliver such bonds of arbit�ation or
<br />other instruments as n�y attorney znay deem advisable in the premises.
<br />5. To Prosecute and Defend. To commence, pz discontinue, or defend ail
<br />actions ox other legal proceedings touching zny estate or any part thereo�, or touching any rnatter in
<br />which I or my estate may be in an.y way concerned.
<br />6. To Mana�e Real Estate. To enter into and upon al] and singular my real estate, a��d
<br />to let, manage, azld �mprove tl�e same or any part thereof, and to repair or otl�erwise im.prove, alter,
<br />1
<br />