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<br />TI1N-RIUW, ound Alum- Cap di
<br />SurveyQr's Certlflcate �
<br />l liereby cerlily !hal on Qclober 7, ,ZOIO, l con>p!e/ed un accurqla survey ol
<br />ASMC 5U9D1VlSlON; Hall Counly, Nebrpsko, as shown vn Ihe accampdnyJng pla/
<br />lhereo% Ihal Ihe lols, blocks, sfraels, avenues, a!leys, porks, cammons and alh�r
<br />grounds as canlpined (n sald subdlvfslon as shawn on tha accompdny/ng pla/
<br />lhareol ore well and accuralely sloked oll and marked,• Ihol Iran murkers were
<br />p/aced a/ ol! lol carners; Iho/ /he dlmenslons nl eoch /ol are as shawn on lhe
<br />plal; Ihuf ench lol bears !Is awn number, and !ha! suld survey was moda wllh
<br />re(erence lo known and recarded manumenls.
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<br />A�pro vals
<br />Submllled lo and approved by fhe Reglonal Plannlnq Cammission of Ha!l Caunly,
<br />Grand lsland, Wood Riva� pnd Ihe Vi!lages vl Aldp, Cvl<o ond Doniphan, Nebrasko.
<br />� ��d� /�
<br />Chaiiman ��� �� D � ����
<br />Approved and accepled by /he Ha!/ Counly 9oprd ol 5uperv/sors, /his �'�_
<br />dr u y o 2010.
<br />�� . � rn�� he 9�i{d � � Cou�rly Clerk �/ ' �
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<br />Legal Descr! t lon
<br />A Irac/ of lond camprlsing o parl o( /ha 5oulheas/ Quar/er (Sfi/A), o/ Secdan
<br />Twenly Seven (27), 1'ownahlp rwalva (lZ) Norlh, Rqnge Ton (!O) Wasl o/ lha 61h.
<br />P.M., ln Hall Counly, Nabrnska, more parNcularly descrlbed as lo!lows:
<br />Beglnnlnp ol Ihe norlhnnsl carner o/ sald Saulheasl Quarler (SCl/4); Ihence
<br />running soulherly an Ihe easl llne oI sald Soulheosl quo�ler (Sfl/4J, on an
<br />Assumed Beoring o/ S00'J5�17"'W, a dlslunce ol Seven Hundrad l'wen�y Nine pnd
<br />5eventy Seven Nundredlhs (129,17) /eal; lhence running N89'24'46"W, a disfance al
<br />�arly (4D.p0) laef,• fhence running N47'S0'45"W, a dlsfunce ol four Hundred flHy
<br />Slx and faur Hundredlhs (456.04f lee% lhanca running NOQ'21 b2'£, a dlslance o/
<br />�vur Hundred Twenly i'hrea ond fffly Three Hundredlhs (413.5J) /eel, !a n palnl on
<br />(he narlh llne ol su/d Soulheos/ quarler (Sfi/4),• Ihence running 589'5I40"E, an
<br />fhe narlh line ol sald Soulheusl Quurle� (SE"l/4), o dlslanca of Three Hundred
<br />Eighly Two and N(nely £ighl Hundredlhs (3B2.98) leal, lo lhe poinl o/ baglnning
<br />pnd confalning 5.19A acres mora or lass.
<br />Dadlcatlon
<br />KNOW AL[ MEN BY THfSf PRL'SfNrS, Ihu! AUIJRfY RAUfRT, an unremorried wrdaw
<br />baing lhe awnar of lhe lund descrlbed hereon, has cdused sdme l0 6e surveyed,
<br />subdlv/ded, plpded vnd des/�noled as ASMC 5UBtllV15/ON: Ma/I Counly, Nebraaka,
<br />as shown on lhe occompanying plol Iharaof, ond daes hereby dadlcafa lha rood
<br />rlghl al way us shown Ihereon la !ha pu6llc /or lhelr use (oravor ond lhe
<br />aosemen/s, !/ qny, as ahawn /hereon /or /he lvca//on, canslrucllon and
<br />mpinfanqnce ol publlc servlce ulUlfles Iaaver, lo�elher wilh Ihe rlghl ol ingress
<br />ond egress Ihereio, and hereby prahlbl//ng /he plan//ng o/ /rses, bushes anJ
<br />shrubs, or placlnq o/her obs/ruc/lans upon, ovar, along or undarnep/h Ihe surloce
<br />ol such easemenls; and fhal 1he foregoing subdlvlslon us more parllcularly
<br />descrl6ed fn /he descrlpllon hereon as appevrs on /hJs p/al Is made wlfh Ihe Irae
<br />consenl and In accordance wllh Ihe daslres ol Ihe underslgned owner and
<br />proprla/or.
<br />/N W/TNfSS WNf�fOF / hava a//lxed my slgnalure herelo a/ Crand Island,
<br />Nebraska, fhls 2d ^ day al��_, 2010.
<br />ray aua � un r�emarr e w ow
<br />Acknowled emant
<br />Slute Ol Nebrasko ss
<br />Counly Ol Ha!l /
<br />On Ihe,��day ol (ac�b�i , 20/0, he/are me +� tc /� tCcy-
<br />a Nolnry Publlc wilhin and 1or sald Caunly, persono!ly appearad AUOREY RAUERT,
<br />an unremarrled w/dow, lo me peisona!/y known /o be /ha ldenlicol persan whose
<br />slgnolure is o1/lxed herefa, and fhu! she dld acknowledge fhe execullan lhereol la
<br />be her valun�ary acl and dsed.
<br />lN W11'NE55 WN£RfOF, l havo hereunlo subscrlbed my name and alllxed my
<br />ol/Icial seo! al Grond lsland, Nabruska, an lhe dola lasl abave wrlllen,
<br />My camml5slpn exp(res�[�r�en�.�J3�a�•!- .
<br />� OW'ILO.BOp EXF��F1
<br />� . � ,(W�11.t019
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<br />o ary C �
<br />Appr d ond acceplad by /he Cily ol Grqnd /s/pnd, Nabraska, !h!s_Jr�
<br />dvy af �_ m�nr . ZOlO.
<br />c � or `� y er
<br />�$6q�� \qfQadNpist �
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